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stardog file cat


Concatenate and print RDF files in desired format


stardog file cat [ {-f | --format} <rdf format> ] [--] <inputFile>...


Name, shorthand Description
-f <rdf format>, --format <rdf format> RDF Format for the output. The supported formats are NTRIPLES, RDF/XML, TURTLE, PRETTY_TURTLE, TRIG, TRIX, N3, NQUADS, JSONLD. By default output files will have the same format as the first input file.
-- This option can be used to separate command-line options from the list of argument(s). (Useful when an argument might be mistaken for a command-line option)
<inputFile> Input files to concatenate.


Concatenate input files and output in Turtle format.

    $ stardog file cat input1.ttl input2.nt input3.rdf

Concatenate input files and output in RDF/XML format.

    $ stardog file cat -f rdf/xml input1.ttl input2.nt input3.rdf

Concatenate input files and output in gzipped Turtle format.

    $ stardog file cat -f rdf/xml input1.ttl.gz input2.ttl.gz > output.ttl.gz