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Browser-based Studio

This page discusses accessing and using Stardog Studio in your browser.

Page Contents
  1. Overview
  2. Using Stardog Studio in the browser via Docker
    1. Upgrading Studio via Docker


Stardog Studio is available in the browser at and is supported for the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome (v69 and v77, respectively, as of this writing).

In-browser functionality is almost identical to the Desktop version aside from a few differences:

  • Keyboard shortcuts that exist in the browser (e.g. cmd+o) will act on the browser. Those that don’t (e.g. cmd+E) will work as they do in the desktop version of Studio.
  • Saving or running to a file will only prompt you to choose a location for the file if your browser preferences for downloaded files are set to require a prompt; otherwise, the file will automatically be written to your browser’s downloaded files location
  • You cannot save workspace tabs to your filesystem - note that cmd+s will be captured by the browser to save the browser tab. You can drag a file into Studio to load it but you cannot save it back to that original file.
  • Because the application menu is for the entire browser, there is no equivalent to Studio-specific menus like File that are in the Desktop version. Most of the operations are available via keyboard shortcuts or in the UI.
  • Since certain keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Cmd/Ctrl+, to open preferences) are reserved by modern browsers, the shortcuts in the browser version of Studio typically differ from those in the desktop version with respect to the ‘modifier’ key (Ctrl, Alt, Cmd). For example, on Windows, Ctrl + , in the desktop version of Studio becomes Alt + , in the browser version, and on Mac, Cmd + , in the desktop version of Studio becomes Ctrl + , in the browser version.
  • To authenticate using Kerberos, both the Stardog server and your browser must be correctly configured. Check out the detailed documentation on how.

No data is sent to our servers when you use the browser version of Studio. Requests are instead sent directly from your browser to the Stardog endpoint that you specify in the connection dialog, without any intermediary. (To illustrate the point: after loading, you could theoretically disconnect from the internet and still use Studio in the browser to interact with your Stardog endpoint. Aside from some telemetry data, nothing is sent from your browser to any server other than your Stardog endpoint while using Studio in the browser.) If your Stardog server is running with SSL enabled, you can use so that all information between your server and Studio is also encrypted.

Note that all in-browser versions of Studio (both at and in Docker) store user data (e.g. saved connections, query history, open workspace tabs) in your browser’s localStorage, so you must use the same browser to access your persisted user data.

Using Stardog Studio in the browser via Docker

If you want to run Studio in the browser yourself, it is distributed in a pre-configured Docker image via DockerHub. Before you get started, you should get Docker if you don’t already have it installed and select a port on your local machine for Studio to be available on in your browser (the steps below use port number 8888; make sure to substitute whatever number you’re going to use, if it’s a different one).

To get the latest version of in-browser Studio, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a command line terminal

  2. Enter the following:

    docker pull stardog/stardog-studio:current
  3. Once the command in step 2 completes, enter

    docker run --name=stardog-studio -p 8888:8080 -d stardog/stardog-studio:current
    • Note the first number, the one before the : in the -p 8888:8080 argument, is the port Studio will run on locally. This can be any port number you choose, but note that in later steps, we’re assuming 8888
    • The --name=stardog-studio argument names the container as “stardog-studio” so that you can easily reference it later; you could choose another name here, if you’d like.
  4. When the command in step 3 completes successfully, you should see a long string ID printed out in the terminal – this is the ID of the running Docker container; you can ignore it for present purposes. You can now access Studio in your browser by going to http://localhost:8888, again, substituting whatever port number you chose.

At this point, you can stop and start the container whenever you need it, running docker stop stardog-studio and docker start stardog-studio, respectively (using whatever name you provided in step 3, above). The Docker Daemon and the Studio container must be running to access in-browser Studio. If Studio is not accessible please remember to start Docker, as it may not start automatically on startup.

Upgrading Studio via Docker

To upgrade the in-browser version of Stardog Studio running via Docker, simply open a terminal and run:

docker stop stardog-studio && docker rm stardog-studio

Again, using whatever name you provided in step 3, above. Then, repeat steps 2 through 4, above.

In-browser Studio stores user data (e.g. saved connections, query history, open workspace tabs) in your browser’s localStorage, so you must use the same browser to access your persisted user data.