Interface QueryManager

  • public interface QueryManager
    Provides basic query management functions such as listing all the running queries and killing a running query on-demand.
    Evren Sirin
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String NO_ID
      Constant to indicate that the query has no client-specified ID, the server will auto-assign.
    • Field Detail

      • NO_ID

        static final java.lang.String NO_ID
        Constant to indicate that the query has no client-specified ID, the server will auto-assign.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getAllQueries

        java.util.Collection<QueryInfo> getAllQueries()
                                               throws StardogException
        Returns a list of all the running queries. Super users are allowed to see all the running queries but regular users can only see the queries they are executing. The result will be empty (not null) if there are no running queries.
      • getQuery

        QueryInfo getQuery​(java.lang.String theID)
                    throws StardogException
        Returns info for a running query with the given ID. Super users are allowed to see all the running queries but regular users can only see the queries they are executing. If the current user is not allowed to see the query with the given ID a security exception will be thrown.
      • killQuery

        void killQuery​(java.lang.String theID)
                throws StardogException
        Kills the running query identified by the given ID. Super users are allowed to see kill any running query but regular users can only kill the queries they are executing.
        StardogException - if there is no running query with the given ID, the authenticated user does not have permission to kill the query, or or an error occurs trying to kill the query