All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAdminConnection |
AbstractAutoDisposable |
AbstractConnectionConfiguration<T> |
AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter |
AbstractEntityRDFExtractor |
AbstractFunction |
Abstract stub implementation of a Function.
AbstractICVConnection |
Abstract base implementation for a SNARL API Connection which supports ICV.
AbstractLongIterator |
A skeleton implementation of LongIterator allowing subclasses to
concentrate of computing next elements.
AbstractQueryResultHandler<T> |
AbstractRDFHandler |
Base implementation of an RDFHandler which provides no-op implementations for all of the methods
except handling of statements
AbstractReasoningConnection |
AbstractSkippingIterator<T> |
AbstractSkippingLongIterator |
AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter<T> |
AbstractSPARQLXMLWriter<T> |
ActionType |
Enumeration containing all action types that can be used in permissions
ActiveResources |
Adder |
Interface for adding RDF to a Stardog database via a connection .
AdminConnection |
A connection to the Stardog DBMS allowing access to the administrative functions provided by Stardog.
AdminConnectionConfiguration |
AdminConnectionView<Input extends AdminConnection,Output extends AdminConnection> |
Aggregate |
A Function which computes an aggregated value over a
group of solutions during query execution.
AlphaNumericComparator<T> |
This is a comparator to perform a mix of alphabetical+numeric comparison.
Annotated |
Object that contains a key value interface for annotations
ApachePoolConfig<T> |
Abstract base class for instantiating a pool backed by Apache Pool.
ApachePoolImpl<T> |
Pool implementation using an Apache object pool
ArbitrarySortedMapComparator<K extends java.lang.Comparable<? super K>,V extends java.lang.Comparable<? super V>> |
Comparator to order sorted maps.
ArrayIterable<T> |
Adapter class for using an Array as an Iterable, particularly, for allowing parts of an array to be the iterable.
ArrayIterator<T> |
Class which adapts an array of objects to the Iterator interface, particularly to allow sub-arrays to be iterated over.
ArrayLiteral |
Literal consisting of an array of Stardog IDs
ArrayUtil |
Utility methods for ASCII character checking.
AsyncGraphQueryResult |
A GraphQueryResult which asynchronously parses the result set from an input stream.
AsyncSelectQueryResult |
AtomicState<S extends java.lang.Enum<S>> |
AutoCloser |
This class is an equivalent of Guava's Closer , that supports AutoCloseable s.
AutoDisposable |
A special kind of Disposable that keeps track of references to it and disposes the
object automatically when there are no references left.
Axiom |
An OWL Axiom
Axiom.ClassExpression |
An expression about a class
Axiom.Datatype |
A datatype expression
Axiom.NamedDatatype |
A named datatype expression
Axiom.PropertyExpression |
An expression about a property
Axioms |
Axioms.Datatypes |
Class which represents the various different datatypes
Axioms.ExpressionList<T extends Axiom> |
Expression which represents an rdf:List of other expressions.
Axioms.Facet |
Axioms.FacetRestriction |
A restriction on a facet of a datatype.
Axioms.RestrictedDatatype |
A user-defined datatype which has facet restrictions placed on its value
BasicMentionExtractor |
Extract basic mentions of named entities
BasicMentionExtractorFactory |
BatchingIterator<T> |
An iterator which batches elements of the underlying iterator.
BCP47LanguageHandler |
A language handler that can verify BCP47 formatted language tags.
BidirectionalIterator<T> |
An Iterator which can iterate back to previous elements.
BidirectionalIterators |
Utility class for bidirectional iterators.
BigArrayList<T> |
Simple implementation of a list that can have more than Integer.MAX_VALUE values.
BiLongPredicate |
A boolean predicate over tuples of two longs.
BiLongPredicate.BiLongFunction<T> |
BiLongPredicate.StatefulBiLongPredicate |
BinaryQueryResultConstants |
Interface defining constants for the binary table result format.
BinaryRDFConstants |
Constants for Binary RDF
BinaryRDFParser |
BinaryRDFWriter |
Writer for RDF in a binary format
BinaryRDFWriter.BinaryRDFWriterFactory |
BinarySelectQueryResultParser |
BinarySelectQueryResultWriter |
BinarySelectQueryResultWriter.BinarySelectQueryResultWriterFactory |
Binding |
Bindings |
BindingSet |
A set of query result bindings
BindingSetIterator |
Iteration over a BindingSet elements
BindingSets |
BindingSets.Builder |
BitesConnection |
A connection to a document store within a Stardog database.
BitesOptions |
Configuration options for Stardog's BITES subsystem
Bits |
Utility class for manipulating bits.
BlockingThreadPoolExecutor |
ThreadPoolExecutor which has a limited number of outstanding permits for executing tasks and when there
are no more permits left, new tasks will block waiting for a permit to free up instead of throwing
an exception.
BlockingThreadPoolExecutor.ExceptionHandler |
BlockingThreadPoolExecutor.SilentExceptionHandler |
BNode |
A Blank Node, aka BNode, in an RDF graph.
Bool |
Three-valued (true, false, unknown) boolean type.
BooleanQuery |
A boolean (ASK) SPARQL query.
BooleanQuery |
A query over a semantic graph whose results are a single `boolean`
value .
BooleanQueryResult |
Result of a `boolean` query.
BooleanQueryResultHandler |
BooleanQueryResultParser |
BooleanQueryResultWriter |
BoundedBuffer<T> |
Adapted from the example in Java Concurrency in Practice to add new methods like pause, resume, size, and uninterruptibles.
BufferList<T> |
BufferLists |
ByteBuffers |
CancelCheck |
Cancellable |
Interface for classes supporting cancellable computation.
CancellationManager |
This is general abstraction to make 5 main functions:
1) Create cancellation point for specific database;
Locks global mutex in readLock mode; Locks database-related mutex in readLock mode;
2) Execute exclusive database operation for specific database;
Locks global mutex in readLock mode; Locks database-related mutex in writeLock mode;
So it is impossible to create new cancellation point or to execute critical section while this lock is acquired;
3) Unregister cancellation point;
Does not have locks with other operations;
4) Cancel cancellation points;
Does not have locks with other operations;
5) Dispose cancellation manager (for all databases);
Locks global mutex in write lock mode; It will be impossible to run all parallel methods during dispose;
CancellationManager.CheckedFunction<T,R> |
Callable which may throw an exception.
CancellationPoint |
Interface for cancellation points;
We create cancellation point in one place and have a contract that we don't dispose system or don't drop database while the point is active and
CancellationUtil |
Utility methods for monitoring and cancellation of abstract processes.
CandidateGenerator |
CandidateMention |
CandidateSelector |
Selects which ranks are worth saving in the database
CarrotUtil |
Collection of utility methods for working with the Carrot Labs HPPC API
Change<E extends java.lang.Enum & ChangeType,T> |
Class which represents a logical change to a resource.
ChangeList<E extends java.lang.Enum & ChangeType,T> |
An ordered list of changes to some resource.
ChangeType |
Channels2 |
ClassServiceLoader |
A simplified version of the ServiceLoader in the JDK.
Clock |
CloseableIterator<T> |
An Iterator which can be closed .
CloseableIterator.AbstractCloseableIterator<T> |
CloseableIterator.DelegatingCloseableIterator<T> |
CloseableIterator.EmptyCloseableIterator<T> |
CloseableLongIterator |
ClusterAdminConnection |
ClusterNodeRole |
Represents the role of a cluster node.
ClusterNodeStatus |
A convenience class to status information from many nodes
ClusterNodeType |
Represents the type of cluster node that is in use
ClusterStatusView |
Cluster status view for api response serialization/deserialization to JSON
CollectingRDFHandler<T> |
Columns |
Utility class to create different kinds of columns
CommitResult |
Represents the approximate net number of triples added or removed in a transaction.
CompressedRDFFormat |
Class to represent the format of serialized RDF that is also compressed
ComputeAdminConnection |
Connection for importing files and virtual graphs via external compute
ConfigProperty<T> |
Representation of a configuration option.
Connection |
Interface for a connection to a Stardog database.
ConnectionConfiguration |
ConnectionCredentials |
This object is used to set the authentication mechanism on Stardog HTTP connections.
ConnectionPool |
A pool of Stardog connections.
ConnectionPoolConfig |
A configuration object for creating connection pools.
ConnectionView<I extends Connection,O extends Connection> |
Interface to provide conversion of the 'view' of a connection to another type of connection.
ConstantAppendingLongIterator |
This is a union of a long iterator with a constant.
Constraint |
Interface to represent an integrity constraint.
ConstraintFactory |
Factory to simplify creating constraint objects.
ConstraintViolation<T> |
Interface to represent the violation of an integrity constraint.
ContextCopyStatementSource |
StatementSource decorator that indicates that we are copying all triples from one context to another context.
ContextFallbackStatementSource |
StatementSource decorator which will provide a context for statements that don't have a context.
ContextOverrideStatementSource |
StatementSource decorator which will override the context of the underlying source.
Contexts |
Defines constants that represent special URIs for contexts (named graphs).
ContextSets |
Defines constants for contexts (named graphs) that Stardog treats specially.
Copyable<T extends Copyable<T>> |
Interface for an object that can be copied.
Copyables |
Utility methods for copying collections of Copyable objects.
CuratorReadWriteTxLock |
DaemonExecutor |
DatabaseBuilder |
Builder class for creating new Stardog databases.
DatabaseConsistencyException |
Exception thrown when there is a fatal transaction error when performing the commit or rollback operation and the database
signifying that the database needs recovery to be performed on the failed transaction.
DatabaseException |
Signals that an error has occurred while performing an operation on a database
DatabaseOptions |
Non-structural database options.
DatabaseOptions.InlineStoredQuery |
DatabaseOptions.LanguageNormalization |
Different types of datatype normalization algorithms supported by Stardog.
DatabaseOptions.TransactionIsolation |
Different types of transaction isolation supported by Stardog.
DataKey<E> |
DataMap |
An object that maps keys to values in a type-safe manner.
Dataset |
Amalgum of an RDF 1.1 Dataset, a SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset & a SPARQL 1.1 update
Datasets |
Datasets.DatasetImpl |
Default implementation of a Dataset .
Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder |
DataSourceInfo |
Information about a data source
DataSourceOptions |
Options shared by data sources of all types.
DataSourceQueryResult |
DTO for storing DataSourceQuery results
Datatype |
DatatypeHandler |
An interface defining methods related to verification and normalization of typed literals and datatype IRIs.
Dates |
Utility methods for working with the Date object
DateTime |
Immutable representation of date time.
DateTimeInlineUtils |
Inlining logic for datetime values.
DC |
Term constants for the DC vocabulary
Dublin Core Metadata Terms
Decorate |
Annotation to support the workaround for supporting the decorator design pattern with Guice where we have
some interface I, a default/base implementation A, and a decorator class B, which should accept as an argument
the default implementation A.
DefaultCancellationPoint |
DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator |
DefaultPoolableObjectFactory |
Provides a simple implementation of a PoolableObjectFactory that can be used with ApachePoolConfig .
DefaultSchemaManager |
DefaultSensitivePropertyManager |
DelegatingAdminConnection |
DelegatingCancellationPoint |
DelegatingRDFHandler |
DelegatingRDFStream |
DelegatingStatementSource |
Implementation of a StatementSource which can be used as the base for StatementSource
decorator implementations.
DictionaryLinker |
Link entities based on a String -> IRI dictionary
DictionaryLinker.Linker |
DictionaryLinker.LinkerSerializer |
DictionaryLinkerExtractorFactory |
DictionaryLinkerRDFExtractor |
Extracts named entities using OpenNLPDocumentParser , linking them to existent entities on a set of pre-given String -> IRI mappings
DisjointSet<T> |
Disjoint set data structure.
Disposable |
A Disposable is an object data that can be disposed once it is not needed anymore.
Disposables |
Disposer |
DistanceUnit |
The distance units for use with spatial queries
Document |
A collection of tokens , organized in sentences
DocumentParser |
Driver |
The interface that any Driver must implement.
DriverManager |
DriverModule |
A Module interface for loading API drivers via Guice
DummyCancellationPoint |
Duration |
Immutable representation of a duration.
DurationFormat |
A simple class to provide various formatting options for durations represented in
Durations |
Edge |
EmbeddingsConnection |
Extends the standard SNARL Connection exposing the semantic search support provided by txtAI.
EnhancedProperties |
Extends the java.util.Properties stuff to provide typed accessors to get property values as boolean, int, etc.
EntityExtractor<T extends Spans> |
Extract some type of entities
EntityExtractorFactory<T extends Spans> |
EntityExtractorRegistry |
The registry of all available entity extractors
EntityLinker |
Entity linker
EntityLinkerExtractorFactory |
EntityLinkerRDFExtractor |
Extracts named entities using OpenNLPDocumentParser , linking them to existent entities based on the similarity of their label/ID.
Exceptions |
ExecutionGroup |
A very light-weight utility class to make it easier to run a set of tasks together and wait until all those jobs end.
Executors2 |
Executors utils
Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder |
ExplainOptions |
Exporter |
API for exporting RDF data in bulk from the server.
ExtendedBufferList<T> |
An extension of BufferList which can maintain its sorted state and eagerly remove duplicates when elements are inserted.
ExtendedObjectSerializer<T> |
A serializer which helps to serialize objects to ByteWriter s and read from ByteReader s.
ExtractionQuery |
Utility class to generate a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query that will extract all resources that have specified types or
Extractor<Output> |
Interface for objects that extract data from text documents.
Feature |
Simple class which wraps a Shape and associates it with a id for that shape.
FeatureGenerator |
FileChangeCache |
Cache for files , which invalidates its elements when files are modified
FileFormat |
Represents the format of a file or stream, such as XML or JSON.
FileFormat.Compression |
FileFormatImpl |
Constants for the FOAF ontology
ForEachIntTask |
A ForkJoinTask for performing a parallel for-each operation;
FormattedColumn |
Column that foramts values using String.format(String, Object...) .
FormattingResourceBundle |
Simple extension to ResourceBundle that handles message formatting via MessageFormat for values in the resource bundle.
ForwardingRDFHandler |
RDFHandler base implementation that will decorate a base handler
ForwardingRDFWriter |
Function |
This is the extension point for 17.6 (Extensible Value Testing) of the SPARQL spec.
Functional |
Functional utilities
GeoException |
Root exception for all spatial related errors
Geosparql |
Geosparql.Functions |
Geosparql.Units |
GeoSPARQLDatatypeHandler |
GeospatialIndex |
A spatial index
GeospatialIndexConnection |
All lengths and distances are given in DEGREES.
GeospatialIndexFactory |
GeospatialIndexMetadata |
Utility class for reading the metadata about a spatial index
GeospatialIndexState |
GeospatialOptions |
Set of options for configuring Stardog Spatial
GeospatialSink |
Handler for something that can process geometric Shapes
GeospatialSource |
A source of geospatial information
Getter |
Interface for retrieving statements from a Stardog database.
GlobalTimer |
GraphBuilder |
Utility class for building a `Graph`
GraphQLConnection |
Extends the standard SNARL Connection exposing the GraphQL query support.
GraphQLOptions |
GraphQLQuery |
Executable GraphQL query.
GraphQLSchemaManager |
Interface for the storage and retrieval of GraphQL schemas.
GraphQuery |
A SPARQL graph (describe or construct) query.
GraphQuery |
A query over a semantic graph whose results are themselves a graph
GraphQueryResult |
Query result of a sequence of statements which correspond to a `Graph` result.
GraphQueryResultIterator |
Iteration implementation over graph query results.
Graphs |
Utilities for working with collections of RDF statements .
HandlerBackedIterator<T> |
An adapter for converting push-based data processing (aka handler-based) to pull-based data processing (aka iterator-based).
HandlerBackedIterator.DataConsumer<T> |
HandlerBackedIterator.DataProducer<T> |
HandlerBackedIterator.ProducerFinished |
Can be thrown out of Consumer.accept(Object) to indicate that the producer must stop generating data.
HTMLQueryResultWriter |
HTMLQueryResultWriter.HTMLQueryResultWriterFactory |
Set of utility functions for dealing with Stardog ICV support.
ICValidator |
End-user interface for Integrity Constraint Validation support on a Stardog database.
ICVConnection |
Extension of Connection that allows IC validation.
ICVOptions |
IDLabelDistance |
Measures the string distance between the mention and the label/ID of the candidate IRI.
ImmutableCollectors |
ImmutableEdge |
An immutable implementation of Edge
ImmutablePath |
Immutable implementation of Path
Indexing |
Utilities for spatial indexing
IndexOptions |
Set of options for configuring the low-level indexes.
IndexOptions.CompressionType |
IndexOptions.IndexType |
Types of indexes.
IndexOptions.WriteConflictStrategy |
InfoProperty<T> |
Representation of a Stardog information option.
Injectors |
Utility class for working with Injectors and Guice in general.
Instrumentor |
Simple -javaagent compatible instrumentor.
InterProcessTxLock |
Similar to an InterProcessLock ,
but we track the locks with specific transaction ids.
IntObjectBiMap<T> |
Very simple BiMap implementation which simply wraps two IntObjectMaps
InvalidLiteral |
Exception thrown when a Literal encountered during parsing is syntactically correct, but otherwise
InvalidQueryResults |
Exception denoting parsing of serialized query results failed due to syntax errors
InvalidQueryType |
InvalidRDF |
Exception thrown when parsing an RDF file and the contents are not syntactically valid RDF.
InvalidVariableException |
IO |
IO interface for reading RDF data from various input sources.
IOBindingSetIterator |
Helper class to adapter the Sesame push parsing for query results to a pull interface via an Iterator.
IOFunction<T,R> |
Function which performs I/O which declares throwing IOException
IOParserContext |
Extended parser state that wraps the stream to be parsed to provide common IO operations for most of the
basic text RDF formats.
An Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) within an RDF graph.
IteratorAsBooleanQueryResult |
IteratorAsGraphQueryResult |
Adapter class for using a StatementIteration as a Sesame GraphQueryResult.
IteratorAsPathQueryResult |
IteratorAsTupleQueryResult |
Adapter class for using a BindingSetIteration as a TupleQueryResult
JdbcOptions |
Options used by JDBC data sources.
JenaSesameUtils |
Utility methods for converting between the Jena and Sesame APIs
Specifies constants to identify various modes that are relevant to JSONLD
JSONLDOptions |
JSONLDParser |
Default parser for JSON-LD
JSONLDWriter |
JSONLDWriter.JSONLDWriterFactory |
KernelAdminConnection |
Krb5Utils |
LanguageHandler |
An interface defining methods related to verification and normalization of language tags.
LineBatch |
Batch of consecutive lines read from a stream.
LineSupplier |
A utility class that reads lines from a stream in one thread and supplies the output as batches for
multiple threads to consume.
LineSupplier.InputStreamSupplier |
LineSupplierParserContext |
LinuxDistribution |
Set of parsers and utilities for determining version information about the Linux distribution we are currently running on.
LinuxDistribution.Distribution |
ListComparator<T extends java.lang.Comparable> |
Implementatino of a Comparator for List's of Comparable objects
ListenerSupport<T extends java.util.EventListener> |
Base class for a collection of listeners
Literal |
A literal value in an RDF graph
LoginConnectionConfiguration<T> |
Interface representing connection options such as authentication credentials and the server to connect to.
LogJsonOuput |
LogOutputter |
LongIterator |
An iterator over primitive longs
LongIterators |
LowercaseBCP47LanguageHandler |
MalformedQuery |
Exception thrown when a evaluating a query that has parse errors
MarkResetIterator<T> |
An interface to support multiple passes over a specific part of the iterator's output via mark/reset operations.
MarkResetSkippingIterator<T> |
Maths |
Math-related utils
MaxRanking |
MediaTypes |
Utility methods and constants for the Guava MediaType class
Memory |
Utility class for memory related information.
MemoryConfiguration |
Class for configuring memory used by different components.
MemoryConfiguration.HeapComponent |
MemoryConfiguration.NativeComponent |
MemoryConfiguration.StarrocksComponent |
MemoryInfo |
TODO Merge this class into c.c.c.base.Memory when it is moved into Stardog codebase
MentionExtractor |
MentionRDFExtractor |
MergedColumn |
A column that spans multiple columns.
Metadata |
Mapping from Stardog meta properties to values.
MetaProperties |
This class acts as the registry of valid Stardog options and provides convenience functions.
MetaProperty<T> |
Representation of a Stardog metadata property.
MetaProperty.Builder<T,P extends MetaProperty<T>> |
The builder class for building an option instance.
MetaProperty.Flag |
MetaPropertyProvider |
Marker interface for classes that define Stardog options.
MultiLock |
Provides nonreenterant locking capability for a given ID.
MultipleMentionExtractor |
MultiStatementIterator |
N3Parser |
NamedGraphPermissions |
Utility for granting and revoking named graph permissions
Namespace |
A namespace; an IRI and prefix pair that can be used during serialization to shorten a IRI to a
Namespaces |
NamespacesInfo |
The namespaces stored in a database.
NamespaceUtils |
Utility methods for working with namespaces
NativeMemoryMonitor |
Monitors memory usage as reported by the underlying Operating System.
NaturalOrderComparator<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Simple Comparator implementation which can be used for Comparable objects.
NERMentionExtractor |
Generates mentions from sequences of NER tags of the same original span in the same sentence.
NestedList<T> |
An immutable linked list object with structure sharing.
NLPUtils |
NonReentrantCuratorReadWriteLock |
A non-reentrate read-write lock.
NonReentrantMutex |
NQuadsParser |
Default implementation of a parser for the RDF NQuads syntax
NQuadsWriter |
NQuadsWriter.NQuadsWriterFactory |
NTParser |
Default implementation of a parser for the RDF NTriples syntax
NTriplesUtil |
Utilities for reading and writing NTriples
NTWriter |
RDFWriter implementation for the N-Triples RDF format
NTWriter.NTWriterFactory |
Numbers |
Objects2 |
Object utilities not provided by Objects .
OpenNLPDocumentParser |
OpenNLPMentionFixer |
OpenNLP regularly extracts named entities where the last token is a quotation mark/bracket/dash, e.g.:
Option<V> |
Represents a configuration option.
OptionalConstructorParam<T> |
Workaround for optional constructor parameters with Guice.
OptionFunction |
Options |
OS |
Utility class to check the operating system in runtime.
OSUtil |
OSUtil.NativeMemoryUsage |
Native memory usage info collected from OS.
OverrideModule |
Pair<K1,K2> |
Tuple with 2 elements
ParsedURI |
A replacement for Java's own URI:
ParserConfigs |
ParserContext |
Object to hold the current state of the parsing operation, parsing configuration, and Value creation.
ParserContext.ParseError |
ParserOptions |
PartitionedSkippingIterable<T> |
Interface for ordered data sources that returns a skipping iterator.
Path |
Representation of the results of a path query.
PathQuery |
PathQueryResult |
PathQueryResultWriter |
Renders path query results as tuples.
PathsAsTupleQueryResult |
Represents a result set of a path query as tuples.
PeekingLongIterator |
PeekingSkippingIterator<T> |
PermissionManager |
API for managing permissions in Stardog
Permissions |
Permissions.ActionBuilder |
Permissions.ResourceBuilder |
Permissions.TypeBuilder |
PlatformDependent |
Access to sun.misc.VM included to get maxDirectMemory for the VM; this is actually pulled from
Pool<T,E extends java.lang.Exception> |
Simple interface for a Pool of objects
Poolable<E extends java.lang.Exception> |
Interface for a resource that can be used with an object Pool .
PoolConfig<T,E extends java.lang.Exception> |
Abstract configuration for a Pool
PopularityScore |
Counts the number of inbound edges for an entity
PreciseMultiLock |
Implementation of MultiLock interface with precise locking which means no thread will block for an ID unless that ID
is locked by another thread.
PredefinedMemoryRatio |
Predefined memory configuration modes.
PrefixMapping |
A class to convert URI's to QNames.
PrettyTurtleWriter |
An Turtle writer that abbreviates bnodes and lists.
PrettyTurtleWriter.PrettyTurtleWriterFactory |
Progress |
Read-Only interface for progress info.
Progress.Default |
Immutable default implementation of a progress
ProgressMonitor |
A multi-thread safe progress monitor implementation that prints progress percent and elapsed time at specified
percent increments.
ProgressMonitor.Builder |
Builder class for a customizable progress monitor
ProgressMonitor.DefaultProgressFormatter |
ProgressMonitor.DelegatingProgressMonitor |
ProgressMonitor.ProgressFormatter |
ProgressMonitor.ReportingProgressMonitor |
Chain more than one monitor / reporter
ProgressReporter |
Interface for progress reporting
Proof |
Represents a proof tree.
PropertiesBuilder |
Simple builder class for creating instances of Properties
Auto-generated vocabulary class.
Providers |
Query<T> |
Object for executing a query against a Stardog database.
Query |
A query over a semantic graph
QueryEngine |
Interface for something that is able to execute and explain queries .
QueryExecutionFailure |
Exception for errors that occur while evaluating a query
QueryFactory |
QueryInfo |
A simple structure that shows information about a query.
QueryInfo.Status |
QueryLanguage |
Marker interface for the language of a query
QueryManager |
Provides basic query management functions such as listing all the running queries and killing a running query
QueryPlan |
QueryPlanReuse |
Options for configuring how Stardog will reuse query plans.
QueryResult<T> |
The results of executing a Query
QueryResultBuilder<T> |
QueryResultFormat |
Format denoting the different serialization options for query results .
QueryResultFormats |
QueryResultHandler<T> |
Handler for processing query results.
QueryResultHandlerException |
QueryResultParser<P extends QueryResultHandler> |
QueryResultParserOptions |
QueryResultParsers |
QueryResults |
Utilities for working with QueryResults
QueryResultWriter<T> |
QueryResultWriterFactory |
QueryResultWriterOptions |
QueryResultWriters |
QueuedSortedIterator<T> |
A sorted iterator wrapper to which elements can be added dynamically.
RandomStatementGenerator |
Generates an infinite sequence of random RDF triples.
RandomStream |
RandomStream.Factory |
RandomValueGenerator |
Generates an infinite sequence of random RDF terms.
Rank |
RankingFunction |
RDFByteSource |
Deprecated. |
RDFDatatypesHandler |
RDFExtractor |
An RDFExtractor is used to process a document to extract a set of RDF statements about that document.
RDFFileSupplier |
A File supplier whose file contains RDF in the specified format.
RDFFormat |
Represents the serialization used for RDF.
RDFFormat.BinaryRDFFormat |
Marker interface for an RDFFormat whose serialization is binary rather than textual.
RDFFormats |
RDFHandler |
Interface for consuming RDF
RDFHandlerException |
Exception denoting something unexpected happened in an RDFHandler
RDFHandlers |
RDFHandlers.DefaultRDFHandler |
RDFHandlers.GraphBuilder |
Writer for RDF in RDF/JSON format
RDFJSONWriter.RDFJSONWriterFactory |
RDFLists |
Utilities for working with RDF lists.
RDFMediaTypes |
MediaType objects related to RDF, SPARQL, and other SemWeb concepts.
RDFNamespaceHandler |
RDFObfuscator |
This is a simple utility program to obfuscate the contents of an RDF file.
RDFParser |
An RDF Parser.
RDFParsers |
RDFStatementHandler |
RDFStatementHandler.Factory |
Factory class to generate statement handlers.
RDFStatementList |
List of statements with an optional context value that will override any context defined by the individual statement objects.
RDFStream |
A simple interface for representing a stream for RDF input.
RDFStreamBase |
RDFStreamBuilder |
RDFStreamFactory |
A simple interface for creating RDF streams
RDFStreamOptions |
RDFStreamProcessor |
RDFStreams |
A simple interface for parsers.
RDFValueColumn |
RDFWriter |
RDFWriterFactory |
Factory interface for creating instances of the RDFWriter
RDFWriters |
RDFWriters.RDFWriterConfig |
RDFWriters2 |
Utility class to write statements with namespaces.
RDFXMLParser |
RDFXMLParserOptions |
RDFXMLPrettyWriter |
An extension of RDFXMLWriter that outputs a more concise form of RDF/XML.
RDFXMLWriter |
Default writer for the RDF/XML serialization
RDFXMLWriter.RDFXMLWriterFactory |
RDFXMLWriterOptions |
ReadQuery<T> |
A read-only query, ie a select, construct, graph or ask query.
ReadQuery |
A read-only query over a semantic graph
ReasoningAPIUtils |
ReasoningConnection |
SNARL Connection which exposes reasoning specific functionality such as explanations and consistency checking.
ReasoningOptions |
Options for controlling reasoning behavior.
ReasoningType |
Enumeration for the different reasoning levels available in stardog.
Reflect |
A series of basic Reflect based utility functions.
Remover |
Interface for an object which can remove RDF data from a Stardog database.
ReportInterval |
A utility class to help with reporting progress at predefined intervals.
ReportIntervalCounter |
A report interval extension that also handles tracking progress.
Resettable |
Anything which has a state that can be reset and must be closed.
ResettableIterator<T> |
Iterator which can be reset to the first element.
ResettableIterators |
ResettableLongIterator |
ResettablePredicate<T> |
An interface for stateful Predicate implementations that provides a reset function to clearing the internal state.
Resource |
Super interface for BNode and IRI which are disjoint RDF node types from Literal
ResourceBuilder |
Utility class for creating a `Graph` where all the statements are about a particular
Resources2 |
ResultWritingFailed |
RFC3066LanguageHandler |
A language handler that can verify RFC3066 formatted language tags.
RoleManager |
API for managing user roles in Stardog.
RuleVocab |
SchemaManager |
Convenience class to manage reasoning schemas for a database.
SchemaOrg |
Schemas |
Convenience functions and constants for reasoning schemas.
SDJenaFactory |
Factory for obtaining instances of the Jena framework core, specifically Models
and Datasets , which are backed by Stardog.
SearchConnection |
Extends the standard SNARL Connection exposing the full-text search support provided by Waldo.
Searcher |
Interface for conducting full text searches against a Stardog database via the Waldo Semantic Search engine.
SearchOptions |
Database options for the waldo search index.
SearchResult |
Simple search result data structure.
SearchResults |
A wrapper around the search results that may additionally have suggestions for an alternative search string.
SecurityOptions |
Options for controlling the initialization of Security in Stardog and security configuration in a database.
SecurityResourceType |
Interface for security resource types.
SelectPlanQuery |
SelectQuery |
SelectQuery |
SelectQueryResult |
Represents tabular query results of rows of tuples which represent the
variable-value pairs of the results
SelectQueryResultHandler |
SelectQueryResultParser |
SelectQueryResultWriter |
SensitivePropertyManager |
Convenience class to manage sensitive properties for a database.
SerfOptions |
Serf options
Serializers |
Provides support for serializing/deserializing object or primitive values to/from byte arrays.
Serializers.IntSerializer |
Serializer for primitive integer values.
Serializers.LittleEndianLongSerializer |
Serializers.LongSerializer |
Serializes the given long to 8 bytes.
Serializers.ObjectSerializer<T> |
Generic serializer interface for objects.
Serializers.ShortSerializer |
Serializes the given short to 2 bytes.
Serializers.UnsignedLongSerializer |
Serialize longs in an "Unsigned" form.
Serializers.VarLongSerializer |
Serializes the given long to as many bytes as required.
Server |
Basic interface for a Stardog server which allows a server to be started or shut down.
ServerBuilder |
Interface for configuring and creating a Stardog server.
ServerException |
ServerFactory |
Simple interface for starting a server programmatically
ServerOptions |
ServiceLoaders |
Wrapper around the Java ServiceLoader class which returns collections of instances of an interface as opposed to
iterators over instances that the normal ServiceLoader returns.
Shapes |
Utilities for working with the Shape class.
SharedExecutor |
Stardog executor service to provide the functionality of a ScheduledExecutorService without the cost of creating a new executor service every time the executor is needed.
SharedForkJoinExecutor |
ShutDownHookManager |
Shutdown hook manager which unifies all logic with object's lifecycle;
SimpleSAXAdapter |
An implementation of SimpleSAXListener providing dummy implementations for all its methods.
SimpleSAXListener |
A listener for events reported by SimpleSAXParser.
SimpleSAXParser |
An XML parser that generates "simple" SAX-like events from a limited subset of XML documents.
SingletonQueue<T> |
A simple queue that can hold at most one element while in addition provides a function to SingletonQueue.close() the queue.
SizeFunction<T> |
An interface for computing (typically approximate) size of a specific kind of object.
SizeFunctions |
Implementation of size computation for commonly used object types.
SkippingIterable<T> |
Interface for ordered data sources that returns a skipping iterator.
SkippingIterables |
Few utility functions
SkippingIterator<T> |
Iterator over an ordered data source that is able to jump to a specific element (or the next greater after that).
SkippingIterators |
Few utility methods to construct skipping iterators.
SkippingLongIterator |
Iterator for primitive longs that allows skipping.
Constants for the [SKOS]( vocabulary.
SortedIterators |
Few utility methods to construct skipping iterators
SortedIterators.UnionBuilder<T> |
Sorter<T> |
This class performs merge sort over an array but allocates the additional array used in merge sort upfront so if the
arrays of same size will be sorted repeatedly this sorter can be reused to minimize garbage collection with the price
of having memory for extra array always being used.
Sorter.QuickSorter<T> |
Sorter implementation for QuickSort.
Span |
Spans |
Represents a stream of Span extracted by a EntityExtractor potentially linked to entities in the graph.
The SPARQL Query language
SPARQLCSVResultParser |
SPARQLCSVResultWriter |
Writer implements for SPARQL/CSV query result format
SPARQLCSVResultWriter.CSVRWFactory |
SPARQLJSONBooleanResultParser |
SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriter |
SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriter.SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriterFactory |
Options for reading and writing SPARQL/JSON
SPARQLJSONSelectResultParser |
SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriter |
SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriter.SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriterFactory |
SPARQLTSVResultParser |
SPARQLTSVResultWriter |
SPARQLTSVResultWriter.SPARQLTSVResultWriterFactory |
SPARQLUpdateDataBlockParser |
An extension of TrigParser that processes data in the format
specified in the SPARQL 1.1 grammar for Quad data (assuming no variables, as
is the case for INSERT DATA and DELETE DATA operations).
Collection of utility methods for working with SPARQL strings
SPARQLUtil.QueryType |
SPARQLXMLBooleanResultParser |
SPARQLXMLBooleanResultWriter |
SPARQLXMLBooleanResultWriter.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriterFactory |
SPARQLXMLParserOptions |
SPARQLXMLSelectResultParser |
SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriter |
SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriter.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriterFactory |
SpoolingMarkResetIterator<T extends Copyable<T>> |
SSLContextFactory |
Utility class for creating SSLContext instances for use by a Netty stack.
StackTrace |
StandbyNodeState |
Represents that type of cluster node that is in use
StandbyNodeStatus |
A convenience class for standby status information
StardocsConnection |
Deprecated. |
StardogAuthenticationException |
Exception thrown when it was not possible to authenticate a stardog user with the provided credentials
StardogAuthorizationException |
Exception thrown when the user is not authorized to perform the operation.
StardogException |
Base class for all Stardog exceptions
StardogExplainer |
Interface for explainer that can provide explanations for inferences made by a Stardog reasoner.
StardogExplainerOptions |
Deprecated. |
StardogIRI |
StardogMappings |
Deprecated. |
StardogMappingSyntaxParser |
Parser for Stardog mappings syntax.
StardogMappingSyntaxWriter |
A writer that outputs mappings in Stardog syntax.
StardogMappingVocabulary |
Vocabulary terms used in Stardog Mapping Syntax.
StardogModelAssembler |
An assembler implementation to build a Stardog model from an assembler description in RDF.
StardogModelAssembler.Vocabulary |
Stardog assembler vocabulary.
StardogRepository |
Implementation of a Stardog-based rdf4j Repository.
StardogRepositoryConfig |
StardogRepositoryConnection |
Stardog-based implementation of an RDF4J RepositoryConnection.
StardogRepositoryFactory |
Implementation of Sesame's RepositoryFactory interface to support creating StardogRepository instances via their repository configuration API
StateMachine<S extends java.lang.Enum,E extends java.lang.Enum,O> |
This class manages state transitions in an organized way.
Statement |
A Statement in RDF.
StatementIterator |
Interface which will iterate over a source of Statements.
StatementPattern |
A Statement implementation representing a Statement pattern, which is a Statement where some or all of the
SPOC elements are a wildcard.
StatementPattern.Builder |
Statements |
StatementSource |
Interface which represents a source of a set of RDF statements .
StatementSources |
Utility class for working with StatementSources
StatementSources.RDFStreamStatementSource |
StoredQueries |
A mutable collection of stored queries.
StoredQuery |
Represents a query stored in the server.
StreamingJSONLDWriter |
Streaming writer for JSON-LD
StreamingJSONLDWriter.StreamingJSONLDWriterFactory |
Streams |
Utility for streams
Streams.CheckedBiConsumer<U,T> |
Streams.CheckedBiFunction<In1,In2,Out> |
Streams.CheckedConsumer<T> |
Streams.CheckedFunction<In,Out> |
Streams.CheckedPredicate<T> |
Streams.CheckedRunnable |
Streams.CheckedSupplier<Out> |
Streams.UncheckedException |
Exception indicating that Checked* threw an exception and the default handler was used
Strings2 |
String utilities not provided by Strings .
SupportedFileFormats<T extends FileFormat> |
Utility class to keep a list of formats that are supported by an application.
Constants for the [SWRL]( vocabulary.
SystemClock |
SystemUtil |
Utility methods for working with System , particularly safe,
default value supported lookups into System.getProperty(java.lang.String) and other OS/system level calls.
TableData |
Create a table data structure that has a list of column names and list of
data rows.
TableExporter |
TextTable exporter with predefined settings and bug fixes.
TableExporter.FixedTextTableWriter |
Fixes a bug in TextTableWriter where right intersection was used in every place a right left intersection was
supposed to be used.
Test |
A single test that involves running a specific SPARQL query.
Testable |
An object that represents a single test or a collection of tests.
TestCreator |
Creates a TestSuite from query files in a directory.
TestCreator.CreateOption |
Option to specify what the created tests will test
TestDefinitionException |
TestFailedException |
TestReader |
Reads a test suite definition from an RDF file.
TestResult |
Result of running a Test .
TestResultType |
Enumeration of test result types.
TestRunner |
Runs all the tests in a suite.
TestSuite |
A collection of tests organized in a hierarchical structure.
TestVocab |
RDF vocabulary used for serializing test definitions.
TestWriter |
Writes the test suite definition to an RDF file.
TextBooleanQueryResultParser |
TextBooleanQueryResultWriter |
TextBooleanQueryResultWriter.BQRWriterFactory |
TextExtractor |
TextPathQueryResultWriter |
Renders path query results in a concise text syntax: (node1)-[var1=value1, var2=value2]->(node2) .
TextProvidingRDFExtractor |
A base class for RDF extractors wishing to work with text
TextTablePathQueryResultWriter |
Renders path query results in a table where each row shows an edge and multiple paths are separated by an empty row.
TextTableQueryResultWriter |
Implementation of SelectQueryResultWriter interface to output a nice looking text table with many
customization options.
TextTableQueryResultWriter.TextTableQueryResultWriterFactory |
TextTabularOutput |
Utility class to wrap a DataExporter so column widths can be computed on-the-fly by buffering first 1000 results and inspecting values.
ThreadDump |
A convenience class for getting a thread dump.
TimeoutCancelCheck |
A cancellation check that cancels automatically if a timeout has been reached or delegates to another check timeout
has not occurred.
Timer |
Class used to keep track how much time is spent for a specific operation.
Timers |
Token |
TopThresholdSelector |
Selects the top scoring ranks , given that their score is above the threshold
ToStringComparator<T> |
TransformingLongIterator<T> |
Transforms an object iterator to a long iterator.
TransformingRDFHandler |
RDFHandler that will transform staements before passing them to a delegate
TrigParser |
Parser for TriG
TrigParserWithRules |
Extended TrigParser which includes support for embedded rules.
TrigWriter |
TrigWriter.TrigWriterFactory |
Tuple |
A simple Tuple object.
TupleQueryResultIterator |
TuplesAsPathQueryResult |
A wrapper around tuples with delimiters to restore paths.
TurtleParser |
Default parser for the Turtle RDF syntax
TurtleParserContext |
A small extension of IOParserContext to maintain the state related to edge property parsing.
TurtleUtil |
Utility methods for Turtle encoding/decoding.
TurtleValueParser |
A Turtle parser that parses single values (URI, bnodes, literals, and embedded triples) instead of just triples.
TurtleValueWriter |
An Turtle writer that writes single values (URI, bnodes, literals) instead of triples.
TurtleWriter |
Default implementation of a writer for Turtle
TurtleWriter.TurtleWriterFactory |
TxInfo |
A simple structure that shows information about a transaction.
UnknownQuery |
UnsafeUtil |
UpdatablePriorityQueue<T> |
PriorityQueue class implemented as a binary heap with the additional function that updates the head element if its
priority changes.
UpdateQuery |
A SPARQL Update query
UpdateQuery |
A query that will update a semantic graph
UserManager |
API for managing users in Stardog.
ValidationReporter |
Interface to generate a SHACL validation report.
Value |
Base type for a node in an RDF graph
Values |
Utility functions for creating and working with RDF values
ValueWeigher<K> |
Implementation of the Guava cache Weigher interface which will calculate the weight for a Value based on how much
space is takes in memory.
VCard |
Constants for the VCard ontology
Version |
View<Input,Output> |
Function which supports a polymorphic view of one class as another
View.ViewException |
Exception to indicate the reason a view failed.
Views<Input> |
VirtualGraph |
Information about a virtual graph.
VirtualGraphAdminConnection |
Connection to manage data sources and virtual graphs
VirtualGraphAdminConnection.InputFileType |
VirtualGraphInfo |
Information about a virtual graph.
VirtualGraphMappingSyntax |
Enumeration of syntax types supported for virtual graph mappings.
VirtualGraphOptions |
Options used by virtual graphs.
VoiD |
Constants for the VoiD ontology
WaldoCandidateGenerator |
Uses Waldo to search for entities that match with the mention.
Terms in the WGS ontology
WordWrapStringColumn |
A simple extension of StringColumn class that fixes the bug in calculating the max row height when word wrapping
introduces new lines.
WriterOptions |
WritingFailed |
Indicates that there was an unexpected failure while writing
XMLCalendar |
Read-only access interface to underlying calendar value
XMLCalendar.Delegate |
XMLDatatypes |
Utility for XML schema datatypes
XMLDateTime |
This class provides utility functions for comparisons operating on
xml:dateTime datatypes as specified in W3C, XML Schema Part 2:
Datatypes Second Edition Known deviations from the standard: - the range
of years in this implementation is limited to Integer.MIN_VALUE to
Integer.MAX_VALUE for practical reasons - this implementation accepts some
dates that have impossible month, day-of-month combinations (such as
2005-02-29, which was not a leap year)
XMLSchemaDatatypeHandler |
An implementation of a datatype handler that can process XSD datatypes.
XMLWriter |
A utility class offering convenience methods for writing XML.