Interface SkippingIterator<T>

    • Method Detail

      • skipTo

        T skipTo​(T theElement)
        Returns the element which is equal or greater to theElement based on the ordering of the elements in the underlying data source, i.e., for two elements A, B s.t. B comes after A during iteration, theComparator should return A <= B. Note that skips are always in the forward direction. if theElement compares to less than the last returned element (or less than the bounding start of the iterator), then no skip will occur, and the returned value is the same as if `next()` was called.
        the smallest element A s.t. A <= theElement, if theElement > last seen element, or the output of next() if not.
      • skipTo

        default T skipTo​(T theElement,
                         T theBound)
        Same contract as skipTo(Object) but skipping is bounded: if the next element that is greater than or equal to the target is greater than the bound, the method returns null. Implementations are free to not move their internal cursor beyond the bound which may enable them to make less work or skip IO. However, they must maintain their internal state to ensure that the smallest element that is greater than theBound is not consumed and is returned for the next call.
        theElement - the target
        theBound - the bound. null means no upper bound.
        the smallest element that's greater than or equal to the target but not greater than the bound.
      • comparator

        java.util.Comparator<T> comparator()
        Returns the comparator for this iterator that specifies the order in which the elements are returned.
      • estimatedSize

        long estimatedSize()
        Returns the estimated size of this iterator without advancing the iterator or UNKNOWN_SIZE if the estimate is not known. The estimate is for the whole iterator and will not change after the iterator is advanced. There is no guarantee about the accuracy of the estimate.