Class KernelAdminConnection

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void _close()
      protected Metadata _get​(java.lang.String theName, java.lang.Iterable<? extends MetaProperty<?>> theOptions)
      protected <T> java.lang.String _set​(java.lang.String theName, MetaProperty<T> theOption, T theValue)
      java.lang.String backup​(java.lang.String theDatabase, java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> theBackupUrl, Options theOptions)
      Create a backup of the given database in the specified location.
      java.lang.String backupAll​(Options theOptions)
      Create a backup of the server in the specified location.
      <T> T call​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> theAction)  
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> checkpoint​(java.lang.String theDatabase, Options theOptions)
      Perform a checkpoint operation (list, create, restore) against selected database.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> currentStatus​(Options theOptions)
      Return the server status information, including Server/Protocols running, Stardog Home path, OS, etc.
      java.lang.String drop​(java.lang.String theName)
      Drop the database with the given name. generateDiagnosticReport​( theDiagnosticsReport)
      PermissionManager getPermissionManager()
      Return the PermissionManager for changing user & role permissions
      com.complexible.stardog.process.ProcessManager getProcessManager()  
      Metadata getProperty​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> thePropertyNames)
      Gets the property value for a server configuration option.
      QueryManager getQueryManager()
      Return the QueryManager for managing running queries
      RoleManager getRoleManager()
      Return the RoleManager to be used for role-centric security changes
      com.complexible.stardog.StoredFunctions getStoredFunctions()
      Returns the stored functions in this server.
      StoredQueries getStoredQueries()
      Returns the stored queries in this server. getTokenManager()
      Return a link to the object that will allow clients to interact with JWT bearer tokens
      UserManager getUserManager()
      Return the UserManager to be used for user-centric security changes
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> list()
      List all the databases in the Stardog server
      DatabaseBuilder newDatabaseBuilder()
      java.lang.String offline​(java.lang.String theName, long theTime, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit theTimeUnit)
      Take the database offline waiting up to the specified timeout before performing a hard off-line.
      java.lang.String online​(java.lang.String theName)
      Makes the database online according to the default strategy
      java.lang.String optimize​(java.lang.String theName, Metadata theOptions)
      Optimizes the indexes of a given database for query answering and disk utilization after the database has been heavily modified.
      java.lang.String repair​(java.lang.String theName)
      Repairs the specified database if it is corrupted.
      java.lang.String restore​( theBackup, boolean theOverwrite, java.lang.String theName)
      Restore the database backed up to the given location
      java.lang.String restore​(java.lang.String theBackup, boolean theOverwrite, java.lang.String theName)
      void run​(java.lang.Runnable theAction)  
      java.lang.String setProperty​(java.lang.String thePropertyName, java.lang.String theNewValue)
      Requests that the specified server configuration option value be changed to the new value.
      void shutdown()
      Shutdown the remote Stardog server.
      java.lang.String verify​(java.lang.String theName)
      Verify the integrity of specified database's index.
      java.lang.String whoami()
      Returns the username associated with this connection.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • KernelAdminConnection

        public KernelAdminConnection​(com.complexible.stardog.Kernel theKernel)
      • KernelAdminConnection

        public KernelAdminConnection​(com.complexible.stardog.Kernel theKernel,
                                     org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject theSubject,
                                     Options theOptions,
                                     Views<AdminConnection> theViews)
    • Method Detail

      • getProperty

        public Metadata getProperty​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> thePropertyNames)
                             throws StardogException
        Gets the property value for a server configuration option. This value will be the default for the option or the override in the properties file.
        thePropertyNames - filter for the properties to return. Empty set will match all properties.
        Metadata created with config values "MetaProperty.config(key, value).temporary().build()"
      • setProperty

        public java.lang.String setProperty​(java.lang.String thePropertyName,
                                            java.lang.String theNewValue)
                                     throws StardogException
        Requests that the specified server configuration option value be changed to the new value. This method will notify any listening server modules about the change request. It is not guaranteed that the listening module will update the value.
      • offline

        public java.lang.String offline​(java.lang.String theName,
                                        long theTime,
                                        java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit theTimeUnit)
                                 throws StardogException

        Take the database offline waiting up to the specified timeout before performing a hard off-line. A database going offline will allow open connections to complete, but will not accept new, incoming connections.

        Offline databases cannot be queried or updated and will be unaccessible to users.

        Specifying a timeout of 0 will immediately shut down the database severing all open connections, i.e. a hard shutdown.

        theName - name of the database
        theTime - timeout duration, must be a positive number
        theTimeUnit - the unit of time for the timeout, cannot be null
        the server output of offline
        StardogException - if there was an error while offlining the database
      • online

        public java.lang.String online​(java.lang.String theName)
                                throws StardogException
        Makes the database online according to the default strategy
        theName - the name of the database
        the server output of onlining the database
        StardogException - if there was an error while onlining the database
      • optimize

        public java.lang.String optimize​(java.lang.String theName,
                                         Metadata theOptions)
                                  throws StardogException
        Optimizes the indexes of a given database for query answering and disk utilization after the database has been heavily modified. If a database has been modified with a large number of additions or removals, some internal structures may become less optimized for query answering. This utility will perform several operations that will help with query answering performance. Which operations are performed depends on the options given.

        Optimization will NOT modify the database contents. The data layout, indexes and other internal structures might change but the data stored in the database will remain same.

        theName - the name of the database to optimize
        theOptions - options specifying the specific optimization steps to perform or empty for default optimizations
        the server output of optimize
        StardogException - if an error occurs during optimization
      • list

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> list()
                                                    throws StardogException
        List all the databases in the Stardog server
        the list of databases
        StardogException - if there was an error getting the list
      • repair

        public java.lang.String repair​(java.lang.String theName)
                                throws StardogException
        Repairs the specified database if it is corrupted. If the database is not corrupted, nothing will be repaired.
        theName - the name of the database to repair
        the server output of the repair
        StardogException - if there was an error while repairing
      • verify

        public java.lang.String verify​(java.lang.String theName)
                                throws StardogException
        Verify the integrity of specified database's index.
        theName - the name of the database to verify
        the output of the verify operation
        StardogException - if there was an error while verifying the database
      • whoami

        public java.lang.String whoami()
        Description copied from interface: AdminConnection
        Returns the username associated with this connection. Useful when API tokens are used to establish the connection.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Shutdown the remote Stardog server. You must be connected to the server as a super-user.
        Throws: - if you are attempting to shut down the embedded server or if you are not a super-user and are trying to shut down a remote server.
      • drop

        public java.lang.String drop​(java.lang.String theName)
                              throws StardogException
        Drop the database with the given name.
        theName - the name of the database to drop
        the Result of the invocation
        StardogException - if there was an error while dropping the database
      • backup

        public java.lang.String backup​(java.lang.String theDatabase,
                                       java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> theBackupUrl,
                                       Options theOptions)
                                throws StardogException
        Description copied from interface: AdminConnection
        Create a backup of the given database in the specified location. The location can be a file path on the server or a URL pointing to S3 or GCP. Configuration options can be specified for the backup operation.
        theDatabase - the name of the database to back up
        theBackupUrl - where to store the backup or empty if the default location should be used
        theOptions - configuration options to use for backups
      • backupAll

        public java.lang.String backupAll​(Options theOptions)
                                   throws StardogException
        Create a backup of the server in the specified location.
        theOptions - Collection of BackupOptions
        the output of the backup process
        StardogException - if there is an error performing the backup.
      • restore

        public java.lang.String restore​( theBackup,
                                        boolean theOverwrite,
                                        java.lang.String theName)
                                 throws StardogException
        Restore the database backed up to the given location
        theBackup - the location of the backup
        theOverwrite - whether or not to overwrite any existing database
        theName - a new name for the restored database
        the output of the restore process
        StardogException - if there was an error restoring the database from a backup
      • restore

        public java.lang.String restore​(java.lang.String theBackup,
                                        boolean theOverwrite,
                                        java.lang.String theName)
                                 throws StardogException
      • checkpoint

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> checkpoint​(java.lang.String theDatabase,
                                                                 Options theOptions)
                                                          throws StardogException
        Description copied from interface: AdminConnection
        Perform a checkpoint operation (list, create, restore) against selected database.
        theDatabase - the name of the database for checkpoint operation
        theOptions - configuration options for the checkpoint
      • getUserManager

        public UserManager getUserManager()
        Return the UserManager to be used for user-centric security changes
        the UserManager
      • getRoleManager

        public RoleManager getRoleManager()
        Return the RoleManager to be used for role-centric security changes
        the RoleManager
      • getProcessManager

        public com.complexible.stardog.process.ProcessManager getProcessManager()
        The ProcessManager for managing running queries
      • getTokenManager

        public getTokenManager()
        Return a link to the object that will allow clients to interact with JWT bearer tokens
        the TokenManager
      • currentStatus

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> currentStatus​(Options theOptions)
                                                                             throws StardogException
        Return the server status information, including Server/Protocols running, Stardog Home path, OS, etc. The options can be used to configure which metrics will be included in the results. The embedded connections do not support any options other than MetricOptions.DATABASES.
        theOptions -
        the metrics showing the server status
        StardogException - if there was an error retrieving the DBMS info
        See Also:
      • generateDiagnosticReport

        public generateDiagnosticReport​( theDiagnosticsReport)
      • getStoredQueries

        public StoredQueries getStoredQueries()
        Returns the stored queries in this server. Returned object can be used to add and remove stored queries.
        the stored queries
      • getStoredFunctions

        public com.complexible.stardog.StoredFunctions getStoredFunctions()
        Returns the stored functions in this server. Returned object can be used to add and remove stored functions.
        the stored functions
      • run

        public void run​(java.lang.Runnable theAction)
      • call

        public <T> T call​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> theAction)