A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- abort() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- ABORT_ON_CONFLICT - com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions.WriteConflictStrategy
- AbstractAdminConnection - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
- AbstractAdminConnection(Views<AdminConnection>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
- AbstractAutoDisposable - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- AbstractAutoDisposable() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.AbstractAutoDisposable
- AbstractCloseableIterator() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator.AbstractCloseableIterator
- AbstractConnectionConfiguration<T> - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api
- AbstractConnectionConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
- AbstractConnectionConfiguration(Options) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
- AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter - Class in com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio
- AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter(OutputStream, Options, QueryResultFormat) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter
- AbstractEntityRDFExtractor - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
- AbstractEntityRDFExtractor() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.AbstractEntityRDFExtractor
- AbstractFunction - Class in com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions
Abstract stub implementation of a Function.
- AbstractFunction(int, String...) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
- AbstractFunction(AbstractFunction) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
- AbstractFunction(Range<Integer>, String...) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
- AbstractFunction(List<Expression>, int, String...) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Create a new AbstractFunction
- AbstractFunction(List<Expression>, Range<Integer>, String...) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Create a new AbstractFunction
- AbstractICVConnection - Class in com.complexible.stardog.icv.api
Abstract base implementation for a SNARL API Connection which supports ICV.
- AbstractICVConnection(AbstractConnection) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.icv.api.AbstractICVConnection
- AbstractLongIterator - Class in com.complexible.common.primitives
A skeleton implementation of
allowing subclasses to concentrate of computing next elements. - AbstractLongIterator() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.primitives.AbstractLongIterator
- AbstractLongIterator(long) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.primitives.AbstractLongIterator
- AbstractQueryResultHandler<T> - Class in com.stardog.stark.query
- AbstractQueryResultHandler() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.AbstractQueryResultHandler
- AbstractRDFHandler - Class in com.stardog.stark.io
Base implementation of an
which provides no-op implementations for all of the methods except handling ofstatements
- AbstractRDFHandler() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.AbstractRDFHandler
- AbstractReasoningConnection - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning
- AbstractReasoningConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.AbstractReasoningConnection
- AbstractSkippingIterator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
implementation to help with concrete implementations. - AbstractSkippingIterator(Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
- AbstractSkippingLongIterator - Class in com.complexible.common.primitives
- AbstractSkippingLongIterator() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.primitives.AbstractSkippingLongIterator
- AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter<T> - Class in com.stardog.stark.query.io.json
- AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter(OutputStream, Options) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter
- AbstractSPARQLXMLWriter<T> - Class in com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml
- AbstractSPARQLXMLWriter(OutputStream, Options) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.AbstractSPARQLXMLWriter
- accept(CandidateMention) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.IDLabelDistance
- accept(CandidateMention) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.PopularityScore
- accept(T) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Streams.CheckedConsumer
- accept(U, T) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Streams.CheckedBiConsumer
- acceptsURL(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Driver
Whether or not this driver can provide a connection for the provided URL
- accessRights - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- accrualMethod - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- accrualPeriodicity - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- accrualPolicy - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- acquire() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AbstractAutoDisposable
- acquire() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.AutoDisposable
Acquires a reference to this object preventing it from being automatically disposed until the reference is released.
- acquire(UUID) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks.InterProcessTxLock
Tries to acquire a lock for a transaction.
- acquire(UUID) - Method in class com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks.NonReentrantMutex
Acquire the mutex - blocking until it's available.
- acquire(UUID, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks.InterProcessTxLock
Tries to acquire a lock for a transaction.
- acquire(UUID, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks.NonReentrantMutex
Acquire the mutex - blocks until it's available or the given time expires.
- actedOnBehalfOf - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- ActionType - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.security
Enumeration containing all action types that can be used in
- activate() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.pool.Poolable
Prepare this object for use.
- activateObject(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.pool.DefaultPoolableObjectFactory
- activeGraphs(Collection<IRI>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.StardogExplainer
Compute the explanation over the given named graphs ignoring information in other named graphs.
- ActiveResources - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- activity - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- Activity - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- ActivityInfluence - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- add() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Create an Adder for adding statements to the database
- add(RDFStream) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamProcessor
Adds a new stream to process.
- add(Timer) - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Update the total time elapsed and number of counts by by adding the values from another timer.
- add(Feature) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Add the shape to the spatial index.
- add(GeospatialSource, GeospatialIndexConnection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Indexing
- add(StoredQuery) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQueries
Stores the given query.
- add(PeekingIterator<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SortedIterators.UnionBuilder
- add(IRI, ServiceParameters) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceParameters
- add(IRI, QueryTerm...) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceParameters
- add(Namespace) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.NamespacesInfo
- add(Namespaces) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.NamespacesInfo
- add(Binding) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets.Builder
Add a
to the set. - add(Statement) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.GraphBuilder
- add(Iterable<RDFStream>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamProcessor
- add(Iterable<Feature>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Add the shapes to the spatial index.
- add(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ActiveResources
- add(String, Value) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets.Builder
Add a binding to the set
- add(String, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.NamespacesInfo
- add(Callable<?>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionGroup
- add(List) - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.TableData
- add(TokenNameFinder) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPDocumentParser
- add(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BigArrayList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
- add(T) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.BufferList
Adds an element to this buffer list.
- add(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DisjointSet
- add(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
Add a solution to the non-dominated solutions
- add(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.QueuedSortedIterator
- add(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.UpdatablePriorityQueue
- add(T) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
Add a new format to the list of supported formats
- addAll(IntSet, IntContainer) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.CarrotUtil
- addAll(LongSet, LongSet) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.CarrotUtil
- addAll(BufferList<T>) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.BufferList
Adds the contents of another buffer list to this one.
- addAll(Timers) - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timers
- addAll(Binding...) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets.Builder
Add all of the
to this `BindingSet` - addAll(Iterable<Callable<?>>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionGroup
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
- addAll(Iterator<Callable<?>>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionGroup
- addAllProcedure(LongIntHashMap) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.CarrotUtil
- addColumn(int, String, String, int) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceQueryResult
- addContent(Resource, Model, Content) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.StardogModelAssembler
- addDataSource(String, Properties) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Add a data source with the given properties
- addEntity(Set<Statement>, IRI, Span, boolean, boolean, Collection<Resource>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.AbstractEntityRDFExtractor
Add information about a new entity to the
, returning the createdResource
- Adder - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
Interface for adding RDF to a Stardog database via a
. - addFeature(String, double) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.CandidateMention
- addGraph(String, String, String, Properties, Iterable<Statement>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Registers a new virtual graph against a named data source
- addGraph(String, String, String, Properties, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Registers a new virtual graph using a data source.
- addGraph(String, String, Properties, Iterable<Statement>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Registers a new virtual graph.
- addGraph(String, String, Properties, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
VirtualGraphAdminConnection.addGraph(String, String, String, Properties, String)
with null dataSource - addGraph(String, String, Set<Statement>, String, Properties, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Deprecated.For Stardog internal use only
- addGraph(String, Properties, Iterable<Statement>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Registers a new virtual graph to be associated with all databases.
- addGraph(String, Properties, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Registers a new virtual graph for access from all databases
- addLabel(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addListener(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.ListenerSupport
Adds the specified listener to the list
- addMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.PrefixMapping
Add a new prefix/namespace mapping.
- addNamespaces(Iterable<Namespace>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter
- addNode(ClusterNodeStatus) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterStatusView
Add a node to the list of nodes in the cluster.
- addProperty(IRI, ResourceBuilder) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Value) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Boolean) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Double) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Float) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Integer) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Long) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Object) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Short) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, URI) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Date) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
Add a xsd:dateTime property to the resource
- addProperty(IRI, List<? extends Value>) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addProperty(IRI, Set<? extends Value>) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- address() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.protocols.server.Server
Return the address of this server.
- Address - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.VCard
- ADDRESS_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
This flag indicates whether
utility is available. - addRole(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.RoleManager
Adds a new role to the system.
- addRolePerm(Permission) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.PermissionManager
Grants a permission to a role.
- addRow(Object...) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.LogJsonOuput
- addRow(Object...) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.dataexporter.LogOutputter
- addRow(Object...) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TextTabularOutput
- addSchema(String, GraphQLSchema) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.graphql.GraphQLSchemaManager
Adds a new GraphQLSchema to this database
- addTransition(S, E, S, Consumer<StateMachine.StateTransition>, O) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.StateMachine
This method is used to build the state machine transitions.
- addType(IRI) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ResourceBuilder
- addUser(String, boolean, char[]) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.UserManager
Adds a new user.
- addUserPerm(Permission) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.PermissionManager
Grants a permission to a user.
- addUserRole(String, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.UserManager
Assigns a role to a user.
- addValue(int, int, Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceQueryResult
- addWithoutCommit(Resource, IRI, Value, Resource...) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- adjustTZafterExtraction(int) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- adjustWidth() - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.MergedColumn
Adjusts the width of the merged column to be as wide as the columns it spans.
- admin() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Returns an instance of the
class that can be used to perform administrative functions. - ADMIN_THREAD_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerOptions
Size of user thread pool
- AdminConnection - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
A connection to the Stardog DBMS allowing access to the administrative functions provided by Stardog.
- AdminConnectionConfiguration - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
- AdminConnectionConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnectionConfiguration
- AdminConnectionView<Input extends AdminConnection,Output extends AdminConnection> - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
- ADR - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.VCard
- afterExecute(Runnable, Throwable) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
- age - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- agent - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- Agent - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- Agent - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- Agent - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- AgentInfluence - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- Aggregate - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates
- Aggregate - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- Aggregate.ErrorBehaviour - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates
Define behaviour of this aggregate when the input is unbound / erroneous
- alias(String, T) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
Associate an alias for the given format
- align(CellDetails, String, String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.WordWrapStringColumn
- all() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Remover
Delete the entire contents of the database.
- all() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.ActionBuilder
- all() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.ResourceBuilder
- all() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.TypeBuilder
- all() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- all(Axiom.PropertyExpression, Axiom) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new AllValuesFrom expression
- all(Axiom.PropertyExpression, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new AllValuesFrom expression
- all(IRI, Axiom) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new AllValuesFrom expression
- all(IRI, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new AllValuesFrom expression
- ALL - com.complexible.stardog.security.ActionType
- ALL - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.Contexts
Special URI representing all local and virtual graphs
- ALL_DATABASES - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
Special value indicating a stored query can be executed over all databases.
- ALL_DBS - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
- ALL_DISJOINT_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- ALL_DISJOINT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- ALL_GRAPHS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.Values
Special IRI representing the union of the local and virtual graphs
- ALL_LOCAL - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets
The query dataset where the default graph is the union of all local (non-virtual) graphs.
- ALL_NAMED_GRAPHS - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
- ALLDIFFERENT - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- allEqual() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
- allocate(int, ByteOrder) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
The replacement for
that requires to specify the byte order. - allocateDirect(int, ByteOrder) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
The replacement for
that requires to specify the byte order. - ALLOW_REF_OBJECT_MAP_LEFT_JOIN - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
Allow creation of left joins when resolving parent refObjectMap fields with nullable FKs?
- ALLOW_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
Should the virtual graph or data source be allowed to be created if it will be immediately unavailable? This is primarily used for internal testing of unavailable VGs and DSs but can be expanded later if we wish to make this status changeable by users at runtime.
- allProperties() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
Returns the set of all valid Stardog options.
- ALLVALUESFROM - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- AlphaNumericComparator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.util
This is a comparator to perform a mix of alphabetical+numeric comparison.
- alt - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.WGS
- ALT - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDF
- alternateOf - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- alternative - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- alternativeDistinctValues(int) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
If applicable, get an alternative estimate of the distinct values for the variable.
- altLabel - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- ALWAYS - com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions.InlineStoredQuery
- ALWAYS - com.complexible.stardog.QueryPlanReuse
Always reuse cached query plans for structurally equivalent queries.
- alwaysTrue() - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.primitives.BiLongPredicate
- AMAZON_LINUX - com.complexible.common.LinuxDistribution.Distribution
- and(Bool) - Method in enum com.complexible.common.base.Bool
- and(Axiom.ClassExpression...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an And (owl:intersectionOf) expression
- and(Resource...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an And (owl:intersectionOf) expression
- Annotated - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
Object that contains a key value interface for annotations
- Annotated() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Annotated
- Annotated(ListMultimap<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Annotated
- ANNOTATED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- ANNOTATED_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- ANNOTATED_TARGET - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- annotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Instrumentor
Return all the classes which have the given annotation applied to them
- ANNOTATIONPROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- anonNode(BNode) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.JenaSesameUtils
Create a Jena anonymous Graph Node from the Sesame BNode
- answersSparqlQueries() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Service
Are queries against this service SPARQL queries? If so, we can perform reasoning, etc.
- any(MediaType, MediaType, MediaType...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.net.MediaTypes
- ANYURI - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- ANYURI - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- ApachePoolConfig<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.pool
Abstract base class for instantiating a pool backed by Apache Pool.
- ApachePoolConfig(PoolableObjectFactory<T>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.pool.ApachePoolConfig
- ApachePoolImpl<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.pool
Pool implementation using an Apache object pool
- ApachePoolImpl(PoolableObjectFactory<T>, int, GenericObjectPool.Config) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.pool.ApachePoolImpl
Create a new ApachePoolImpl
- append(Change<E, T>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ChangeList
Add a new Change to the current list of changes
- append(E, T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ChangeList
Add a new Change to the current list of changes.
- appendAll(Iterable<Change<E, T>>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ChangeList
Add all the Changes to the current list of changes
- appendCloseable(SkippingIterator<T>, AutoCloseable) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
- apply(long, long) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.primitives.BiLongPredicate.BiLongFunction
- apply(Document) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.MultipleMentionExtractor
- apply(Document) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.NERMentionExtractor
- apply(Span) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator
- apply(Span) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPMentionFixer
- apply(Span) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.WaldoCandidateGenerator
- apply(ServiceQuery, int) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery.DistinctValuesEstimationFunction
- apply(Statement) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFObfuscator
- apply(In) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Streams.CheckedFunction
- apply(In1, In2) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Streams.CheckedBiFunction
- apply(Reader) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.DocumentParser
Consumes and closes the
, transforming its contents into aDocument
- apply(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPDocumentParser
s are not thread-safe, and share internal state between calls. - apply(List<CandidateMention>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.MaxRanking
- apply(List<Rank>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.TopThresholdSelector
- apply(T) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.IOFunction
- apply(T) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager.CheckedFunction
- APPLY_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.Statements
- applyAndCloseOnError(I, Function<I, O>, Function<Throwable, E>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
Executes the action on the closeable and closes it immediately upon failure.
- applyContext(Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Statements
- applyContext(Statement, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Statements
- applyContext(Collection<Statement>, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Graphs
Create a copy of the statements, modifying them, to apply the given context to each.
- applyMetadataDiff(String, Set<Statement>, Set<Statement>, int, Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Deprecated.For Stardog internal use only
- applyTerminalAndClose(Stream<Input>, Function<Stream<Input>, Output>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Streams
Apply the given terminal operation to the stream returning the result and close the stream.
- APPROXIMATE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.ReasoningOptions
Flag to enable approximate reasoning.
- aq - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- ArbitrarySortedMapComparator<K extends java.lang.Comparable<? super K>,V extends java.lang.Comparable<? super V>> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Comparator to order sorted maps.
- ArbitrarySortedMapComparator() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.ArbitrarySortedMapComparator
- ARCHETYPES - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
The name of one or more database archetypes, used to associate ontologies and constraints with new databases.
- area - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql.Functions
- AREA - com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql.SPATIAL_FUNCTIONS
- argument1 - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- argument2 - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- arguments - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- array() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.BufferList
Returns the array which stores the contents of this buffer list.
- ARRAY - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.ArrayLiteral
- ARRAY_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.base.SizeFunctions
- ARRAY_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.ValueWeigher
- ArrayIterable<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
Adapter class for using an Array as an Iterable, particularly, for allowing parts of an array to be the iterable.
- ArrayIterable(T[]) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.ArrayIterable
Create a new ArrayIterator
- ArrayIterable(T[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.ArrayIterable
Create a new ArrayIterator
- ArrayIterator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
Class which adapts an array of objects to the Iterator interface, particularly to allow sub-arrays to be iterated over.
- ArrayIterator(T[]) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.ArrayIterator
Create a new ArrayIterator
- ArrayIterator(T[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.ArrayIterator
Create a new ArrayIterator
- ArrayLiteral - Class in com.complexible.common.rdf.model
Literal consisting of an array of Stardog IDs
- ArrayLiteral(long...) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.ArrayLiteral
- ArrayUtil - Class in com.complexible.common.primitives
- as(Input) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.view.View
Transform the object into the new view.
- as(Input, Class<Output>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.view.Views
Return the view of the provided object
- as(Class<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
Return this admin connection viewed as a different type of admin connection.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Return this admin connection viewed as a different type of admin connection.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Return this admin connection viewed as a different type of admin connection.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Return this connection viewed as a different type of connection.
- ASCIIUtil - Class in com.stardog.stark.util
Utility methods for ASCII character checking.
- ASCIIUtil() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.util.ASCIIUtil
- asCloseable(Disposable) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposables
A utility method to treat a disposable object as an
. - asDate(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Dates
Formats the given string as a java.util.Date object.
- asGML - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- asJavaList(BufferList<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BufferLists
- ask() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Getter
Returns whether or not
returns any results, that is, whether or not there are any statements which match the current state of thisGetter
. - ask(Statement) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Getter
Check to see if the statement exists in the database.
- ask(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Create a SPARQL ask query against the database
- ask(String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.QueryFactory
Create the boolean query with the default base ("http://api.stardog.com/") for parsing.
- ask(String, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Create a SPARQL ask query against the database
- ask(String, String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.QueryFactory
Create a new boolean query.
- ASK - com.complexible.common.rdf.query.SPARQLUtil.QueryType
- asList(Collection<Statement>, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Graphs
Return the contents of the given list by following the `rdf:first`/`rdf:rest` structure of the list
- asOption() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.ConfigProperty
- asOptional() - Method in class com.complexible.common.inject.OptionalConstructorParam
- asReadOnlyBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
This method replaces
, with the difference that it preserves the source buffer's order in the read-only view. - assertArrayLiteral(Value) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the literal is an array literal.
- assertBNode(Value) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the value is a BNode
- assertDecimalLiteral(Value) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the literal is a decimal literal.
- assertIntegerLiteral(Value) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the literal is an integer literal.
- ASSERTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- assertIRI(Value) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the value is a URI
- assertLineTerminates(IOParserContext) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTParser
Verifies that there is only whitespace or comments until the end of the line.
- assertLiteral(Value) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the value is a literal
- assertLiteral(Value, Predicate<Datatype>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
- assertNumericLiteral(Value) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the literal is a numeric literal
- assertOpen() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
- assertOpen() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
Assert that the client is currently logged into the Stardog server
- assertOpen(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.api.AbstractICVConnection
- assertPathLiteral(Value) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
- assertRequiredArgs(int) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Validate that the arguments passed to the function match the expected number
- assertSimpleLiteral(Value) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the value is a simple literal
- assertStatement(Value) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the value is a
- assertStringLiteral(Value) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the value is a String literal
- assertTypedLiteral(Value, Datatype) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Assert that the literal has the provided datatype
- assertValidName(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
- assignIDs(MappingDictionary) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery.PlanNodeBodyServiceQueryBuilder
- Association - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- asWKT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- ASYMMETRIC - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- asymmetricProperty(IRI) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new owl:AsymmetricProperty expression
- ASYNC_FLUSH - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
- AsyncGraphQueryResult - Class in com.stardog.stark.query.io
which asynchronously parses the result set from an input stream. - AsyncGraphQueryResult(InputStream, RDFParser, Options, ExecutorService, int, CancelCheck, Consumer<Boolean>, Function<Exception, RuntimeException>) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.AsyncGraphQueryResult
- AsyncSelectQueryResult - Class in com.stardog.stark.query.io
which asynchronously parses the result set from an input stream. - AsyncSelectQueryResult(InputStream, QueryResultParser<SelectQueryResultHandler>, ExecutorService, int, CancelCheck, Consumer<Boolean>, Function<Exception, RuntimeException>) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.AsyncSelectQueryResult
- at(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Open a connection to the database specified directly by the connection string which may contain connection options
- atLocation - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- AtomicState<S extends java.lang.Enum<S>> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Represents a mutable state that can be updated exclusively through
calls. - AtomicState(S) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
- AtomList - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- attemptSync() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterAdminConnection
- atTime - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- Attribution - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- audience - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- AUTO_SCHEMA - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.graphql.GraphQLOptions
- AUTO_SCHEMA - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.serf.db.SerfOptions
Enables automatic SQL schema generation when one does not exist in the database.
- AUTO_SCHEMA_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.serf.db.SerfOptions
Specifies the input source to use for generating the SQL schema automatically when one does not exist in the database.
- AUTO_SCHEMA_REASONING - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
- AUTO_SCHEMA_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.graphql.GraphQLOptions
- AUTO_STATS_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Option to turn on automatic statistics updates.
- AutoCloser - Class in com.complexible.common.base
This class is an equivalent of Guava's
, that supportsAutoCloseable
s. - AutoDisposable - Interface in com.complexible.common.base
A special kind of
that keeps track of references to it and disposes the object automatically when there are no references left. - autoDispose(Disposable) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposables
- available - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- available() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Memory
Returns the current amount of memory available on the heap.
- availableGraphs - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- Axiom - Interface in com.stardog.stark
An OWL Axiom
- AXIOM - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- Axiom.ClassExpression - Interface in com.stardog.stark
An expression about a class
- Axiom.Datatype - Interface in com.stardog.stark
A datatype expression
- Axiom.NamedDatatype - Interface in com.stardog.stark
A named datatype expression
- Axiom.PropertyExpression - Interface in com.stardog.stark
An expression about a property
- Axioms - Class in com.stardog.stark
Deprecated.Not used anymore, however since the class is part of our Public API some users might still be using it. Therefore it is a candidate to be a test-only class at next major version prior to 8.0
- Axioms.Datatypes - Class in com.stardog.stark
Deprecated.Class which represents the various different datatypes
- Axioms.ExpressionList<T extends Axiom> - Class in com.stardog.stark
Deprecated.Expression which represents an rdf:List of other expressions.
- Axioms.Facet - Enum in com.stardog.stark
Deprecated.Enumeration of the possible facets for a
on aAxiom.NamedDatatype
- Axioms.FacetRestriction - Class in com.stardog.stark
Deprecated.A restriction on a facet of a datatype.
- Axioms.RestrictedDatatype - Class in com.stardog.stark
Deprecated.A user-defined datatype which has facet restrictions placed on its value
- backup(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
- backup(String, File) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
- backup(String, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
- backup(String, Optional<String>, Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Create a backup of the given database in the specified location.
- backup(String, Optional<String>, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Create a backup of the given database in the specified location.
- backup(String, Optional<String>, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
- backupAll(Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Create a backup of the server in the specified location.
- backupAll(Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Create a backup of the server in the specified location.
- backupAll(Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
Create a backup of the server in the specified location.
- BACKWARDCOMPATIBLEWITH - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- BAG - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDF
- BASE_IRI - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
- BASE_URI - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- BASE_URI - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.Namespaces
- BASE64BINARY - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- BASE64BINARY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- base64Decode(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Strings2
Base64 encodes the given byte array.
- base64Encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Strings2
Base64 encodes the given byte array.
- based_near - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- baseFormat() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.CompressedRDFFormat
Return the base format.
- baseFormat(RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
Returns the
base format
of the given format if it is acompressed format
or the given format otherwise. - baseIRI() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Query
Return the base URI for this query
- baseIRI(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Return the default options with the
base IRI
set to the given value - baseURI() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
- BasicFederatedQuery - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- BasicMentionExtractor - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
Extract basic mentions of named entities
- BasicMentionExtractor(DocumentParser, MentionExtractor) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.BasicMentionExtractor
- BasicMentionExtractorFactory - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
- BasicMentionExtractorFactory() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.BasicMentionExtractorFactory
- BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamOptions
The number of input lines that will be passed to parsing threads as a batch.
- BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceOptions
- BatchingIterator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
An iterator which batches elements of the underlying iterator.
- BatchingIterator(Iterator<T>, Predicate<T>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.BatchingIterator
- BCP47 - com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions.LanguageNormalization
Language tag format defined by BCP47, which is referenced by the RDF-1.1 specification.
- BCP47 - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.LowercaseBCP47LanguageHandler
- BCP47 - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.LanguageHandler
Identifier for the language tag format defined by BCP47, which is referenced by the RDF-1.1 specification.
- BCP47LanguageHandler - Class in com.stardog.stark.io.language
A language handler that can verify BCP47 formatted language tags.
- BCP47LanguageHandler() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.language.BCP47LanguageHandler
- BEARER - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Special username that will be used when an
API token
is used - begin() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Start a new transaction.
- begin() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- begin() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Start a transaction
- beginTransitionFrom(S...) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
Starts a transition provided that the current state is one of the specified states.
- bibliographicCitation - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- BibliographicResource - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- BidirectionalIterator<T> - Interface in com.complexible.common.collect
An Iterator which can iterate back to previous elements.
- BidirectionalIterators - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
Utility class for bidirectional iterators.
- BigArrayList<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
Simple implementation of a list that can have more than Integer.MAX_VALUE values.
- BigArrayList() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.BigArrayList
- BILLION - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.base.Numbers
Constant field for billion.
- BiLongPredicate - Interface in com.complexible.common.primitives
A boolean predicate over tuples of two longs.
- BiLongPredicate.BiLongFunction<T> - Interface in com.complexible.common.primitives
- BiLongPredicate.StatefulBiLongPredicate - Interface in com.complexible.common.primitives
- BINARY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
Binary RDF
- BINARY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
Binary query result format for select query results
- BinaryQueryResultConstants - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary
Interface defining constants for the binary table result format.
- BinaryRDFConstants - Interface in com.stardog.stark.io.binary
Constants for Binary RDF
- BinaryRDFParser - Class in com.stardog.stark.io.binary
- BinaryRDFParser() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFParser
- BinaryRDFWriter - Class in com.stardog.stark.io.binary
for RDF in a binary format - BinaryRDFWriter.BinaryRDFWriterFactory - Class in com.stardog.stark.io.binary
- BinaryRDFWriterFactory() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFWriter.BinaryRDFWriterFactory
- BinarySelectQueryResultParser - Class in com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary
- BinarySelectQueryResultParser() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultParser
- BinarySelectQueryResultWriter - Class in com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary
in a binary format - BinarySelectQueryResultWriter(OutputStream, Options) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultWriter
- BinarySelectQueryResultWriter.BinarySelectQueryResultWriterFactory - Class in com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary
- BinarySelectQueryResultWriterFactory() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultWriter.BinarySelectQueryResultWriterFactory
- bind(SocketAddress) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerBuilder
Create the server which will bind to the specified address.
- binding(String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSet
Optionally return the binding of the given variable
- Binding - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query
A variable binding in a single
to aselect query
. - Bindings - Class in com.stardog.stark.query
Utilities for working with
- BINDINGS - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONConstants
- BindingSet - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query
A set of query result bindings
- BindingSetIterator - Interface in com.complexible.common.rdf.query
Iteration over a BindingSet elements
- BindingSets - Class in com.stardog.stark.query
Utilities for working with
- BindingSets.Builder - Class in com.stardog.stark.query
Builder for
- binds(String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSet
Return whether or not the variable is bound in this solution
- birthday - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- BIT_SET - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers
- BitesConnection - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs
A connection to a document store within a Stardog database.
- BitesOptions - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs
Configuration options for Stardog's BITES subsystem
- BitesOptions() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.BitesOptions
- bitMask(int, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Bits
- Bits - Class in com.complexible.common.primitives
Utility class for manipulating bits.
- BLOCK_CACHE - com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.StarrocksComponent
- blockAtCapacity(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.complexible.common.pool.PoolConfig
Set the amount of time to wait to obtain an object.
- blockAtCapacity(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionPoolConfig
Set the amount of time to wait to obtain an object.
- BlockingThreadPoolExecutor - Class in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
which has a limited number of outstanding permits for executing tasks and when there are no more permits left,new tasks
will block waiting for a permit to free up instead of throwing an exception. - BlockingThreadPoolExecutor(int, int, long, TimeUnit, BlockingQueue<Runnable>, int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
- BlockingThreadPoolExecutor(int, int, long, TimeUnit, BlockingQueue<Runnable>, RejectedExecutionHandler, int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
- BlockingThreadPoolExecutor(int, int, long, TimeUnit, BlockingQueue<Runnable>, ThreadFactory, int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
- BlockingThreadPoolExecutor(int, int, long, TimeUnit, BlockingQueue<Runnable>, ThreadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler, int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
- BlockingThreadPoolExecutor.ExceptionHandler - Interface in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
- BlockingThreadPoolExecutor.SilentExceptionHandler - Class in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
- bnode() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Binding
Return the value of the binding, optionally, as a bnode
- bnode() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.GraphBuilder
- bnode() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Values
Create a new
- bnode(String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSet
Optionally return the value for the given variable as a
- bnode(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Values
Create a new
- bnode(Node) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.JenaSesameUtils
- BNode - Interface in com.stardog.stark
A Blank Node, aka BNode, in an RDF graph.
- BNODE - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONConstants
- BNODE_ID_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
The prefix that will be prepended to every bnode identifier be returned by the parser.
- BNODE_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.ValueWeigher
- BNODE_PREFIX_ID - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Internal use only - The bnode prefix id used for only bulk loading at db creation time.
- BNODE_RECORD_MARKER - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinaryQueryResultConstants
- BNODE_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFConstants
- body - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- body() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- body(PlanNode) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery.PlanNodeBodyServiceQueryBuilder
- Bool - Enum in com.complexible.common.base
Three-valued (true, false, unknown) boolean type.
- BOOLEAN - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql.ServiceVocabulary
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONConstants
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- booleanFormats() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
Return only the supported boolean query formats
- BooleanQuery - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
A boolean (ASK) SPARQL query.
- BooleanQuery - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query
- BooleanQueryResult - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query
Result of a `boolean` query.
- BooleanQueryResultHandler - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query
- BooleanQueryResultParser - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query.io
- BooleanQueryResultWriter - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query.io
- booleanValue() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.BooleanQueryResult
Returns the single result and closes the result set
- booleanValue(Literal) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
Get the value of the
as a `boolean`. - BOTTOM_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- BOTTOM_OBJECT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- BoundedBuffer<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
Adapted from the example in Java Concurrency in Practice to add new methods like pause, resume, size, and uninterruptibles.
- BoundedBuffer(int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.BoundedBuffer
- BQRWriterFactory() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.TextBooleanQueryResultWriter.BQRWriterFactory
- broader - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- broaderTransitive - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- broadMatch - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.WriterOptions
Maximum number of triples that will be buffered during printing.
- BufferList<T> - Interface in com.complexible.common.collect
- BufferLists - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
- BufferLists() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.BufferLists
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor.Builder
Returns a new monitor instance with specified options.
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.PropertiesBuilder
Return the created Properties instance
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SortedIterators.UnionBuilder
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBuilder
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Builder
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.LogicalServiceQuery.LogicalServiceQueryBuilder
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery.CanonicalizedPlanNodeBodyServiceQueryBuilder
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery.PlanNodeBodyServiceQueryBuilder
- build() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery.ServiceQueryBuilder
- build() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets.Builder
Build a new
. - build() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
Build the dataset.
- build() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.StatementPattern.Builder
- build(BlockingQueue<Runnable>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- builder() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets
Return a new
for aBindingSet
- builder() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets
Return a new
builder for aDataset
- builder() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl
Create a
for aDataset
- builder(Metadata) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
Convenience method to create a database builder with the given options.
- builder(Metadata) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Deprecated.To be removed in 5.1
- builder(Metadata) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
- builder(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor
- Builder() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.StatementPattern.Builder
- buildRemoveQuery(Statement) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.SPARQLUtil
Builds a SPARQL Update remove query based on a Statement Pattern
- buildScheduled() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- builtin - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- Builtin - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- BuiltinAtom - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- BULK_LOAD - com.complexible.common.memory.PredefinedMemoryRatio
Memory configuration optimized for bulk loads.
- BULK_LOAD_DICTIONARY_MEM - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
The amount of memory to be used by the bulk load dictionary.
- BULK_LOAD_DICTIONARY_RESERVED_MEM - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
THe amount of memory reserved for system operations when bulk load dictionary is being used,
- BULK_LOAD_MAX_HANDLERS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
- BULK_LOAD_MAX_PARSERS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
- BULK_LOAD_RESIZE_HANDLERS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
- BULK_LOAD_SST_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Option which specifies the maximum number of records will be written to index's sst file during bulk loading; After this threshold exceeds bulk load import current sst file and switches to the new one; Default value:
- BULK_LOAD_STREAM_ARGS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
- BULK_LOAD_STREAM_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
- BULK_LOADER_ESTIMATED_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Internal use only
- BULK_LOADER_NAMED_GRAPHS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Internal use only
- BULK_LOADER_OVERWRITE_DATA - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
- Bundle - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- BYTE - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- BYTE - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- BYTE_PER_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- ByteBuffers - Class in com.complexible.common.nio
- ByteBuffers() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
- byteIO(ByteIO<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Builder
- bytesRead() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStream
- bytesRead() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.DelegatingRDFStream
- bytesRead() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStream
Supposed to return the number currently parsed.
- bytesRead() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.LineSupplier
The number of bytes that have been read so far.
- bytesRequired(long) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.VarLongSerializer
- byteValue(Literal) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
- BZIP2 - com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat.Compression
- c - Variable in class com.complexible.common.base.Sorter
- cachedThreadPoolBuilder() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2
- CAFFEINE_CACHE_ENTRY_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.ValueWeigher
- CAL_LITERAL_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.ValueWeigher
- CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- calendarValue(Literal) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
Get the value of the
as acalendar
. - call(Callable<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
- callerRuns() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- cancel() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
Cancel all registered cancellation points;
- cancel() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationPoint
Cancel current point;
- cancel() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DefaultCancellationPoint
- cancel() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DelegatingCancellationPoint
- cancel() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DummyCancellationPoint
- cancel(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.Cancellable
Cancels the execution of this computation.
- cancel(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
Cancel all registered cancellation points for the specific database.
- cancel(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DefaultCancellationPoint
- cancel(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DelegatingCancellationPoint
- cancel(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DummyCancellationPoint
- cancel(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamProcessor
- CancelCheck - Interface in com.complexible.common.cancellation
- Cancellable - Interface in com.complexible.common.cancellation
Interface for classes supporting cancellable computation.
- CancellationManager - Class in com.complexible.common.cancellation
This is general abstraction to make 5 main functions: 1) Create cancellation point for specific database; Locks global mutex in readLock mode; Locks database-related mutex in readLock mode; 2) Execute exclusive database operation for specific database; Locks global mutex in readLock mode; Locks database-related mutex in writeLock mode; So it is impossible to create new cancellation point or to execute critical section while this lock is acquired; 3) Unregister cancellation point; Does not have locks with other operations; 4) Cancel cancellation points; Does not have locks with other operations; 5) Dispose cancellation manager (for all databases); Locks global mutex in write lock mode; It will be impossible to run all parallel methods during dispose;
- CancellationManager() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
- CancellationManager(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
- CancellationManager.CheckedFunction<T,R> - Interface in com.complexible.common.cancellation
Callable which may throw an exception.
- CancellationPoint - Interface in com.complexible.common.cancellation
Interface for cancellation points; We create cancellation point in one place and have a contract that we don't dispose system or don't drop database while the point is active and actual;
- CancellationUtil - Class in com.complexible.common.cancellation
Utility methods for monitoring and cancellation of abstract processes.
- CancellationUtil() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationUtil
- cancelTransition() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
Request the cancellation of current transition.
- candidate() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Rank
- CandidateGenerator - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
Generates a list of
from amention
- CandidateMention - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
- CandidateMention(Span, Resource) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.CandidateMention
- CandidateSelector - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
Selects which
are worth saving in the database - canEvaluate(IRI) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Service
Return whether or not the Service can answer
- canEvaluate(IRI, Predicate<IRI>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceRegistry
Find a service compatible with the given URI
- CANONICAL_LITERALS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Specify that non-string typed literals are canonicalized in the database.
- CanonicalizedPlanNodeBodyServiceQueryBuilder(PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery.PlanNodeBodyServiceQueryBuilder) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery.CanonicalizedPlanNodeBodyServiceQueryBuilder
- canServiceJoin(PlanNode) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- canView(Input, Class<Output>) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.view.View
Return whether or not the provided type of object can be viewed as the desired type.
- capacity() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.BufferList
- cardinality(IRI, int) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new exact cardinality expression
- cardinality(IRI, int, Axiom.ClassExpression) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new exact cardinality expression
- cardinality(IRI, int, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new max cardinality expression
- CARDINALITY - com.complexible.stardog.QueryPlanReuse
Reuse cached query plans for structurally equivalent queries if the cardinality estimations of scans are similar.
- CARDINALITY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- CARDINALITY_CACHE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
The max capacity for the query pattern cardinality cache that is shared across queries to the same database.
- CarrotUtil - Class in com.complexible.common.hppc
Collection of utility methods for working with the Carrot Labs HPPC API
- CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.util.AlphaNumericComparator
instead - CASE_INSENSITIVE_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
- CASE_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.util.AlphaNumericComparator
instead - caseInsensitive() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.AlphaNumericComparator
- caseInsensitiveDirectives - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
- caseSensitive() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.AlphaNumericComparator
- castTo(Object, Class<? extends T>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Objects2
- category - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- category(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Builder
- Centimeter - com.complexible.stardog.spatial.DistanceUnit
- Centimeter - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.QUDT
- CENTOS - com.complexible.common.LinuxDistribution.Distribution
- Change<E extends java.lang.Enum & ChangeType,T> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Class which represents a logical change to a resource.
- ChangeList<E extends java.lang.Enum & ChangeType,T> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
An ordered list of
to some resource. - changeNote - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- changePassword(String, char[]) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.UserManager
Changes the password for the user.
- ChangeType - Interface in com.complexible.common.base
The type of a
. - Channels2 - Class in com.complexible.common.nio
- charset() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.CompressedRDFFormat
The charset used by the format
- charset() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat
The charset used by the format
- CHARSET_HANDLING - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- check() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancelCheck
Check if cancellation point is valid; It throws an exception in case if the cancellation point has been canceled.
- check() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DefaultCancellationPoint
- check() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DelegatingCancellationPoint
- check() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DummyCancellationPoint
- check() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.TimeoutCancelCheck
- check() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Check if the elapsed time is greater than the timeout limit and throw a TimeoutException if that is the case.
- check(CancelCheck) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamProcessor
- check(Consumer<Exception>) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancelCheck
Check if cancellation point is valid, and handle the exception if it's not.
- checkpoint(String, Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Perform a checkpoint operation (list, create, restore) against selected database.
- checkpoint(String, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Perform a checkpoint operation (list, create, restore) against selected database.
- checkpoint(String, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
- checkState(Collection<S>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
if the current state is one of the given states. - checkState(S) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
if the current state is not equal to the given state. - checkStateNot(S) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
if the current state is equal to the given state. - checkTimer(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timers
- CHUNK - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Token
- chunker(File) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPDocumentParser
- CLASS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- CLASS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDFS
- classAssertion(Resource, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new ClassAssertion(iID, c) expression
- ClassAtom - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- classesOf(Class<S>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.ClassServiceLoader
- classesOf(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.ServiceLoaders
Return the class objects for all classes which extend from the specified class
- classPredicate - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- ClassServiceLoader - Class in com.complexible.common.util
A simplified version of the ServiceLoader in the JDK.
- ClassServiceLoader() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.ClassServiceLoader
- Clean - com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexState
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ActiveResources
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ChangeList
Clear all changes
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BigArrayList
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BoundedBuffer
- clear() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.BufferList
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.UpdatablePriorityQueue
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.IntObjectBiMap
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.PrefixMapping
Clears all existing prefix/namespace mappings
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils.FileChangeCache
- clear() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.StardocsConnection
Deprecated.Delete ALL documents including contents and assertions in the current database's document store.
- clear() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
Removes all of the properties from this metadata.
- clear() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Clear all the features from the index
- clear() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQueries
Removes all the stored queries.
- clearBits(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Bits
- clearNamespaces() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- clearSchemas() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.graphql.GraphQLSchemaManager
Clears all schemas
- clearSharedModels() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPDocumentParser
Allow shared models to be GC'd as they potentially have a large memory footprint
- CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
- clientEngine(SSLContext) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.net.ssl.SSLContextFactory
Create an SSLEngine for a SNARL Client
- Clock - Interface in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
- clone() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ParsedURI
- clone() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDateTime
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
Closes all
instances that have been added to thisAutoCloser
. - close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Change
Close this change
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ChangeList
Close all the change objects in this list
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator.DelegatingCloseableIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator.EmptyCloseableIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.HandlerBackedIterator
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.ProgressReporter
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationPoint
Closes cancellation point;
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DefaultCancellationPoint
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DelegatingCancellationPoint
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DummyCancellationPoint
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DelegatingSkippingIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SingletonQueue
Closes the queue causing all blocked threads to be unblocked.
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingLongIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SpoolingMarkResetIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.TransformingLongIterator
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.primitives.CloseableLongIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ConstantAppendingLongIterator
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.primitives.Resettable
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.DelegatingStatementSource
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.MultiStatementIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.GraphQueryResultIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.IOBindingSetIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.PathsAsTupleQueryResult
Close the query results and return any resources in use back to the system.
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.TupleQueryResultIterator
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.TuplesAsPathQueryResult
Close the query results and return any resources in use back to the system.
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStream
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.DelegatingRDFStream
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBase
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources.RDFStreamStatementSource
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
Log out of the Stardog server and close the client.
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Close this connection.
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Close this connection.
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Close this connection.
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.icv.ICValidator
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates.Aggregate
Disposes of the internal state.
- close() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndex
Close this index.
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Close the connection to the index.
- close() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
After this call the query can no longer be used.
- close() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLPrettyWriter
- close() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.exec.QueryEngine
Close this query engine and free up any resources it holds
- close() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.AsyncGraphQueryResult
- close() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.AsyncSelectQueryResult
- close() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.QueryResult
Close the query results and return any resources in use back to the system.
- close(AutoCloseable...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
- close(Iterable<? extends AutoCloseable>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
- close(Consumer<T>, AutoCloseable...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
- close(Consumer<T>, Iterable<? extends AutoCloseable>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
- CloseableIterator<T> - Interface in com.complexible.common.base
which can beclosed
. - CloseableIterator.AbstractCloseableIterator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- CloseableIterator.DelegatingCloseableIterator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- CloseableIterator.EmptyCloseableIterator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- CloseableLongIterator - Interface in com.complexible.common.primitives
- closeActiveContext() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- closeActiveContext() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.trig.TrigWriter
- closePreviousStatement() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- closePreviousStatement() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleWriter
- closeQuietly(StatementSource) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources
Quietly close the statement source, ignoring an exceptions and simply logging them rather than re-throwing.
- closeQuietly(QueryResult<?>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.QueryResults
; any exception throw while closing will simply be logged. - closeQuietly(Iterator<?>) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
- closeSuppressedBy(Exception, AutoCloseable...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
- CLUSTER_FORCE_JOIN - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerOptions
Force the node to join an empty cluster, dropping any databases on this node
- ClusterAdminConnection - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack
for cluster/pack functions. - ClusterNodeRole - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack
Represents the role of a cluster node.
- ClusterNodeStatus - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack
A convenience class to status information from many nodes
- ClusterNodeStatus(String, Map<String, Object>, ClusterNodeType, ClusterNodeRole, boolean, UUID, UUID, Map<String, UUID>, Map<String, UUID>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- ClusterNodeStatus(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, boolean, UUID, UUID, Map<String, UUID>, Map<String, UUID>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- ClusterNodeType - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack
Represents the type of cluster node that is in use
- ClusterStatusView - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack
Cluster status view for api response serialization/deserialization to JSON
- ClusterStatusView() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterStatusView
- coerce(Literal) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.ArrayLiteral
- collapseWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
Replaces all contiguous sequences of #x9 (tab), #xA (line feed) and #xD (carriage return) with a single #x20 (space) character, and removes any leading and trailing whitespace characters, as specified for whiteSpace facet collapse.
- collect(CloseableIterator<T>, Collector<T, A, R>) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
Collect the contents of the iterator.
- CollectingRDFHandler<T> - Class in com.stardog.stark.io
that will collect thestatements
and return a result. - CollectingRDFHandler(Consumer<Statement>, Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.CollectingRDFHandler
- Collection - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- Collection - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- columnNumber() - Method in exception com.stardog.stark.io.InvalidRDF
Return the column where the parse error occurred
- columnNumber() - Method in exception com.stardog.stark.query.io.InvalidQueryResults
Return the column where the parse error occurred
- Columns - Class in com.complexible.common.dataexporter
Utility class to create different kinds of columns
- Columns() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.Columns
- com.complexible.common - package com.complexible.common
- com.complexible.common.base - package com.complexible.common.base
This package defines a set of classes primarily working with Java core objects or other basic operations.
- com.complexible.common.cancellation - package com.complexible.common.cancellation
- com.complexible.common.collect - package com.complexible.common.collect
- com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks - package com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks
- com.complexible.common.dataexporter - package com.complexible.common.dataexporter
- com.complexible.common.hppc - package com.complexible.common.hppc
- com.complexible.common.inject - package com.complexible.common.inject
- com.complexible.common.memory - package com.complexible.common.memory
- com.complexible.common.net - package com.complexible.common.net
- com.complexible.common.net.ssl - package com.complexible.common.net.ssl
- com.complexible.common.nio - package com.complexible.common.nio
- com.complexible.common.pool - package com.complexible.common.pool
- com.complexible.common.primitives - package com.complexible.common.primitives
- com.complexible.common.protocols.server - package com.complexible.common.protocols.server
- com.complexible.common.rdf - package com.complexible.common.rdf
- com.complexible.common.rdf.model - package com.complexible.common.rdf.model
- com.complexible.common.rdf.query - package com.complexible.common.rdf.query
- com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio - package com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio
- com.complexible.common.rdf.random - package com.complexible.common.rdf.random
- com.complexible.common.rdf.rio - package com.complexible.common.rdf.rio
- com.complexible.common.stream - package com.complexible.common.stream
- com.complexible.common.timer - package com.complexible.common.timer
- com.complexible.common.unsafe - package com.complexible.common.unsafe
- com.complexible.common.util - package com.complexible.common.util
- com.complexible.common.util.concurrent - package com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
- com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.locks - package com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.locks
- com.complexible.common.version - package com.complexible.common.version
- com.complexible.common.view - package com.complexible.common.view
- com.complexible.stardog - package com.complexible.stardog
- com.complexible.stardog.api - package com.complexible.stardog.api
Implementations of the SNARL API for embedded use; no server, direct connections to the underlying kernel
- com.complexible.stardog.api.admin - package com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
SNARL API support for Stardog DBMS administration
- com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack - package com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack
- com.complexible.stardog.api.graphql - package com.complexible.stardog.api.graphql
Provides classes and interfaces for executing GraphQL over a Stardog database.
- com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning - package com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning
Provides reasoning connection class for answering queries with reasoning results.
- com.complexible.stardog.api.search - package com.complexible.stardog.api.search
Provides classes and interfaces for performing free-text search over a Stardog database via the SNARL API.
- com.complexible.stardog.api.test - package com.complexible.stardog.api.test
- com.complexible.stardog.db - package com.complexible.stardog.db
- com.complexible.stardog.docs - package com.complexible.stardog.docs
- com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction - package com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction
- com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction.tika - package com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction.tika
- com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp - package com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
- com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl - package com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
- com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils - package com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils
- com.complexible.stardog.graphql - package com.complexible.stardog.graphql
- com.complexible.stardog.icv - package com.complexible.stardog.icv
API classes for using Integrity Constraints.
- com.complexible.stardog.icv.api - package com.complexible.stardog.icv.api
Provides SNARL API bindings for Integrity Constraint Validation (ICV).
- com.complexible.stardog.index - package com.complexible.stardog.index
Constants for configuring Stardog RDF indexes
- com.complexible.stardog.jena - package com.complexible.stardog.jena
Provides classes for Stardog-Jena integration.
- com.complexible.stardog.metadata - package com.complexible.stardog.metadata
Provides classes and interfaces for Stardog configuration options.
- com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates - package com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates
- com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service - package com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service
- com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions - package com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions
Packaging containing the definition of a Function and all the built-in implementations for strings, dates, etc.
- com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j - package com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j
Provides classes for Stardog-RDF4J integration
- com.complexible.stardog.reasoning - package com.complexible.stardog.reasoning
Contains many of the core interfaces and utilities for the reasoning API
- com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.api - package com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.api
- com.complexible.stardog.search - package com.complexible.stardog.search
- com.complexible.stardog.security - package com.complexible.stardog.security
Collection of interfaces for using the Stardog security framework
- com.complexible.stardog.serf.db - package com.complexible.stardog.serf.db
- com.complexible.stardog.spatial - package com.complexible.stardog.spatial
- com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api - package com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api
- com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin - package com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin
- com.stardog.stark - package com.stardog.stark
Core concepts of the RDF 1.1 model
- com.stardog.stark.io - package com.stardog.stark.io
Core APIs for reading and writing RDF data
- com.stardog.stark.io.binary - package com.stardog.stark.io.binary
- com.stardog.stark.io.datatypes - package com.stardog.stark.io.datatypes
- com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld - package com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld
- com.stardog.stark.io.language - package com.stardog.stark.io.language
- com.stardog.stark.io.n3 - package com.stardog.stark.io.n3
- com.stardog.stark.io.nquads - package com.stardog.stark.io.nquads
- com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples - package com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples
- com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson - package com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson
- com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml - package com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml
- com.stardog.stark.io.trig - package com.stardog.stark.io.trig
- com.stardog.stark.io.turtle - package com.stardog.stark.io.turtle
Implementation of reading and writing Turtle encoded RDF.
- com.stardog.stark.query - package com.stardog.stark.query
- com.stardog.stark.query.exec - package com.stardog.stark.query.exec
Basic API for evaluating
- com.stardog.stark.query.io - package com.stardog.stark.query.io
- com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary - package com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary
- com.stardog.stark.query.io.json - package com.stardog.stark.query.io.json
- com.stardog.stark.query.io.text - package com.stardog.stark.query.io.text
- com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv - package com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv
- com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv - package com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv
- com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml - package com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml
- com.stardog.stark.query.sparql - package com.stardog.stark.query.sparql
- com.stardog.stark.util - package com.stardog.stark.util
- com.stardog.stark.vocabs - package com.stardog.stark.vocabs
- combine(Options...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
Combines the given multiple options instances into one options instance.
- combine(Metadata...) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
Combines the given multiple options instances one options instance.
- COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.serf.db.SerfOptions
Option for fixed size buffer we use to read commands from the client.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ForwardingRDFWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDWriter
Deprecated.Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.nquads.NQuadsWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson.RDFJSONWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.RDFWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.trig.TrigWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.PrettyTurtleWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleWriter
Write a comment to the output.
- comment(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.XMLWriter
Writes a comment.
- COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFConstants
- COMMENT - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDFS
- commit() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Commit the current transaction.
- commit() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- commit() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Commit the transaction
- COMMIT_INVALIDS_SCHEMA - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.serf.db.SerfOptions
Should schema mappings being invalidated on TX commit? If set to false, the DB needs to be taken offline to invalidate schema
- CommitResult - Class in com.complexible.stardog
Represents the approximate net number of triples added or removed in a transaction.
- CommitResult(long, long) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.CommitResult
- Communication - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- COMPACT - com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDMode
- COMPACT_ARRAYS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDOptions
Deprecated.This option is not used anymore
- comparator() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- comparator() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
Returns the comparator for this iterator that specifies the order in which the elements are returned.
- comparator() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DelegatingSkippingIterator
- comparator() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterable
The comparator associated with this iterable that also determines the ordering of the elements in the iterator.
- comparator() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterator
Returns the comparator for this iterator that specifies the order in which the elements are returned.
- comparator() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementComparator
- COMPARATOR - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementComparator
- compare(Statement, Statement) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementComparator
- compare(XMLCalendar) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
- compare(XMLCalendar) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- compare(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.ListComparator
- compare(SortedMap<K, V>, SortedMap<K, V>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ArbitrarySortedMapComparator
- compare(T, T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.AlphaNumericComparator
- compare(T, T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.NaturalOrderComparator
- compare(T, T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.ToStringComparator
- compareCanonicalDecimals(String, String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
Compares two canonical decimals to eachother.
- compareCanonicalIntegers(String, String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
Compares two canonical integers to eachother.
- compareGraphs(String, Set<Statement>, Set<Statement>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestRunner
- compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.complexible.common.version.Version
- compareTo(Rank) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Rank
- compareTo(XMLDateTime) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDateTime
Compares this DateTime object to another DateTime object.
- compareTupleQueryResults(String, boolean, SelectQueryResultImpl, SelectQueryResultImpl) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestRunner
- compatible(BindingSet, BindingSet) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets
Check whether two
s are compatible. - complementOf(Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Return a ComplementOf expression
- COMPLEMENTOF - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- component - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- compose(Function<? super B, C>, Function<? super A, ? extends B>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Functional
Function composition as a static method which is more convenient than casting a lambda and calling
. - compress(OutputStream) - Method in enum com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat.Compression
- compressedFormat(RDFFormat, FileFormat.Compression) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
- compressedForName(RDFFormat, String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
Return the
compressed RDFFormat
for the given name, with the provided base format. - CompressedRDFFormat - Class in com.stardog.stark.io
Class to represent the format of serialized RDF that is also compressed
- CompressedRDFFormat(RDFFormat, FileFormat.Compression) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.CompressedRDFFormat
- compression() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.CompressedRDFFormat
Return the compression type of this format
- COMPRESSION - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Option which specifies what kind of compression wil lbe used for data written to disk.
- compressionOf(RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
Returns the
of given format if it is acompressed format
otherwise. - compute() - Method in class com.complexible.common.stream.ForEachIntTask
- ComputeAdminConnection - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin
Connection for importing files and virtual graphs via external compute
- computeNamedGraphs() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.StardogExplainer
The named graphs will be computed for assertions in the explanation.
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator.DelegatingCloseableIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator.EmptyCloseableIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.HandlerBackedIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
Return the next element to be returned by the iterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BatchingIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.MarkResetSkippingIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.AbstractLongIterator
Computes the next long to be returned by the iterator.
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ConstantAppendingLongIterator
Computes the next long to be returned by the iterator.
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.MultiStatementIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.GraphQueryResultIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.IOBindingSetIterator
- computeNext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.IteratorAsBooleanQueryResult
- computeNext() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.AsyncGraphQueryResult
- computeNext() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.AsyncSelectQueryResult
- computeNextReport(long) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ReportInterval
Returns the smallest integer greater than
that is divisable bymInterval
. - computeSkipTo(long) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.AbstractSkippingLongIterator
- computeSkipTo(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
Returns the element that this iteration has skipped to or
if it ran off the end. - computeSkipTo(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.MarkResetSkippingIterator
- computeSkipTo(T, T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
- concat(CloseableIterator<I>, CloseableIterator<I>) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
- concat(BidirectionalIterator<? extends T>...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BidirectionalIterators
Returns a bidirectional iterator that is the concatenation of
. - concat(ResettableIterator<SkippingIterator<T>>, Comparator<T>, long) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
Returns a skipping iterator which skips through all iterators sequentially.
- concat(SkippingIterator<T>...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
Returns a skipping iterator which skips through all iterators sequentially
- concat(LongIterator, LongIterator) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- concat(StatementSource, StatementSource, StatementSource...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources
- concat(Iterable<? extends CloseableIterator<T>>) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
- concat(Iterable<? extends BidirectionalIterator<? extends T>>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BidirectionalIterators
Returns a bidirectional iterator that is the concatenation of
. - concat(Iterable<StatementSource>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources
- concat(Iterable<T>, NestedList<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NestedList
Returns a list that will be the concatenation of the
elements andend
elements in iteration order. - concat(Iterator<? extends CloseableIterator<T>>) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
- concat(Iterator<? extends BidirectionalIterator<? extends T>>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BidirectionalIterators
Returns a bidirectional iterator that is the concatenation of
. - concat(Iterator<T>, NestedList<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NestedList
Returns a list that will be the concatenation of the
elements andend
elements in iteration order. - concat(Stream<T>, Stream<T>, Stream<T>...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Streams
- Concept - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- ConceptScheme - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- CONCURRENCY_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.SharedForkJoinExecutor
- concurrent(ExecutorService) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionGroup
- config(Options) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBuilder
- config(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- config(String, Class<T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- config(String, Class<T>, T) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- config(String, T) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- configList(String, Class<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- configProperties(Iterable<MetaProperty<?>>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
- ConfigProperty<T> - Class in com.complexible.stardog.metadata
Representation of a configuration option.
- configure(StardogExplainer, Options) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.StardogExplainerOptions
- conformsTo - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- connect() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnectionConfiguration
Open the connection to the database as described by this configuration.
- connect() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Create a connection object to the database as described by this configuration.
- connect() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Open the connection to the database as described by this configuration.
- connect(String, Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Driver
Open a connection to the database
- connectAdmin(String, Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Driver
[Optional] Creates an
to the database if the underlying protocol supports admin operations. - Connection - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
Interface for a connection to a Stardog database.
- CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
The amount of time a connection to the database can be open, but inactive, before being automatically closed to reclaim the resources.
- CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
This is used to describe Stardog's communicate to server to which this connection will connect information about how this connection is being used The main use case is for a replicated cluster command to be able to tell the remote node that this connection is in fact replicated and not a command coming from an end user.
- ConnectionConfiguration - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api
- ConnectionConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
- ConnectionConfiguration(Options) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
- ConnectionCredentials - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api
This object is used to set the authentication mechanism on Stardog HTTP connections.
- ConnectionCredentials(String, String) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- ConnectionCredentials(KerberosCredentials) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- ConnectionPool - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
A pool of Stardog connections.
- ConnectionPoolConfig - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api
A configuration object for creating connection pools.
- connectionString - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryFactory
- ConnectionView<I extends Connection,O extends Connection> - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
Interface to provide conversion of the 'view' of a connection to another type of connection.
- CONSISTENCY_AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.ReasoningOptions
Option to specify if consistency checking should be performed automatically during reasoning.
- ConstantAppendingLongIterator - Class in com.complexible.common.primitives
This is a union of a long iterator with a constant.
- ConstantAppendingLongIterator(CloseableLongIterator, long) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.primitives.ConstantAppendingLongIterator
- constantOverhead - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.ValueWeigher
- constantSize(int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.SizeFunctions
- constraint(Constraint) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.icv.ValidationReporter
Validate only the given constraint ignoring other constraints stored in the database.
- constraint(Iterable<Statement>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.ConstraintFactory
Create an
integrity constraint
from a collection of statements. - Constraint - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.icv
Interface to represent an integrity constraint.
- ConstraintFactory - Class in com.complexible.stardog.icv
Factory to simplify creating constraint objects.
- constraints - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- constraints(Iterable<Statement>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.ConstraintFactory
Create a set of
integrity constraints
from a collection of statements. - constraints(Collection<Constraint>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.icv.ValidationReporter
Validate only the given constraints ignoring other constraints stored in the database.
- constraints(Iterator<Statement>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.ConstraintFactory
Create a set of
integrity constraints
from a collection of statements. - constraintsFromGraph(Iterable<Statement>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.ICV
- constraintsToSource(Iterable<Constraint>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.ICV
- constraintsToSource(Iterable<Constraint>, Resource) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.ICV
- ConstraintViolation<T> - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.icv
Interface to represent the violation of an integrity constraint.
- consume(QueryResult<?>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.QueryResults
Iterate over all of the results and close the result set.
- consume(Consumer<Statement>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFHandlers
- consumeIterator(SkippingIterable<T>, Function<Iterator<T>, R>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterables
- contain(Shape) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Return all features that contain the current shape
- CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDFS
- CONTAINERMEMBERSHIPPROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDFS
- contains - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- contains(DataKey<V>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.DataMap
- contains(Option<V>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
Returns true if this collection contains a value for the specified option.
- contains(MetaProperty<?>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
if the given option is contained in the set of all valid Stardog options. - contains(MetaProperty<V>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
Returns true if this collection contains an explicit value for the specified option.
- contains(IRI) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceParameters
- contains(IRI) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Validator
- contains(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
- contains(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Annotated
- contains(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
if there is a option with the given name in the set of all valid Stardog options. - contains(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DisjointSet
- contains(T) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
Return whether or not the specific format is supported
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
- containsInvalidIRICharacters(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Values
- containSize(Shape) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Return the approximate number of features that contain the given shape
- containsKey(int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.IntObjectBiMap
- containsKeyIgnoreCase(Properties, String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
if the properties contains a key that matches the supplied key, ignoring case. - containsLeadingOrTrailingWhitespace(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Values
- containsVirtual() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.DelegatingStatementSource
- containsVirtual() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSource
Returns true if the statement source represents, at least partially, the contents of a Virtual Graph
- content - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.RuleVocab
- context() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.Statement
The name of the graph in which this statement appears.
- context() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.StatementPattern
The name of the graph in which this statement appears.
- context(Resource) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBuilder
- context(Resource) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Getter
Set the context to get from the database
- context(Resource) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.IO
Set the context that will be applied to all statements created when the RDF is read in from the specified IO source.
- context(Resource) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Remover
Remove the context and all the statements within from the database.
- context(Resource) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.StatementPattern.Builder
- context(Resource, Resource...) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Exporter
Specify which contexts should be exported.
- context(Collection<Resource>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Exporter
Specify which contexts should be exported.
- CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONConstants
- ContextCopyStatementSource - Interface in com.complexible.common.rdf
StatementSource decorator that indicates that we are copying all triples from one context to another context.
- ContextFallbackStatementSource - Class in com.complexible.common.rdf
StatementSource decorator which will provide a context for statements that don't have a context.
- ContextFallbackStatementSource(StatementSource, Resource) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.rdf.ContextFallbackStatementSource
- ContextOverrideStatementSource - Class in com.complexible.common.rdf
StatementSource decorator which will override the context of the underlying source.
- contexts(Collection<Statement>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Graphs
- contexts(Function<Path, Resource>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBuilder
- Contexts - Class in com.complexible.stardog
Defines constants that represent special URIs for contexts (named graphs).
- ContextSets - Class in com.complexible.stardog
Defines constants for contexts (named graphs) that Stardog treats specially.
- contributor - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DC
- contributor - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- convert(double, DistanceUnit) - Method in enum com.complexible.stardog.spatial.DistanceUnit
Convert the value in the given unit to this unit
- convertQueryResult(SelectQueryResult) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestRunner
- COORDINATOR - com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeRole
A cluster coordinator.
- copy() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Copyable
Create a deep copy of the object which does not share any references with the original.
- copy() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
Creates a mutable copy of the options instance.
- copy() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.MarkResetSkippingIterator
- copy() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.RestrictedMarkResetIterator
- copy() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SpoolingMarkResetIterator
- copy() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Create a deep copy of the object which does not share any references with the original.
- copy() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Create a deep copy of the object which does not share any references with the original.
- copy() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.search.SearchResult
Create a deep copy of the object which does not share any references with the original.
- copy() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
Creates a copy of the StardogOptions instance.
- copy() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates.Aggregate
Create a deep copy of the object which does not share any references with the original.
- copy() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.Function
Create a deep copy of the object which does not share any references with the original.
- copy(C) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Copyables
Perform a copy of a collection.
- copy(IntIntMap) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.CarrotUtil
- copy(IntIntMap[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.CarrotUtil
- copy(SkippingIterator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
- copy(Optional<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Copyables
- copy(ImmutableList<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Copyables
Perform a copy of an ImmutableList; while the list itself cannot change, the elements it contains *may* be mutable, so this will perform a
of each element and return a new ImmutableList - copy(ImmutableMap<K, V>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Copyables
Perform a copy of an
. - copy(ImmutableSet<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Copyables
Perform a copy of an
. - copy(T) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Copyables
the object if it is an instance of Copyable, otherwise returns the object unchanged. - copy(T[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Copyables
Perform a copy of an array.
- Copyable<T extends Copyable<T>> - Interface in com.complexible.common.base
Interface for an object that can be copied.
- Copyables - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Utility methods for copying collections of
objects. - copyContext(StatementSource, Resource, Resource) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources
- copyOf(int[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- copyOf(int[], int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- copyOf(long[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- copyOf(long[], int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- copyOf(T[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- copyOf(T[], int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- copyOption(Metadata, MetaProperty<T>, Options, Option<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Copies one option from the metadata to the options if it already does not exist in the options.
- copyParserOptions(Metadata, Options) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Copies parser properties from the metadata to the options.
- copyServerSide() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DatabaseBuilder
Specify that any files which are to be bulk loaded should be first copied to the remote server.
- corePoolSize(int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerOptions
Whether to allow credentials to be included in CORS requests for Kerberos authentication defaults to `false`
- CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerOptions
Option to configure the allowed origins for CORS requests
- CORS_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerOptions
Whether or not CORS support is enabled defaults to `true`
- count() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestSuite
Returns the total number of tests that are included directly or indirectly in this suite.
- countCancellationPoint(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
- countLimit(int) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.icv.ValidationReporter
Limits the number of validation results returned by the explainer.
- countLimit(int) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.StardogExplainer
Limits the number of explanations returned by the explainer.
- coverage - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DC
- coverage - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- creatable() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Builder
- CREATABLE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
Predicate that the returns
if the given option is creatable. - create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.AutoCloser
Creates a new
. - create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.ChangeList
Create a new list of Changes
- create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
Creates a new empty options instance.
- create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.PropertiesBuilder
Create a new PropertiesBuilder
- create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BigArrayList
- create() - Method in class com.complexible.common.pool.ApachePoolConfig
Create the Pool
- create() - Method in class com.complexible.common.pool.PoolConfig
Create the Pool
- create() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStatementHandler.Factory
Creates a new statement handler.
- create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.ListComparator
- create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.ListenerSupport
Create a new ListenerSupport
- create() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.NaturalOrderComparator
- create() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionPoolConfig
Create the Pool
- create() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
Creates a new empty mutable StardogOptions instance.
- create() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.ActionBuilder
- create(int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BigArrayList
- create(int, Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Sorter
- create(long, Shape) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Feature
- create(Options) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.ParserConfigs
Returns a parser configuration with given options.
- create(ProcessorContext) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamProcessor
- create(Connection) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.EntityExtractorFactory
- create(Connection, PlanNode) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.EntityExtractorFactory
Instantiate the entity extractor with this factory.
- create(Connection, PlanNode) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.BasicMentionExtractorFactory
- create(Connection, PlanNode) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinkerExtractorFactory
- create(Connection, PlanNode) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.EntityLinkerExtractorFactory
- create(IRI) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms.Datatypes
- create(Resource, double, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.search.SearchResult
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.HTMLQueryResultWriter.HTMLQueryResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.TextTableQueryResultWriter.TextTableQueryResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFWriter.BinaryRDFWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDWriter.JSONLDWriterFactory
Deprecated.Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter.StreamingJSONLDWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.nquads.NQuadsWriter.NQuadsWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTWriter.NTWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson.RDFJSONWriter.RDFJSONWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.RDFWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLWriter.RDFXMLWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.trig.TrigWriter.TrigWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.PrettyTurtleWriter.PrettyTurtleWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleWriter.TurtleWriterFactory
Create a new `RDFWriter`
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultWriter.BinarySelectQueryResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriter.SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriter.SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv.SPARQLCSVResultWriter.CSVRWFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.TextBooleanQueryResultWriter.BQRWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv.SPARQLTSVResultWriter.SPARQLTSVResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLBooleanResultWriter.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(OutputStream, Options) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriter.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriterFactory
Create the
- create(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.DataKey
- create(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Option
Creates an option with the given name and
default value. - create(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions
- create(String...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.PropertiesBuilder
- create(String, long, PrintStream) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor
Creates a default progress monitor that prints progress at every percent increments.
- create(String, ActionType, CoreResourceType, SecurityResourceType, String, String...) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions
- create(String, ActionType, CoreResourceType, SecurityResourceType, List<String>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions
- create(String, ActionType, SecurityResourceType, String, String...) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions
- create(String, ActionType, SecurityResourceType, List<String>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions
- create(String, T) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Option
Creates an option with the given name and default value.
- create(Path) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.PropertiesBuilder
Create a new PropertiesBuilder
- create(Path...) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DatabaseBuilder
Create the database using the parameters specified by this builder.
- create(Path, String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestCreator
Creates a test suite from the query files in the given directory matching the specified glob expression.
- create(Function<Path, Resource>, Path...) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DatabaseBuilder
Create the database using the parameters specified by this builder.
- create(List<? extends Value>, Collection<Statement>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.RDFLists
Creates an RDF list from the given values.
- create(List<? extends Value>, Consumer<Statement>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.RDFLists
- create(Properties) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.PropertiesBuilder
Create a new PropertiesBuilder
- create(S, T) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- create(T) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.inject.OptionalConstructorParam
- create(T...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.ArrayIterator
- create(T, NestedList<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NestedList
Returns a list with the given first element and the rest list.
- CREATE - com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Flag
- CREATE - com.complexible.stardog.security.ActionType
- createBNode() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
Creates a new unique
object - createBNode(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
Creates a
object for the specified identifier. - created - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- createDataset(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.SDJenaFactory
Create a Jena Dataset backed by Stardog
- createDatasetWithNamespaces(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.SDJenaFactory
Create a Jena Dataset backed by Stardog and exposes the namespaces stored in the database
- createExporter() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter
Creates the exporter and sets its options
- createExporter() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.HTMLQueryResultWriter
Creates the exporter and sets its options
- createExporter() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.TextTableQueryResultWriter
Creates the exporter and sets its options
- createFromFirst(S, Function<S, T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- createKrb5Credential(File, boolean) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- createKrb5Credential(File, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- createLiteral(String, String, IRI) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
Creates a
object from parsed information and context. - createModel(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.SDJenaFactory
Create a Jena Model backed by Stardog
- createModelWithNamespaces(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.SDJenaFactory
Create a Jena Model backed by Stardog and exposes the namespaces stored in the database
- createObfuscatedWriter(RDFFormat, OutputStream, RDFObfuscator) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFWriters2
- createPrefixMap(Optional<Connection>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.JenaSesameUtils
- createPrefixMapping(Optional<Connection>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.JenaSesameUtils
- createServer(SocketAddress, Options, MetricRegistry) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerFactory
Create a new server listening on the network interface at the specified port with the given configuration.
- createSSLContext(String, char[], String, char[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.net.ssl.SSLContextFactory
Create a SSLContext w/ the default keystore type of
. - createSSLContext(String, String, char[], String, String, char[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.net.ssl.SSLContextFactory
Create a SSLContext with the specified keystore type.
- createStreams(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStream.Factory
- createStreams(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamFactory
- createTimer(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timers
- CREATION_TIME - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Creation time of the database.
- CREATION_TX - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
The transaction ID at which this DB was created.
- creationSiteCounts() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ActiveResources
- creationSites() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ActiveResources
- creationSites(Class<?>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ActiveResources
- creationStackTrace(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ActiveResources
- creator - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DC
- creator - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- CREATOR - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Creator of the database.
- credentials(ConnectionCredentials) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
Specify the credentials that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(ConnectionCredentials) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnectionConfiguration
Specify the credentials that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(ConnectionCredentials) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Specify the credentials that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(ConnectionCredentials) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Specify the credentials that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
- credentials(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnectionConfiguration
- credentials(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Specify the API token that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(String, String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
Specify the username and password that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(String, String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnectionConfiguration
Specify the username and password that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(String, String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Specify the username and password that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- credentials(String, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Specify the username and password that should be used to authenticate to the database.
- CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Option for the credentials associated with a connection
- CREDENTIALS_SUPPLIER - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Option to set the Supplier which will be called at the time connection credentials are needed
- credentialSupplier(Supplier<ConnectionCredentials>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
- credentialSupplier(Supplier<ConnectionCredentials>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnectionConfiguration
- credentialSupplier(Supplier<ConnectionCredentials>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
- credentialSupplier(Supplier<ConnectionCredentials>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Specify the supplier which will provide credentials at the time which they will be used.
- CSV - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.net.RDFMediaTypes
- CSV - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
Query result format for csv encoded query results
- CSV_CLASS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- CSV_ESCAPE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- CSV_HASH_FUNCTION - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- CSV_HEADER - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- CSV_QUOTE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- CSV_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- CSV_SKIP_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- CSVRWFactory() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv.SPARQLCSVResultWriter.CSVRWFactory
- CuratorReadWriteTxLock - Class in com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks
- CuratorReadWriteTxLock(String, NonReentrantCuratorReadWriteLock) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks.CuratorReadWriteTxLock
- current() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Progress
Returns the current progress value
- current() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Progress.Default
- current() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor.DelegatingProgressMonitor
- current() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor.ReportingProgressMonitor
- currentPackStatus() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterAdminConnection
- currentProject - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- currentStatement() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
- currentStatus() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Return the current status of the database
- currentStatus(boolean) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
instead - currentStatus(Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Return the server status information, including Server/Protocols running, Stardog Home path, OS, etc.
- currentStatus(Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
- currentStatus(Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
Return the server status information, including Server/Protocols running, Stardog Home path, OS, etc.
- currentSubject - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- currentTimeMillis() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Clock
- currentTimeMillis() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.SystemClock
- currentTimeNanos() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Clock
- currentTimeNanos() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.SystemClock
- currentTriples - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- customTermReplacement() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.LogicalServiceQuery
- customTermReplacement() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Service
If this returns true, the service is expected to override
Service.replaceQueryTerms(PlanNodeVarReplacer, ServicePlanNode)
to implement custom logic of replacing query terms.
- DaemonExecutor - Class in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
- DaemonExecutor() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.DaemonExecutor
- DATA_GRAPHS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.graphql.GraphQLOptions
- DATA_GRAPHS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.serf.db.SerfOptions
- DATA_SOURCE_QUERY_RESULT_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceOptions
The option to define the limit for data source query results.
- database() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Builder
- database() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.TypeBuilder
- database(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Specify the name of the db you want to connect to
- Database - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.jena.StardogModelAssembler.Vocabulary
Type to identify a Stardog database.
- DATABASE - com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Flag
- DATABASE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
- DATABASE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestVocab
- databaseAdmin() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.TypeBuilder
- DatabaseBuilder - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
Builder class for creating new Stardog databases.
- DatabaseConsistencyException - Exception in com.complexible.stardog.db
Exception thrown when there is a fatal transaction error when performing the commit or rollback operation and the database signifying that the database needs recovery to be performed on the failed transaction.
- DatabaseConsistencyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseConsistencyException
- DatabaseConsistencyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseConsistencyException
- DatabaseException - Exception in com.complexible.stardog.db
Signals that an error has occurred while performing an operation on a
- DatabaseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseException
- DatabaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseException
- DatabaseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseException
- databaseMetadata() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.TypeBuilder
- DatabaseOptions - Class in com.complexible.stardog.db
Non-structural database options.
- DatabaseOptions.InlineStoredQuery - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.db
- DatabaseOptions.LanguageNormalization - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.db
Different types of datatype normalization algorithms supported by Stardog.
- DatabaseOptions.TransactionIsolation - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.db
Different types of transaction isolation supported by Stardog.
- databaseProperties() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
- DataKey<E> - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- DataKey(String) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.DataKey
- DataMap - Class in com.complexible.common.base
An object that maps keys to values in a type-safe manner.
- dataProperty(IRI) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a DataProperty(theURI) expression
- dataRange - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- DataRangeAtom - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- dataset() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
- dataset() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Query
Return the
within the database the query should be executed against. - dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.BooleanQuery
Specify the dataset this query will be executed against.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.graphql.GraphQLQuery
Not supported for GraphQL queries.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.GraphQuery
Specify the dataset this query will be executed against.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.PathQuery
Specify the dataset this query will be executed against.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
Specify the dataset this query will be executed against.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.ReadQuery
Specify the dataset this query will be executed against.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.SelectPlanQuery
Specify the dataset this query will be executed against.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.SelectQuery
Specify the dataset this query will be executed against.
- dataset(Dataset) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Query
Specify the
within the database the query should be executed against. - Dataset - Interface in com.stardog.stark.query
Amalgum of an RDF 1.1 Dataset, a SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset & a SPARQL 1.1 update [graph](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-update/#deleteInsert)
- Dataset - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- Datasets - Class in com.stardog.stark.query
Utilities for working with
- Datasets.DatasetImpl - Class in com.stardog.stark.query
Default implementation of a
. - Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder - Class in com.stardog.stark.query
A builder for a
. - DataSourceInfo - Class in com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin
Information about a data source
- DataSourceInfo(IRI, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.DataSourceInfo
- DataSourceOptions - Class in com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api
Options shared by data sources of all types.
- DataSourceOptions() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceOptions
- DataSourceQueryResult - Class in com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api
DTO for storing DataSourceQuery results
- DataSourceQueryResult() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceQueryResult
- datatype() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.ArrayLiteral
The datatype of the `Literal`.
- datatype() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.Axiom.NamedDatatype
- datatype() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
The datatype of the `Literal`.
- Datatype - Enum in com.stardog.stark
Object representing the
datatype of a Literal
. - DATATYPE - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONConstants
- DATATYPE - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDFS
- DATATYPE_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.Values
Datatype factory that will be used for date/time literals.
- DATATYPE_LITERAL_RECORD_MARKER - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinaryQueryResultConstants
- DATATYPE_LITERAL_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFConstants
- datatypeBuffer() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.IOParserContext
Reset the buffer for parsing datatypes and return it
- DatatypeHandler - Interface in com.stardog.stark.io
An interface defining methods related to verification and normalization of typed literals and datatype IRIs.
- datatypeIRI() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.ArrayLiteral
The IRI of the
of the `Literal`. - datatypeIRI() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
The IRI of the
of the `Literal`. - DATATYPEPROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- datatypesEqual(Literal, Literal) - Static method in enum com.stardog.stark.Datatype
Return whether or not the two
are equal - DatavaluedPropertyAtom - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- date - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DC
- date - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- date(Date) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Dates
- DATE - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DATE - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- DATE - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- DATE_LEN - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- dateAccepted - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- dateCopyrighted - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- Dates - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Utility methods for working with the Date object
- dateSubmitted - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- datetime(Date) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Dates
- DateTime - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Immutable representation of date time.
- DateTime(long) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.DateTime
- DATETIME - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DATETIME - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- DateTimeInlineUtils - Class in com.stardog.stark.util
Inlining logic for datetime values.
- DateTimeInlineUtils() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- datetimeISO(Date) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Dates
- DATETIMESTAMP - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DATETIMESTAMP - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- DAY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- DAY_LEN - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- DAY_TIME_DURATION - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- DAYTIMEDURATION - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- db() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.Test
- dbmsAdmin() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.TypeBuilder
- DC - Class in com.stardog.stark.vocabs
Term constants for the DC vocabulary
- DC - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.Namespaces
- DCTERMS - Class in com.stardog.stark.vocabs
Dublin Core Metadata Terms
- DCTERMS() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
No instances
- deactivate() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.pool.Poolable
Clean up the state of an object.
- decimal(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.Columns
Returns a column for displaying decimals and floating point numbers with
formatting. - decimal(String, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.Columns
Returns a column for displaying decimals and floating point numbers with given fraction digits.
- Decimal - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms.Datatypes
- DECIMAL - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DECIMAL - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- decimalValue(Literal) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
Get the value of the
as aBigDecimal
. - DECLARATION - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- declareClass(IRI) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a Declaration(OWLClass(theURI)) expression
- declareDataProperty(IRI) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a Declaration(DataProperty(theURI)) expression
- declareIndividual(Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a Declaration(Individual(theResource)) expression
- declareObjectProperty(IRI) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a Declaration(ObjectProperty(theURI)) expression
- decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleUtil
Decodes an encoded Turtle string.
- decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv.SPARQLTSVResultParser
Decodes an encoded Turtle string.
- decompress(InputStream) - Method in enum com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat.Compression
- Decorate - Annotation Type in com.complexible.common.inject
Annotation to support the workaround for supporting the decorator design pattern with Guice where we have some interface I, a default/base implementation A, and a decorator class B, which should accept as an argument the default implementation A.
- Default(long, long) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.Progress.Default
- Default(long, long, String) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.Progress.Default
- DEFAULT - com.complexible.common.memory.PredefinedMemoryRatio
Memory configuration optimized for mixed workloads.
- DEFAULT - com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions.LanguageNormalization
Default normalization algorithm which uses BCP47 for validation but normalizes the language tag to lowercase
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.Contexts
Special URI representing the default (no) context in Stardog.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.Schemas
Constant empty string that is used to indicate that the default schema will be used for answering queries.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.Namespaces
Stardog default namespaces.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets
The default query dataset
- DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceOptions
The default batch size used for queries with batches
- DEFAULT_CARDINALITY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- DEFAULT_CONTEXTS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.IDLabelDistance
- DEFAULT_ERROR_PCT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialOptions
Default error rate.
- DEFAULT_GRAPH - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.Values
Special IRI representing the default (no) context.
- DEFAULT_GRAPH_RECORD_MARKER - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinaryQueryResultConstants
- DEFAULT_LABEL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.IDLabelDistance
- DEFAULT_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.search.SearchConnection
The default number of results to return from a search
- DEFAULT_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.graphql.GraphQLOptions
Option to specify the maximum number of results a GraphQL query can return.
- DEFAULT_MAPPING_EXCLUDE_TABLES - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
Comma delimited list of tables to NOT generate mappings for.
- DEFAULT_MAPPING_INCLUDE_TABLES - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
Comma delimited list of tables to generate mappings for.
- DEFAULT_MAX_HANDLER_COUNT - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.ProcessorContext
- DEFAULT_MAX_PARSER_COUNT - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.ProcessorContext
- DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.collect.BigArrayList
The default max size a
can have - DEFAULT_OBFUSCATION - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Exporter
- DEFAULT_OFFLINE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Default offline timeout (in ms)
- DEFAULT_ONLY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.ContextSets
Singleton set that contains only the
value. - DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.base.Memory
- DEFAULT_QUERY_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
- DEFAULT_RESULT_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceOptions
The default limit used for data source queries.
- DEFAULT_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface com.complexible.stardog.graphql.GraphQLSchemaManager
- DEFAULT_SCHEMA_GRAPH_IRI - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.ReasoningOptions
- DEFAULT_STRING_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.IDLabelDistance
- DEFAULT_VECTOR_MODEL - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.search.SearchOptions
- DEFAULT_VIOLATION_LIMIT_PER_SHAPE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.ICVOptions
- DefaultCancellationPoint - Class in com.complexible.common.cancellation
- DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
Merges the logic behind
in a single query, e.g.: - DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator(Connection) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator
- defaultDataset - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- defaultEntailmentRegime - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- defaultExtension() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.CompressedRDFFormat
Return the default file extension for this format
- defaultExtension() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat
Return the default file extension for this format
- defaultExtension() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormatImpl
Return the default file extension for this format
- defaultGraph - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- defaultGraphs() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Dataset
The set of graphs, the union of which, makes up the default component of the active graph
- defaultGraphs() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl
The set of graphs, the union of which, makes up the default component of the active graph
- defaultGraphs(Resource, Resource...) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
Specify the default graphs which are a part of the dataset
- defaultGraphs(Iterable<? extends Resource>) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
Specify the default graphs which are a part of the dataset
- defaultInsertGraph() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Dataset
Optionally, the graph where write queries should insert data.
- defaultInsertGraph() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl
Optionally, the graph where write queries should insert data.
- defaultMimeType() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.CompressedRDFFormat
Return the default mimetype for this format
- defaultMimeType() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat
Return the default mimetype for this format
- defaultMimeType() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormatImpl
Return the default mimetype for this format
- defaultNamespace - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLWriter
- DefaultPoolableObjectFactory - Class in com.complexible.common.pool
Provides a simple implementation of a PoolableObjectFactory that can be used with
. - DefaultPoolableObjectFactory(Class) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.pool.DefaultPoolableObjectFactory
- DefaultProgressFormatter() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor.DefaultProgressFormatter
- DefaultRDFHandler(Consumer<Statement>, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFHandlers.DefaultRDFHandler
- defaultRemoveGraphs() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Dataset
The set of graphs write queries can remove data from.
- defaultRemoveGraphs() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl
The set of graphs write queries can remove data from.
- defaultRemoveGraphs(Resource, Resource...) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
Specify the graphs data is to be removed from.
- defaultRemoveGraphs(Iterable<? extends Resource>) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
Specify the graphs data is to be removed from
- defaults() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerOptions
- defaults() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.ParserConfigs
Returns a parser configuration with default settings.
- defaults() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestSuite
Return she default settings that wil lbe used for running the tests.
- defaults() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Default parser options
- defaults() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.WriterOptions
Return the default options for
- defaults() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultParserOptions
Return the default parsing options
- defaults() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultWriterOptions
Return the default parsing options
- defaults(Iterable<MetaProperty<?>>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
Returns a new option map that contains explicit mapping for each given option to its
default value
. - defaults(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
- defaults(String) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Namespaces
Stardog default namespaces with a user-defined default namespace.
- DEFAULTS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestVocab
- DefaultSchemaManager - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning
- DefaultSchemaManager(Connection) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.DefaultSchemaManager
- DefaultSensitivePropertyManager - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
The default implementation of the
interface using a database connection. - DefaultSensitivePropertyManager(Connection) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DefaultSensitivePropertyManager
- defaultSupportedEntailmentProfile - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- defaultToNull(Resource) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.Contexts
Takes a Resource identifying a named graph, and if it is the constant for the
graph, it will return null, otherwise it returns the parameter as-is. - deferredEqualityBinarySearch(T[], T, int, int, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
Implementation of a binary search which uses the deferred equality approach.
- deferredEqualityBinarySearchAfter(T[], T, int, int, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
Deferred equality binary search
with the position returnednormalized after
. - deferredEqualityBinarySearchBefore(T[], T, int, int, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- deferredEqualityBinarySearchBefore(T[], T, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- definition - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- definition - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- degree - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql.Units
- Degree - com.complexible.stardog.spatial.DistanceUnit
- delegate() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
- Delegate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- DelegatingAdminConnection - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api.admin
- DelegatingAdminConnection(AdminConnection) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
- DelegatingCancellationPoint - Class in com.complexible.common.cancellation
- DelegatingCancellationPoint(CancellationPoint) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DelegatingCancellationPoint
- DelegatingRDFHandler - Class in com.stardog.stark.io
- DelegatingRDFHandler(RDFHandler) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.DelegatingRDFHandler
- DelegatingRDFStream - Class in com.complexible.common.rdf.rio
- DelegatingRDFStream(RDFStream) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.DelegatingRDFStream
- DelegatingSkippingIterator<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
- DelegatingSkippingIterator(SkippingIterator<T>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.DelegatingSkippingIterator
- DelegatingStatementSource - Class in com.complexible.common.rdf
Implementation of a
which can be used as the base for StatementSource decorator implementations. - DelegatingStatementSource(StatementSource) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.rdf.DelegatingStatementSource
- Delegation - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- delete() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.ActionBuilder
- delete(long[], int, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- delete(T[], int, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- DELETE - com.complexible.stardog.security.ActionType
- deleteDocument(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.StardocsConnection
Deprecated.Delete a document from the document store.
- deleteRole(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.RoleManager
Removes a role from the system.
- deleteRolePerm(Permission) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.PermissionManager
Revokes a permission from a role.
- deleteUser(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.UserManager
Removes an existing user.
- deleteUserPerm(Permission) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.PermissionManager
Revokes a permission from a user.
- deleteUserRole(String, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.UserManager
Unassigns a role from a user.
- DELIMITED - com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection.InputFileType
- depiction - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- depicts - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- deprecated(IRI, IRI) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Validator
Assert that deprecated predicate is not being used
- DEPRECATED - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- DEPRECATED_STATS_UPDATE_DB_MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
instead - DEPRECATEDCLASS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- DEPRECATEDPROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- DereferencesIRIs - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- Derivation - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- DERIVED - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- DESCRIBE - com.complexible.common.rdf.query.SPARQLUtil.QueryType
A query of the same type as
, but used in a few instances to disambiguate between construct and describe. - description - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DC
- description - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- description - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- description(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Builder
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.IntSerializer
Deserializes an integer value from the first 4 bytes of the given array.
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.LittleEndianLongSerializer
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.LongSerializer
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.ObjectSerializer
Deserializes an object from the given byte array using all the bytes in the array starting from the beginning.
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.ShortSerializer
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.UnsignedLongSerializer
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.VarLongSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.IntSerializer
Deserializes an integer value from 4 bytes of the given array starting at the given location.
- deserialize(byte[], int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.LittleEndianLongSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.LongSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.ShortSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.UnsignedLongSerializer
- deserialize(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.ObjectSerializer
Deserializes an object from the given byte array using the specified number of bytes starting from the given offset.
- deserialize(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.VarLongSerializer
- deserialize(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Serializers.VarLongSerializer
- destroyObject(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.pool.DefaultPoolableObjectFactory
- detailedUsage() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Memory
Detailed memory information logged only at TRACE level.
- DICT_BLOCK_CACHE - com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.StarrocksComponent
- DICT_INDEX_CACHE - com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.HeapComponent
- DICT_VALUE_CACHE - com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.HeapComponent
- dictionaryLemmatizer(File) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPDocumentParser
- DictionaryLinker - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
Link entities based on a
String -> IRI
dictionary - DictionaryLinker(EntityExtractor<Spans>, List<DictionaryLinker.Linker>) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinker
- DictionaryLinker.Linker - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
- DictionaryLinker.LinkerSerializer - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
Serializer for
objects:[total_size][[key, values_size, values...], ...]
- DictionaryLinkerExtractorFactory - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
- DictionaryLinkerExtractorFactory() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinkerExtractorFactory
- DictionaryLinkerRDFExtractor - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
Extracts named entities using
, linking them to existent entities on a set of pre-givenString -> IRI
mappings - DictionaryLinkerRDFExtractor() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinkerRDFExtractor
- dictNameFinder(File, String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPDocumentParser
- DIFF_INDEX_MAX_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
The limit for the size of the differential index.
- DIFF_INDEX_MIN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
The limit for the size of the base index when differential indexes will be used.
- DIFF_INDEX_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
Current size of the differential index.
- DIFFERENTFROM - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- differentIndividuals(Axiom...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new DifferentIndividuals(iID(1) ...
- differentIndividuals(Resource...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new DifferentIndividuals(iID(1) ...
- DifferentIndividualsAtom - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SWRL
- dir() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestSuite
Return she base directory associated with this test suite.
- Dirty - com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexState
- discard() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- discardOldest() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder
- disjoint - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- DISJOINT_DATA_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- DISJOINT_OBJECT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- DISJOINT_UNION_OF - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- disjointClasses(Axiom.ClassExpression...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an DisjointClasses expression
- disjointClasses(Resource...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an DisjointClasses expression
- disjointDataProperties(IRI...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a DisjointDataProperties(...) expression
- disjointObjectProperties(IRI...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a DisjointObjectProperties(...) expression
- DisjointSet<T> - Class in com.complexible.common.collect
Disjoint set data structure.
- DisjointSet() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.collect.DisjointSet
- DISJOINTWITH - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- disk() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions
- disk(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
Create a new builder for creating disk databases
- disk(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
instead - disk(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
- Disk - com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions.IndexType
Disk index where the index data is read from disk as needed during query answering.
- DISK - com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Flag
- diskIndex() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty.Builder
- diskProperties() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
- Disposable - Interface in com.complexible.common.base
is an object data that can be disposed once it is not needed anymore. - Disposables - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- dispose() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Disposable
Dispose the resources held by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposer
Dispose the resources held by this object.
- dispose() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
Dispose cancellation manager; It cancels all active cancellation points and cleanup all resources;
- dispose(Disposable, Disposable...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposables
- dispose(Iterable<? extends Disposable>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposables
- disposeIf(Object) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposables
- disposeQuietly(Disposable) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposables
- Disposer - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Utility for tracking and mass
resources. - Disposer() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.Disposer
- distance - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql.Functions
- distance(Point, Point) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Calculate the distance between the points
- DISTANCE - com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql.SPATIAL_FUNCTIONS
- DistanceUnit - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
The distance units for use with spatial queries
- distinct(SkippingIterator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
Returns the elements of
but filters any duplicates. - DISTINCT - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONConstants
Backwards compatibility with very early version of original SPARQL spec.
- distinctByKey(Function<? super T, Object>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Streams
A simple stateful predicate for filtering out stream elements which agree on their key values.
- DISTINCTMEMBERS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- distinctValues(int) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Get an estimate of the distinct values for the variable
- DL - com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.api.ReasoningType
- dm - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- DO_NOT_CLOSE - Static variable in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancelCheck
- doc(String...) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils.NLPUtils
Create one-sentence
with the given tokens - DOCS_DEFAULT_RDF_EXTRACTORS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.BitesOptions
Comma-separated list of names of RDF extractors to use when processing documents when no RDF extractor names are given.
- DOCS_DEFAULT_TEXT_EXTRACTORS - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.BitesOptions
Comma-separated list of names of text extractors to use when processing documents when no text extractor names are given.
- DOCS_FILESYSTEM_URI - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.BitesOptions
A URI indicating which FileSystem provider to use for document storage.
- DOCS_OPENNLP_MODELS_PATH - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.BitesOptions
The directory where OpenNLP models are located.
- DOCS_PATH - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.BitesOptions
The path under which documents will be stored.
- DOCS_S3_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.BitesOptions
Protocol used when storing unstructured text documents on S3 (and compatible) stores.
- document() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Token
- Document - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
A collection of
, organized in sentences - Document - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- Document(int) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Document
Create document with the given number of sentences
- documentCount() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.StardocsConnection
Deprecated.Return a count of all the documents in the current database's document store.
- documentOpen - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter
- documentOpen - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.AbstractSPARQLXMLWriter
- DocumentParser - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
Parses strings into
- domain(Axiom.PropertyExpression, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new domain expression
- domain(IRI, Axiom.ClassExpression) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new domain expression
- domain(IRI, Resource) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new domain expression
- DOMAIN - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDFS
- DOMAIN_INCLUDES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SchemaOrg
- Double - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms.Datatypes
- DOUBLE - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- doubleValue(Literal) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
Get the value of the
as a `double`. - Driver - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
The interface that any Driver must implement.
- DriverManager - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api
Service for obtaining instances of
instances. - DriverModule - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
interface for loading API drivers via Guice - drop(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Drop the database with the given name.
- drop(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Drop the database with the given name.
- drop(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
Drop the database with the given name.
- DUMMY - Static variable in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancelCheck
- DummyCancellationPoint - Class in com.complexible.common.cancellation
- DummyCancellationPoint() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DummyCancellationPoint
- dump(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.ThreadDump
Dumps all of the threads' current informationas a string.
- duplicate(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
This method replaces
, with the difference that it preserves the source buffer's order in the duplicate. - Duration - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Immutable representation of a duration.
- Duration(long) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.Duration
- Duration(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.Duration
- DURATION - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DURATION - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- DURATION - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- DURATION_DAYTIME - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DURATION_YEARMONTH - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- DurationFormat - Enum in com.complexible.common.timer
A simple class to provide various formatting options for durations represented in milliseconds.
- Durations - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- DURATIONS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- durationValue(Literal) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
- EAGER_CLASSIFY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.ReasoningOptions
Flag to perform schema classification eagerly when the schema is loaded.
- Edge - Interface in com.complexible.common.rdf.query
- EDGE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Option for enabling edge properties that allows RDF statements to appear as subjects of RDF statements (aka RDF*).
- editoralNote - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- editorialNote - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- editorsDefinition - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- educationLevel - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- EL - com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.api.ReasoningType
- element() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.UpdatablePriorityQueue
- elements() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DisjointSet
- EMBEDDED_QUAD - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFConstants
Embedded triple in a named graph
- EMBEDDED_TRIPLE - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFConstants
Embedded triple in the default graph
- empty() - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
- empty() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
Creates a new empty immutable Options instance.
- empty() - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.MarkResetIterator
- empty() - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.RestrictedMarkResetIterator
- empty() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources
- empty() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.view.Views
- empty() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
Creates a new empty immutable StardogOptions instance.
- empty() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSets
Return an empty
- EMPTY - Static variable in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStatementList
Immutable empty list
- EMPTY - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBase
- EMPTY - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- EMPTY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.CommitResult
- EMPTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.LineBatch
An empty batch with no lines and -1 line number.
- EMPTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets
A Dataset which is empty, that is, it's comprised of zero graphs.
- EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- EMPTY_LONG_SET - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.hppc.CarrotUtil
- EMPTY_ROW_RECORD_MARKER - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinaryQueryResultConstants
- EmptyCloseableIterator() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator.EmptyCloseableIterator
- EmptyCollection - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- emptyElement(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.XMLWriter
Writes an 'empty' element, e.g.
- EmptyGraphs - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- emptyIterator() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BidirectionalIterators
Returns an empty bidirectional iterator.
- emptyIterator() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- emptyIterator() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
- emptyLine() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.XMLWriter
Writes an empty line.
- ENABLE_SCHEMA_VERSIONING - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.ReasoningOptions
- ENABLED - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.serf.db.SerfOptions
Whether or not the SQL server is enabled
- encodeLongString(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleUtil
Encodes the supplied string for inclusion as a long string in a Turtle document.
- encodeString(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleUtil
Encodes the supplied string for inclusion as a 'normal' string in a Turtle document.
- encodeURIString(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleUtil
Encodes the supplied string for inclusion as a (relative) URI in a Turtle document.
- end() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.TextPathQueryResultWriter
- end() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.TextTablePathQueryResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.TextTableQueryResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.AbstractRDFHandler
Notification that processing has finished
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.DelegatingRDFHandler
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ForwardingRDFHandler
Notification that processing has finished
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ForwardingRDFWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDWriter
Deprecated.Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.nquads.NQuadsWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
- end() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.RDFHandler
Notification that processing has finished
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson.RDFJSONWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.RDFWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.trig.TrigWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.PrettyTurtleWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleWriter
Signals the writing process is completed.
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.AbstractQueryResultHandler
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultWriter
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv.SPARQLCSVResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.TextBooleanQueryResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv.SPARQLTSVResultWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.AbstractSPARQLXMLWriter
Signal that query processing has completed
- end() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.QueryResultHandler
Signal that query processing has completed
- End - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- END_OF_DATA - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFConstants
- endDocument() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SimpleSAXAdapter
- endDocument() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SimpleSAXListener
Notifies the listener that the parser has finished parsing.
- endDocument() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.XMLWriter
Finishes writing and flushes the OutputStream or Writer that this XMLWriter is writing to.
- endedAtTime - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- endHeader() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter
- endOfData() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
Signal that you're done iterating.
- endOfData() - Method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.AbstractLongIterator
- endpoint - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- ENDPOINT - com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeType
The representation of another Stardog Cluster, used for geo replicas to sync from.
- endsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Strings2
- endTag(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SimpleSAXAdapter
- endTag(String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SimpleSAXListener
Reports an end tag to the listener.
- endTag(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.XMLWriter
Writes an end tag.
- endTransition() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
Ends the current transition.
- endTransition(S) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
Ends the transition with the given final state.
- EnhancedProperties - Class in com.complexible.common.util
Extends the java.util.Properties stuff to provide typed accessors to get property values as boolean, int, etc.
- EnhancedProperties() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Create a new EnhancedProperties
- EnhancedProperties(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Create a new EnhancedProperties
- EnhancedProperties(Properties) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Copy constructor
- ensureSize(T[], int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.ArrayUtil
- ensureWidth(Column, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.Columns
Ensures the given column is at least as wide as the given width.
- EntailmentProfile - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- entailmentRegime - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- EntailmentRegime - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- ENTITIES - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- entity - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- entity() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.CandidateMention
- Entity - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- ENTITY - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- ENTITY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- EntityExtractor<T extends Spans> - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
Extract some type of entities
- EntityExtractorFactory<T extends Spans> - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
Creates instances of
for the given connection. - EntityExtractorRegistry - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
The registry of all available entity extractors
- EntityExtractorRegistry() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.EntityExtractorRegistry
- EntityInfluence - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- EntityLinker - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
Entity linker
- EntityLinker(DocumentParser, MentionExtractor, Function<Span, Span>, CandidateGenerator, FeatureGenerator, RankingFunction, CandidateSelector) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.EntityLinker
- EntityLinkerExtractorFactory - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
- EntityLinkerExtractorFactory() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.EntityLinkerExtractorFactory
- EntityLinkerRDFExtractor - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl
Extracts named entities using
, linking them to existent entities based on the similarity of their label/ID. - EntityLinkerRDFExtractor() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.EntityLinkerRDFExtractor
- entriesToMap() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Streams
- ENUM_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.util.ValueWeigher
- EQUALITY_REASONING - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
- EQUALITY_REASONING - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.ReasoningOptions
Database option to specify the expressivity level to be used when performing equality reasoning.
- equals - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- equals(SelectQueryResult, SelectQueryResult) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.QueryResults
Compares two tuple query results and returns
if they are equal. - equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Change
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.DataKey
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.DateTime
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Duration
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Option
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.IntObjectBiMap
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.inject.OptionalConstructorParam
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.ArrayLiteral
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.StardogIRI
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutableEdge
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutablePath
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.StackTrace
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.version.Version
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.search.SearchResult
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.CommitResult
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Span
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Feature
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.StatementPattern
- equalsWithOrder(SelectQueryResult, SelectQueryResult) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.QueryResults
Similar to
QueryResults.equals(SelectQueryResult, SelectQueryResult)
but also checks the order of binding sets. - EQUIVALENTCLASS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- equivalentClasses(Axiom.ClassExpression...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an EquivalentClasses expression
- equivalentClasses(Resource...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an EquivalentClasses expression
- equivalentProperties(Resource...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an EquivalentProperties expression
- EQUIVALENTPROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- error(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
Indicates a
fatal error
- error(String, ParserContext.ParseError) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
Indicates an error of the given type
- ERROR - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.base.OSUtil
Constant instance with memory usages set to 0 that indicates no memory info was retrieved.
- ERROR_RECORD_MARKER - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinaryQueryResultConstants
- escape(String) - Static method in enum com.stardog.stark.query.sparql.SPARQL
Properly escape out any special characters in the query string.
- escapeString(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTriplesUtil
Escapes a Unicode string to an all-ASCII character sequence.
- escapeString(String, Appendable) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTriplesUtil
Escapes a Unicode string to an all-ASCII character sequence.
- escapeString(String, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTriplesUtil
Escapes a Unicode string to an N-Triples compatible character sequence.
- estimateCardinality(ConnectableConnection, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Estimate cardinality of the service query.
- estimatedCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.DelegatingStatementSource
- estimatedCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStream
- estimatedCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.DelegatingRDFStream
- estimatedCount() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStream
Estimated size of statements.
- estimatedCount() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSource
Returns the estimated count of statements in this source or
if the estimate is not known. - estimatedCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources.RDFStreamStatementSource
- estimatedCount(long, RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- estimatedCount(Iterable<RDFStream>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- estimatedSize() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator
Returns the estimated size of this iterator without advancing the iterator or
if the estimate is not known. - estimatedSize() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DelegatingSkippingIterator
- estimatedSize() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterator
Returns the estimated size of this iterator without advancing the iterator or
if the estimate is not known. - estimateJoinCardinality(ConnectableConnection, Options, PlanNode) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Estimate cardinality of the service query.
- evaluate(ExecutionContext, Operator, PlanVarInfo) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.LogicalServiceQuery
- evaluate(ExecutionContext, Operator, PlanVarInfo) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery.CanonicalizedPlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- evaluate(ExecutionContext, Operator, PlanVarInfo) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Evaluate the query
- evaluate(ExecutionContext, Operator, PlanVarInfo, Set<Integer>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Evaluate the query.
- evaluate(ValueOrError...) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Directly evaluate the function for the given arguments
- evaluate(ValueSolution) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates.Aggregate
The return value of evaluating an Aggregate is not necessarily the aggregated value, and can even be null.
- evaluate(ValueSolution) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
- evaluate(Value...) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Directly evaluate the function for the given arguments
- evaluateSilent(ExecutionContext, Operator, PlanVarInfo) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Evaluate the query silently.
- evaluateSilent(ExecutionContext, Operator, PlanVarInfo, Set<Integer>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Evaluate the query silently.
- eventOccurred(E) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.StateMachine
This method signals the state machine that a given event occurred.
- EXACT_SIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
- exactMatch - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SKOS
- exactSize(boolean) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Specify whether
calls on the connection must return accurate values. - Exceptions - Class in com.complexible.common.base
- exclude(Resource) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
- excludedGraphs() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Dataset
The set of graphs to be excluded from the query dataset.
- excludedGraphs() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl
- excludeGraphs(Iterable<? extends Resource>) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.Datasets.DatasetImpl.Builder
- exclusiveQueryTerms(IRI, IRI) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Validator
Assert that given predicates don't share query terms
- exec(BooleanQuery, BooleanQueryResultHandler) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.exec.QueryEngine
Execute the given
. - exec(GraphQuery, RDFHandler) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.exec.QueryEngine
Execute the given
. - exec(SelectQuery, SelectQueryResultHandler) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.exec.QueryEngine
Execute the given
. - exec(UpdateQuery, Runnable) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.exec.QueryEngine
Execute the given
. - execute() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionGroup
- execute() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
Execute the query
- execute() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.security.Permissions.ActionBuilder
- execute(FileFormat) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.ReadQuery
Execute a query and return an input stream where the query results are serialized in the given file format.
- execute(Runnable) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
- EXECUTE - com.complexible.stardog.security.ActionType
- executeAndWait() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionGroup
- executeExclusiveDatabaseOperation(String, String, Runnable, CancellationManager.CheckedFunction<CancellationPoint, T>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
Executes database-critical operation; Creates a cancellation point which may be used to cancel the operation.
- executeExclusiveDatabaseOperation(String, String, Runnable, Callable<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
Executes database-critical operation; It acquires global lock in shared mode; It acquires local per-db lock in exclusive mode;
- executeExclusiveDatabaseOperation(String, String, Callable<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationManager
- ExecutionGroup - Class in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
A very light-weight utility class to make it easier to run a set of tasks together and wait until all those jobs end.
- ExecutionGroup() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.ExecutionGroup
- Executors2 - Class in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
Executors utils
- Executors2.CachedThreadPoolBuilder - Class in com.complexible.common.util.concurrent
- EXPAND - com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDMode
- EXPECTED_TIME - com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestCreator.CreateOption
Option to specify that the test should use
property to specify expected query time - EXPECTED_TIME - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestVocab
- expectedTime() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.Test
- expiration(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.complexible.common.pool.PoolConfig
Specifes the minimum amount of time something should remain idle for before it is eligible to be expired.
- expiration(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionPoolConfig
Specifes the minimum amount of time something should remain idle for before it is eligible to be expired.
- explain() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
Return the explanation of this query, which is the plan that will get executed for this query.
- explain(boolean) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
- explain(Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
Explains the query execution by presenting the query execution plan optionally with extra information, such as profiling data.
- explain(PlanVarInfo, QueryTermRenderer) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- explain(PlanVarInfo, QueryTermRenderer) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Returns an explain string for the service invocation
- explain(Axiom) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningConnection
Returns a
that can be used to explain why the given expression is inferred. - explain(Query) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.exec.QueryEngine
Explain the given
- explain(Statement) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.AbstractReasoningConnection
Returns a
that can be used to explain why the given statement is inferred. - explain(Statement) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningConnection
Returns a
that can be used to explain why the given statement is inferred. - EXPLAIN_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
Explain format.
- explainInconsistency() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.AbstractReasoningConnection
Returns a
that can be used to explain why the given statement is inferred. - explainInconsistency() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningConnection
Returns a
that can be used to explain why the given statement is inferred. - ExplainOptions - Class in com.complexible.stardog.api
Options supported for
command. - ExplainOptions() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.api.ExplainOptions
- explainVerbose(PlanVarInfo, QueryTermRenderer) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- explainVerbose(PlanVarInfo, QueryTermRenderer) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Returns an explain string for the service invocation in a parsable verbose format
- export() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Create an
to export RDF from the database - export(Model) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConfig
- Exporter - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.api
API for exporting RDF data in bulk from the server.
- exportSchema() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningConnection
Returns the contents of the currently
selected schema
. - exportStatements(Resource, IRI, Value, boolean, RDFHandler, Resource...) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- ExpressionList(List<T>) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.Axioms.ExpressionList
- EXTENDED - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.Namespaces
An immutable set of extended namespaces that include all
built-in namespaces
plus other commonly used namespaces DC, FOAF, SKOS, SWRL, and SWRLB. - EXTENDED_COMPARISON - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Controls whether query evaluation will use extended literal comparison (
, the default). - ExtendedBufferList<T> - Interface in com.complexible.common.collect
An extension of
which can maintain its sorted state and eagerly remove duplicates when elements are inserted. - ExtendedObjectSerializer<T> - Interface in com.complexible.common.memory
A serializer which helps to serialize objects to
s and read fromByteReader
s. - extension() - Method in enum com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat.Compression
- extensionAggregate - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- extensionFunction - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- extensions() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.CompressedRDFFormat
Return all supported file format extensions
- extensions() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormat
Return all supported file format extensions
- extensions() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormatImpl
Return all supported file format extensions
- extent - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- extract(Connection, IRI, Path) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction.Extractor
- extract(Connection, IRI, Path) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction.tika.TextProvidingRDFExtractor
Extract the text using Tika and pass the text directly to the subclass extractor.
- extract(DatabaseConnection, IRI, Path) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction.Extractor
Deprecated.since version 5.3, will be removed in a future release. New implementations should use
Extractor.extract(Connection, IRI, Path)
- extract(Reader) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.EntityExtractor
Do entity extraction
- extract(Reader) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.BasicMentionExtractor
- extract(Reader) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinker
- extract(Reader) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.EntityLinker
- extractBits(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.primitives.Bits
- extractDays(long) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- extractFromText(Connection, IRI, Reader) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction.tika.TextProvidingRDFExtractor
Extract a set of RDF statements from the text in the document.
- extractFromText(Connection, IRI, Reader) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.AbstractEntityRDFExtractor
- extractHours(long) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- ExtractionQuery - Class in com.stardog.stark
Utility class to generate a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query that will extract all resources that have specified types or predicates.
- ExtractionQuery() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.ExtractionQuery
No instances
- extractMillis(long) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- extractMinutes(long) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- extractMonths(long) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- Extractor<Output> - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs.extraction
Interface for objects that extract data from text documents.
- extractTimezone(long) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- extractYears(long) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.util.DateTimeInlineUtils
- FacetRestriction(Axioms.Facet, Literal) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.Axioms.FacetRestriction
- Factory() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStream.Factory
- FAIL_ON_DUPLICATE_RDF_ID - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Parser setting to determine whether to throw an error for duplicate uses of rdf:ID in a single document.
- FAIL_ON_DUPLICATE_RDF_ID - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLParserOptions
Deprecated.Parser setting to determine whether to throw an error for duplicate uses of rdf:ID in a single document.
- FAIL_ON_INVALID_LINES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
- FAIL_ON_INVALID_NCNAME - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Parser setting to determine whether to ignore XML documents containing invalid NCNAMEs.
- FAIL_ON_INVALID_NCNAME - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLParserOptions
Deprecated.Parser setting to determine whether to ignore XML documents containing invalid NCNAMEs.
- FAIL_ON_INVALID_QNAME - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Parser setting to determine whether to ignore XML documents containing invalid QNAMEs.
- FAIL_ON_INVALID_QNAME - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLParserOptions
Deprecated.Parser setting to determine whether to ignore XML documents containing invalid QNAMEs.
- FAIL_ON_MISMATCHED_TAGS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Parser setting to determine whether to throw an error for XML documents containing mismatched tags
- FAIL_ON_MISMATCHED_TAGS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLParserOptions
Deprecated.Parser setting to determine whether to throw an error for XML documents containing mismatched tags
- FAIL_ON_NON_STANDARD_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Parser setting to determine whether to ignore non-standard attributes that are found in an XML document.
- FAIL_ON_NON_STANDARD_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLParserOptions
Deprecated.Parser setting to determine whether to ignore non-standard attributes that are found in an XML document.
- FAIL_ON_SAX_NON_FATAL_ERRORS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserOptions
Parser setting to determine whether to ignore non-fatal errors that come from SAX parsers.
- FAIL_ON_SAX_NON_FATAL_ERRORS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLParserOptions
Deprecated.Parser setting to determine whether to ignore non-fatal errors that come from SAX parsers.
- FAIL_ON_SAX_NON_FATAL_ERRORS - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLParserOptions
Parser setting to determine whether to ignore non-fatal errors that come from SAX parsers.
- failAtCapacity() - Method in class com.complexible.common.pool.PoolConfig
Configure the pool to fail to obtain an object if you are at
objects. - failAtCapacity() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionPoolConfig
Configure the pool to fail to obtain an object if you are at
objects. - FAILED_CORRECTNESS - com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestResultType
- FAILED_ERROR - com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestResultType
- FAILED_INITIALIZE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Internal signaling property, if the database failed to initialize.
- FAILED_TIMING - com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestResultType
- FAILURE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.TestVocab
- failureThreshold() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.test.Test
Threshold expressed as a percentage for specifing when a performance test will be considered failed.
- FALSE - com.complexible.common.base.Bool
- familyName - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- Fatal - com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext.ParseError
- fax - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- feature - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- feature(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.CandidateMention
- Feature - Class in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
Simple class which wraps a
and associates it with the dictionary ID of the resource associated with the shape. - Feature - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- Feature - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- Feature(long, Shape) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Feature
- FeatureGenerator - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp
Adds features to a
- features() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.CandidateMention
- Features - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
Specifies the level of spatial expressivity.
- FEATURES - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialOptions
- file(Path) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.IO
Load RDF data from this file.
- FileChangeCache - Class in com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils
, which invalidates its elements when files are modified - FileChangeCache(int, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils.FileChangeCache
- FileFormat - Interface in com.stardog.stark.io
Represents the format of a file or stream, such as XML or JSON.
- FileFormat - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- FileFormat.Compression - Enum in com.stardog.stark.io
- FileFormatImpl - Class in com.stardog.stark.io
Default implementation of
- FileFormatImpl(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.FileFormatImpl
- filter(CloseableIterator<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
- filter(SkippingIterator<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
Returns the elements of
that satisfy a predicate. - filter(StatementSource, Predicate<Statement>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources
- filter(Metadata, Predicate<MetaProperty<?>>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
Returns a new option map which contains explicit mappings only from those options that satisfy the given filter.
- filterDuplicates() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.ExtendedBufferList
Eagerly removes duplicates from the underlying buffer; does not change the relative order of distinct elements.
- filtered(SkippingLongIterator, LongPredicate) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- find(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DisjointSet
- findLastNameIndex(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.NamespaceUtils
- findNameStartIndex(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.NamespaceUtils
- findNextNonNameIndex(String, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.NamespaceUtils
- findURISplitIndex(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleUtil
Tries to find an index where the supplied URI can be split into a namespace and a local name that comply with the serialization constraints of the Turtle format.
- finish() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.HandlerBackedIterator.DataConsumer
- finish() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStatementHandler
- FINISHED - com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo.Status
- first - Variable in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- first() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- first() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NestedList
- first() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Span
First token
- first(CloseableIterator<T>) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.base.CloseableIterator
Get the first element in the iterator.
- first(IRI) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceParameters
- first(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Annotated
- FIRST - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.RDF
- firstName - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- firstTupleWritten - Variable in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter
- fixed(int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BufferLists
- fixed(T...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BufferLists
- fixedEmpty(T[]) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BufferLists
- fixedIntervalMonitor(String, String, long, PrintStream) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor
Returns a progress monitor that prints status at fixed intervals and does not have a notion of
. - FixedTextTableWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TableExporter.FixedTextTableWriter
- flatIterator(Stream<Stream<T>>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Streams
- flatten(Stream<Stream<T>>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Streams
- FLATTEN - com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDMode
- Float - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms.Datatypes
- FLOAT - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- FLOAT - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- floatValue(Literal) - Static method in interface com.stardog.stark.Literal
Get the value of the
as a `float`. - flush() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLPrettyWriter
- flushPendingStatements() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLPrettyWriter
- flushPendingStatements() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLWriter
- FOAF - Class in com.stardog.stark.vocabs
Constants for the FOAF ontology
- FOAF - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.Namespaces
- Foot - com.complexible.stardog.spatial.DistanceUnit
- Foot - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.QUDT
- forArray(long...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- forArray(long[], int, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- forArray(T...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BidirectionalIterators
Returns a bidirectional iterator containing the elements of
in order. - forArray(T[], int, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BidirectionalIterators
Returns a bidirectional iterator containing the elements of
in order that will iterate beginning attheOffset
(inclusive) untiltheLimit
(exclusive). - forArray(T[], int, int, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
- forArray(T[], Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
- forBooleanFormat(QueryResultFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultParsers
- forCancelCheck(String, CancelCheck) - Static method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationPoint
Wraps the non-cancellable
as a cancellableCancellationPoint
. - FORCE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
Allows a test to cause a VG or DS to load as an unavailable graph or data source.
- forcesWriteConflictChecking() - Method in enum com.complexible.stardog.index.IndexOptions.WriteConflictStrategy
- forEach(SkippingIterable<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterables
- forEach(SkippingIterator<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterables
- forEach(File, Consumer<String>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.Krb5Utils
- forEach(Consumer<? super IntObjectCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.IntObjectBiMap
- forEach(Consumer<T>) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
- forEach(T1) - Method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.IntObjectBiMap
- forEachChecked(Stream<T>, Streams.CheckedConsumer<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Streams
- ForEachIntTask - Class in com.complexible.common.stream
for performing a parallel for-each operation; - ForEachIntTask(Spliterator.OfInt, BooleanSupplier, IntConsumer) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.stream.ForEachIntTask
- forFile(File, RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
- forFile(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
- forFile(String, RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
- forFile(Path) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- forFile(Path) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
Return the
for the file denoted by the givenPath
. - forFile(Path) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
Return the
for the file denoted by the givenPath
. - forFile(Path) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
Return the
for the file denoted by the givenPath
. - forFileName(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
- forFileName(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
- forFiles(Path...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- forFiles(Collection<Path>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- forFormat(RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFParsers
Return the
associated with the given format - forFormat(QueryResultFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultParsers
Return the
associated with the given format. - forIterator(ResettableIterator<T>, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SkippingIterators
- forList(List<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BidirectionalIterators
Returns a bidirectional iterator containing the elements of
in order. - forLoggedError(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.stardog.stark.query.QueryExecutionFailure
- format - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DC
- format - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- format() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.AbstractDataExporterQueryResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.HTMLQueryResultWriter.HTMLQueryResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.TextTableQueryResultWriter.TextTableQueryResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.SPARQLUpdateDataBlockParser
- format() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.RDFStreamSupplier
Return the RDF format used by the source
- format() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFWriter.BinaryRDFWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ForwardingRDFWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDWriter.JSONLDWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter.StreamingJSONLDWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.n3.N3Parser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.nquads.NQuadsParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.nquads.NQuadsWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.nquads.NQuadsWriter.NQuadsWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ntriples.NTWriter.NTWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson.RDFJSONParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson.RDFJSONWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfjson.RDFJSONWriter.RDFJSONWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.RDFParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.RDFWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.RDFWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.rdfxml.RDFXMLWriter.RDFXMLWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.trig.TrigParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.trig.TrigWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.trig.TrigWriter.TrigWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.PrettyTurtleWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.PrettyTurtleWriter.PrettyTurtleWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleWriter
this writer will serialize output in. - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.turtle.TurtleWriter.TurtleWriterFactory
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultWriter.BinarySelectQueryResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinarySelectQueryResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.AbstractSPARQLJSONWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONBooleanResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriter.SPARQLJSONBooleanResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONSelectResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.json.SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriter.SPARQLJSONSelectResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv.SPARQLCSVResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv.SPARQLCSVResultWriter.CSVRWFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.csv.SPARQLCSVResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.TextBooleanQueryResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.TextBooleanQueryResultWriter.BQRWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.TextBooleanQueryResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv.SPARQLTSVResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv.SPARQLTSVResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.text.tsv.SPARQLTSVResultWriter.SPARQLTSVResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLBooleanResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLBooleanResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLBooleanResultWriter.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLSelectResultParser
The format this parser can parse
- format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriter
this writer will serialize output in - format() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriter.SPARQLXMLSelectResultWriterFactory
supported by writers created by this factory - format(long) - Method in enum com.complexible.common.timer.DurationFormat
Format the given duration in milliseconds according to the style defined by this DurationFormat class.
- format(long) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.timer.GlobalTimer
- format(CellDetails) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.FormattedColumn
- format(CellDetails) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.RDFValueColumn
- format(RDFFormat) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBuilder
- format(RDFFormat) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Exporter
Specify the RDF format the export should use.
- format(RDFFormat) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.IO
Specify that subsequent IO operations with this class will be parsed using this RDF format.
- format(RDFFormat) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFWriters.RDFWriterConfig
- format(Object) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.RDFValueColumn
- format(String, int, long) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor.DefaultProgressFormatter
- format(String, int, long) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor.ProgressFormatter
- format(String, String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.Columns
Returns a column for displaying cells with arbitrary formatting.
- FORMAT - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.HTMLQueryResultWriter
- FORMAT - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.resultio.TextTableQueryResultWriter
The format to identify this writer with name "TEXT", mime type "text/plain" and file extension "txt".
- FORMAT_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.io.binary.BinaryRDFConstants
The version number of the current format.
- FORMAT_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.stardog.stark.query.io.binary.BinaryQueryResultConstants
The version number of the current format.
- formatIfIntegral(Object) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Numbers
Formats the given number to a string with decimal separators if it is an integral number (
). - formatIRI(IRI) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- formatParseException(RDFStream, Exception) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- formatResource(Resource) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.StreamingJSONLDWriter
- FormattedColumn - Class in com.complexible.common.dataexporter
Column that foramts values using
String.format(String, Object...)
. - FormattedColumn(String, String, AlignType) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.FormattedColumn
- formatTime(long) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ProgressMonitor.DefaultProgressFormatter
- FormattingResourceBundle - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Simple extension to
that handles message formatting viaMessageFormat
for values in the resource bundle. - FormattingResourceBundle(String) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.FormattingResourceBundle
Create a new ResourceBundle
- FormattingResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.FormattingResourceBundle
Create a new FormattingResourceBundle
- formatWithSeparator(long) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Numbers
Formats the given number to a string with decimal separators.
- forMime(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
Return the
which supports the given mimetype - forMime(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
Return the
which supports the given mimetype - forMime(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
Return the
for the given mime-type. - forMimeBoolean(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
Return the
for the given mime-type. - forMimeSelect(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultFormats
Return the
for the given mime-type. - forName(String) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.RDFFormats
Return the
with the provided name - forName(String) - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.SupportedFileFormats
Return the
with the provided name. - forRange(long, long) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- forSelectFormat(QueryResultFormat) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.QueryResultParsers
- forSkippingIterator(SkippingIterator<T>, ToLongFunction<T>, LongFunction<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- forStatements(Iterable<Statement>, Resource) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- forStatements(Iterator<Statement>, Resource) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- forStatements(Iterator<Statement>, Resource, long) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- forStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreams
- ForwardingRDFHandler - Class in com.stardog.stark.io
base implementation that will decorate a base handler - ForwardingRDFHandler(RDFHandler) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.ForwardingRDFHandler
- ForwardingRDFWriter - Class in com.stardog.stark.io
base for decorating another writer - ForwardingRDFWriter(RDFWriter) - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.ForwardingRDFWriter
- FP - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- freeDirectByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
Invoke the cleaner on the ByteBuffer Added in JDK 9
- Frequency - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.DCTERMS
- from(IRI...) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils.SPARQLUtils
Generates a list of FROMs for the given contexts
- from(File) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinker.Linker
Read compressed
from file - from(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Create a SNARLConnectionConfiguration based on the full connection string.
- fromIterable(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.ResettableIterators
- fromIterable(Iterable<T>, Runnable) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.ResettableIterators
- fromIterator(CloseableIterator<T>, ToLongFunction<T>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.collect.LongIterators
- fromJsonString(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
Caution: Every Option decoded by this function becomes an Option
- fromMapEntry() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- fromMapEntry(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Pair
- fromReadable(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Memory
Take a representation from
and turn it back into bytes. - fromReadable(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Numbers
The opposite of
: parses a readable string and returns the corresponding number. - fromStatements(Resource, Iterable<Statement>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.RDFLists
Create a list of values from an RDF list.
- fromStatements(Statement...) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
- fromStatements(Iterable<Statement>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create an Expression directly from the provided set of statements.
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.complexible.stardog.security.ActionType
- FTS_CATEGORY - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.search.SearchOptions
- FULL - com.complexible.common.timer.DurationFormat
Format duration in full format.
- FULL - com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeType
A full cluster member.
- Function - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions
This is the extension point for 17.6 (Extensible Value Testing) of the SPARQL spec.
- Function - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.SSD
- Functional - Class in com.complexible.common.base
Functional utilities
- Functional() - Constructor for class com.complexible.common.base.Functional
- functionalProperty(IRI) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.Axioms
Deprecated.Create a new owl:FunctionalProperty expression
- FUNCTIONALPROPERTY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.OWL
- Functions() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql.Functions
- GB - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.base.Memory
The number of bytes in a gigabyte (2^30).
- gc() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Memory
Intended for Debugging Only Makes a best effort to run the Garbage Collector by calling the Runtime.gc() repeatedly and checking until the used memory reported decreases.
- GDAY - com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- GDAY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.XSD
- GDAY - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.XMLDatatypes
- gender - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.FOAF
- generate(Collection<IRI>, Collection<IRI>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.ExtractionQuery
- generate(Collection<IRI>, Collection<IRI>, Collection<IRI>) - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.ExtractionQuery
- generateClusterDiagnosticReport(DiagnosticsReport) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterAdminConnection
- generated - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- GENERATED - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.StardogMappingVocabulary
- generatedAtTime - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- generateDiagnosticReport(DiagnosticsReport) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
- generateDiagnosticReport(DiagnosticsReport) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
- generateDiagnosticReport(DiagnosticsReport) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
- generateModel(DataModelFormat, Options) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Generates n
data model
from the database. - generatesValues() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Returns true if the service may generate values which may not exist in the data (thus in the mapping dictionary)
- Generation - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.PROV
- GEO - Static variable in class com.stardog.stark.vocabs.VCard
- GEO_REPLICA_INSECURE - Static variable in class com.complexible.common.protocols.server.ServerOptions
Start the geo replica in insecure mode, using http to connect to Stardog Cluster.
- GeoException - Exception in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
Root exception for all spatial related errors
- GeoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeoException
- Geometry - Static variable in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- Geosparql - Class in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
- Geosparql() - Constructor for class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Geosparql
- Geosparql.Functions - Class in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
- Geosparql.ServiceVocabulary - Class in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
- Geosparql.SPATIAL_FUNCTIONS - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
- Geosparql.Units - Class in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
- GeoSPARQLDatatypeHandler - Class in com.stardog.stark.io.datatypes
- GeoSPARQLDatatypeHandler() - Constructor for class com.stardog.stark.io.datatypes.GeoSPARQLDatatypeHandler
- GeospatialIndex - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
A spatial index
- GeospatialIndexConnection - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
All lengths and distances are given in DEGREES.
- GeospatialIndexFactory - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
Factory for creating instances of
- GeospatialIndexMetadata - Class in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
Utility class for reading the metadata about a spatial index
- GeospatialIndexState - Enum in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
- GeospatialOptions - Class in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
Set of options for configuring Stardog Spatial
- GeospatialSink - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
Handler for something that can process geometric
- GeospatialSource - Interface in com.complexible.stardog.spatial
A source of geospatial information
- gerKrb5Cred(GSSManager, boolean) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- get() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AtomicState
Returns the current state.
- get() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.Streams.CheckedSupplier
- get() - Method in class com.complexible.common.inject.OptionalConstructorParam
- get() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.inject.Providers
- get() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.RDFFileSupplier
Return the file that backs this statement source.
- get() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.DaemonExecutor
- get() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.SharedExecutor
- get() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.concurrent.SharedForkJoinExecutor
- get() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Create a Getter for retrieving statements from the database
- get() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates.Aggregate
Get the aggregated value
- get() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.LineSupplier
Retrieve the next batch available.
- get() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.io.LineSupplier.InputStreamSupplier
- get() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.Binding
- get(int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
- get(int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.IntObjectBiMap
- get(int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.Tuple
Return the Tuple value at the given index.
- get(long) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.BigArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
- get(long) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndexConnection
Get the shape from the index that has the given id
- get(DataKey<V>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.DataMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or
if this map contains no mapping for the key. - get(Option<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Get a configuration option of the ServiceQuery
- get(Option<V>) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.OptionFunction
Returns the option value.
- get(Option<V>) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Options
Returns the value associated with the given option or the default value of the option if there is no associated value.
- get(Option<V>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionConfiguration
Return the value of the provide connection configuration option
- get(Span) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinker.Linker
- get(MetaProperty<V>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
Returns the value associated with the given property or the
default value
of the property if there is no associated value. - get(MetaProperty<V>, OptionFunction) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.Metadata
Returns the value associated with the given property in this metadata, if that does not exist looks up for a value in the given
and iof that does not exist either, return thedefault value
of the property. - get(IRI) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.EntityExtractorRegistry
- get(IRI) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceParameters
- get(IRI) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Validator
- get(File, Function<File, T>, Class<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.utils.FileChangeCache
- get(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.PropertiesBuilder
Get the specified property from this builder.
- get(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.timer.GlobalTimer
- get(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Annotated
- get(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperties
- get(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQueries
Returns the stored query with the given name.
- get(String) - Static method in enum com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphMappingSyntax
- get(String) - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.query.BindingSet
Get the value for the given variable in the solution.
- get(String, MetaProperty<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
Gets the value of the specified option in the given database.
- get(String, MetaProperty<T>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Gets the value of the specified option in the given database.
- get(String, MetaProperty<T>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Gets the value of the specified option in the given database.
- get(String, File) - Static method in enum com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphMappingSyntax
- get(String, Iterable<? extends MetaProperty<?>>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AbstractAdminConnection
Gets the values of the specified options in the given database.
- get(String, Iterable<? extends MetaProperty<?>>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Gets the values of the specified options in the given database.
- get(String, Iterable<? extends MetaProperty<?>>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Gets the values of the specified options in the given database.
- get(String, Object...) - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.FormattingResourceBundle
Return the string from the
, optionally applying the provided args to the message viaString.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
. - getActiveGraph() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.icv.ConstraintViolation
The contexts where the constraint was violated
- getActiveResources() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Disposables
Get the active objects as tracked by this class.
- getAdded() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.CommitResult
Returns the number of triples added in the transaction
- getAddress(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.nio.ByteBuffers
Returns the actual native address the given direct ByteBuffer.
- getAllClassesQuery(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningAPIUtils
- getAllDataPropertiesQuery(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningAPIUtils
- getAllObjectPropertiesQuery(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningAPIUtils
- getAllQueries() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryManager
Returns a list of all the running queries.
- getAllRoles() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.RoleManager
Gets the names of all roles in the system
- getAllUnsatisfiableClassesQuery(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningAPIUtils
- getAllUsers() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.UserManager
Gets the names of all users in the system that the authenticated user is allowed to see.
- getAllVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- getAllVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- getAlternate() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.Proof
Returns the alternate proof.
- getAnnotations() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
Returns the additional annotations associated with the stored query.
- getArg() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates.Aggregate
Get the argument expression
- getAssuredVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- getAssuredVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
What are the vars guaranteed to be bound by this query?
- getAt(int) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.collect.BufferList
- getAuthority() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ParsedURI
- getAvailability(IRI) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.Service
Return a
that indicates whether the service is available (not closed) and therefore still valid for use in the cache The purpose of using aBooleanSupplier
rather than just calling an availability method is to account for the possibility that aService
may delegate to different virtual graphs over time. - getAverage() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Return the total time spent (in milliseconds) divided by the number of times this timer has been ran.
- getBaseUriOption(Properties) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- getBatchSize(Properties) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceOptions
- getBindings() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.Edge
Returns the bindings for the edge.
- getBindings() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutableEdge
- getBnodeProbability() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getByteIO() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getCancellationMessage() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancelCheck
Returns null if the process has not been cancelled, otherwise the cancellation cause (if set).
- getCancellationMessage() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationPoint
- getCancellationMessage() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DefaultCancellationPoint
- getCancellationMessage() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DelegatingCancellationPoint
- getCancellationMessage() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DummyCancellationPoint
- getCancellationMessage() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.TimeoutCancelCheck
- getCardinality() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- getCategory() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getChange() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Change
Return the change data
- getChangeType() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Change
Return the type of change
- getChildren() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.Proof
Returns the child nodes.
- getClass(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Reflect
Returns the class with the given name.
- getClasses() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.AbstractReasoningConnection
Returns the collection of classes in the current KB.
- getClasses() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningConnection
Returns the collection of classes in the current KB.
- getColCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.TableData
- getCollectionType() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getColumn(int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TextTabularOutput
- getColumnCount() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceQueryResult
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceQueryResult
- getColumns() - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.MergedColumn
- getColumns() - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TextTabularOutput
- getColumnSize(int) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceQueryResult
- getColumnType(int) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.DataSourceQueryResult
- getConfig() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryFactory
- getConnection() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator
- getConnection() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.icv.api.AbstractICVConnection
- getConnection() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepository
- getConnection(String, Options) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.DriverManager
Obtain a connection to the database at the specified URL
- getConnectionString() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConfig
- getConstraint() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.icv.ConstraintViolation
The constraint which was violated
- getConstraints() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.icv.ICValidator
Return all of the constraints in the database
- getConstructor(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Reflect
Get the constructor of the class with the given arguments.
- getContext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.ContextOverrideStatementSource
Return the context these statements belong to.
- getContext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.DelegatingStatementSource
Return the context these statements belong to.
- getContext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStream
- getContext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.DelegatingRDFStream
- getContext() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStatementList
Returns the default context associated with this statement list or
if there is no default context. - getContext() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStream
Returns the default context associated with this stream or
if there is no default context. - getContext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamBase
- getContext() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSource
Return the context these statements belong to.
- getContext() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.StatementSources.RDFStreamStatementSource
- getContextIDs() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- getContexts() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator
- getContexts() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.IDLabelDistance
- getContextVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- getContextVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- getCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ReportIntervalCounter
Returns current progress count;
- getCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Return the total number of times this timer has been started and stopped.
- getCreator() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
Returns the name of the user who stored the query.
- getCurrentState() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.StateMachine
- getDatabase() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
Returns the name of the database for this query.
- getDatabase() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphInfo
Returns the name the database that is associated with this virtual graph, or
if this virtual graph works with all databases. - getDatabase() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraph
Returns the name the database that is associated with this virtual graph, or
if this virtual graph works with all databases. - getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DefaultCancellationPoint
- getDatabaseTxns() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- getDataDir() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepository
- getDataProperties() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.AbstractReasoningConnection
Returns the collection of data properties in the current KB.
- getDataProperties() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningConnection
Returns the collection of data properties in the current KB.
- getDataSourceInfo(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Retrieve the data source details for the named data source
- getDataSourceInfoOrNull(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Retrieve the data source details for the named data source or null if it doesn't exist
- getDataSourceInfos() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Returns information on all registered data sources.
- getDataSourceMetadata(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Retrieve all the metadata that a DataSource has cached for its connection.
- getDataSourceName() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphInfo
Returns the name (namespace + local name) of the data source that provides the connection to the backing database for this virtual graph.
- getDataSourceName() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraph
Returns the name (as an IRI) of the data source that provides the connection to the backing database for this virtual graph.
- getDataSourceOptions(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Get the data source options
- getDataSourceTables(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Retrieve all the tables that a DataSource has access to.
- getDateProbability() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getDay() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- getDay() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
- getDB() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
- getDB() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.TxInfo
Returns the name of the database this transaction is running on.
- getDbSyncBytes() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.StandbyNodeStatus
- getDbTypeOptionsDescription() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Describes options for configuring data sources and virtual graphs.
- getDefault(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.BasicMentionExtractor
- getDefault(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinker
- getDefault(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.EntityLinker
- getDefault(Connection) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.OpenNLPDocumentParser
Lazily load
models from the given the database configurations - getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Option
Returns the default value for this option.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getDescription() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getDescription() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
Returns the description of the stored query.
- getDirectMemMax() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryInfo
- getDirectMemUsed() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryInfo
- getDistribution() - Method in class com.complexible.common.LinuxDistribution
- getDocument(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.StardocsConnection
Deprecated.Return a documents contents.
- getDoubleProbability() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getDriver(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.DriverManager
Return a Driver suitable for opening the provided database URL
- getDriverProperties(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.JdbcOptions
Creates a new
instance consisting of all the driver properties found in the supplied DS options file (with theext.
prefixes removed). - getEdges() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutablePath
- getEdges() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.Path
Returns the edges of the path.
- getEdgeVariableNames() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.IteratorAsPathQueryResult
- getEdgeVariableNames() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.PathQueryResult
- getEdgeVariableNames() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.TuplesAsPathQueryResult
- getEffectiveUserPerms(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.security.PermissionManager
Return the effective permissions, explicit and inferred, for the specified user
- getElapsed() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Return the time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the last time this timer was started.
- getElapsedTime() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ReportInterval
Returns the elapsed time since this class was created.
- getEnd() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.Edge
Returns the end node of the edge.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutableEdge
- getEnd() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutablePath
- getEnd() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.Path
Returns the end node of the path.
- getEndTime() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
Returns the time in milliseconds when the execution of this query ended or
if the execution did not end. - getEntityName() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.DataSourceInfo
- getEon() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- getEon() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
Returns the high order component for XML Schema 1.0 dateTime datatype field for year.
- getEOQ() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.SingletonQueue
Returns the special end of queue (EOQ) value.
- getEquivalanceSets() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.DisjointSet
- getErrorBehaviour() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.aggregates.Aggregate
- getException(RDFStream) - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStreamProcessor
- getExpression() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.Proof
Returns the expression associated with this proof instance.
- getExpressions() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.Proof
Returns the union of all asserted expressions in this proof tree.
- getExpressions(ProofType) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.Proof
Returns the union of all expressions for all nodes in this proof tree with the given type.
- getExtractorIRI() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.EntityExtractorFactory
- getExtractorIRI() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.BasicMentionExtractorFactory
- getExtractorIRI() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DictionaryLinkerExtractorFactory
- getExtractorIRI() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.EntityLinkerExtractorFactory
- getFloatProbability() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getFractionalSecond() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- getFractionalSecond() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
- getFragment() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ParsedURI
- getGraph(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Deprecated.Use getVirtualGraphInfo or the other methods
- getGraphIO() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getGroups() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DefaultSensitivePropertyManager
- getGroups() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.SensitivePropertyManager
Returns the sensitive property groups defined for the database.
- getHeapMemAllocated() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryInfo
- getHeapMemInit() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryInfo
- getHeapMemMax() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryInfo
- getHeapMemUsed() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryInfo
- getHeapRatios() - Method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.PredefinedMemoryRatio
- getHit() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.search.SearchResult
Return the actual search hit
- getHour() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- getHour() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
- getHttpCredentials() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- getId() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.spatial.Feature
Return the identifier of this shape.
- getId() - Method in enum com.stardog.stark.Datatype
- getID() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Query
Return the query ID or
if not set - getID() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.TxInfo
Returns the globally unique ID for the transaction.
- getIdealPoint() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
- getIndentString() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.XMLWriter
Gets the string used for indentation.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.search.SearchResult
Return the index of the hit in the results
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.DriverManager
- getInstance(boolean) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.AlphaNumericComparator
- getInstance(String) - Static method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.HeapComponent
- getInstance(String) - Static method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.NativeComponent
- getInstance(String) - Static method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.StarrocksComponent
- getInterval() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ReportInterval
Returns the interval for reports.
- getIntProbability() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getIri() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphInfo
Returns the qualified name of the virtual graph as a String ("virtual://graphName").
- getKeys() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.FormattingResourceBundle
- getKrb5Credential() - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- getKrb5Credential(Boolean) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- getKrb5Credential(Subject) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- getLabel() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getLabel() - Method in enum com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDMode
- getLabelProperties() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator
- getLangStringProbability() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getLast() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Return the total time spent between last start()-stop() period.
- getLastAdminTx() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- getLastClusterAdminTx() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.StandbyNodeStatus
- getLastStandbyNodeAdminTx() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.StandbyNodeStatus
- getLastZKSystemDbTx() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- getLimit() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.impl.DefaultCandidateFeatureGenerator
- getLineNumber() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.LineBatch
Line number for the fist line in the batch.
- getLines() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.io.LineBatch
The list of lines.
- getLinkedEntities(Span) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.docs.nlp.Spans
- getListener() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SimpleSAXParser
Gets the listener that currently will receive any events from this parser.
- getListeners() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.ListenerSupport
Return the registered listeners.
- getLiteralProbability() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getLocalName() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.StardogIRI
- getLocalName(IRI) - Static method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraph
- getLocalNameIndex(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.StardogIRI
- getLocator() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.query.io.xml.SimpleSAXParser
- getLockNodeBytes() - Method in class com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks.NonReentrantMutex
- getLong(T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.TransformingLongIterator
- getMajor() - Method in class com.complexible.common.version.Version
- getMajorVersion() - Method in class com.complexible.common.LinuxDistribution
- getMajorVersion() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Driver
Return the major version of this driver
- getMappedMemUsed() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryInfo
- getMappings() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraph
Returns the mappings defined for this graph expressed in R2RML.
- getMappings(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Get mappings for the named virtual graph in R2RML format
- getMappingsString(String, String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Get the serialized mappings
- getMatchingSuggestions(Set<Statement>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Aligns data source and targets based on their lexical, data type, word sense similarity and returns those alignments as statements
- getMaxBnodeLength() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getMaxColWidth() - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TextTabularOutput
Returns the maximum column width.
- getMaxLiteralLength() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getMaxLocalNameLength() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getMaxRowHeight(CellDetails) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.FormattedColumn
- getMaxRowHeight(CellDetails) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.WordWrapStringColumn
- getMaxRowHeight(RowDetails) - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TableExporter.FixedTextTableWriter
- getMemory(MemoryConfiguration.HeapComponent) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration
Returns the maximum amount of heap memory in bytes that can be for the given component.
- getMemory(MemoryConfiguration.NativeComponent) - Method in interface com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration
Get the maximum amount of native (direct) memory in bytes that can be used for the given component.
- getMetadata() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- getMetadata() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.spatial.GeospatialIndex
Return metadata describing this index.
- getMillis() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Duration
- getMillisecond() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- getMillisecond() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
- getMinBnodeLength() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getMinColWidth() - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TextTabularOutput
Returns the minimum column width.
- getMinLiteralLength() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getMinLocalNameLength() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getMinor() - Method in class com.complexible.common.version.Version
- getMinorVersion() - Method in class com.complexible.common.LinuxDistribution
- getMinorVersion() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Driver
Return the minor version of this driver
- getMinute() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- getMinute() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
- getMonth() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar.Delegate
- getMonth() - Method in interface com.stardog.stark.XMLCalendar
- getNadirPoint() - Method in class com.complexible.common.collect.NonDominatedSolutions
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.Option
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStream
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.DelegatingRDFStream
- getName() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.rio.RDFStream
Returns the name of this stream.
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Return the name of this timer.
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Return the string that uniquely identifies this
, which should be a fully qualified URI. - getName() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.Function
Return the string that uniquely identifies this
, which should be a fully qualified URI. - getName() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
Returns the name of the stored query.
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.DataSourceInfo
- getName() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphInfo
Returns the name of the virtual graph (not including virtual namespace).
- getName() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraph
Returns the (local) name of the virtual graph.
- getNamedGraphs() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.reasoning.Proof
Returns the URIs of named graphs where the expression for this proof node is asserted if the
or empty set otherwise. - getNames() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.AbstractFunction
Return all the strings that uniquely identifies this
. - getNames() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.plan.filter.functions.Function
Return all the strings that uniquely identifies this
. - getNamespace() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.model.StardogIRI
- getNamespace(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.PrefixMapping
Return the namespace for the given prefix
- getNamespace(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- getNamespaces() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- getNamespaces() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryConnection
- getNamespaces(String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.SPARQLUtil
Creates an iterable of namespaces by parsing the prefix declarations in a query string but does so lazily.
- getNameSpaces() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomValueGenerator
- getNamespacesOption(Properties) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraphOptions
- getNativeMemory() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.OSUtil
Returns a string with information about native memory usage or
if an error occurs. - getNativeMemoryInfo() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.OSUtil
Returns a string with information about native memory usage of "N/A" if an error occurs.
- getNativeRatios() - Method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.PredefinedMemoryRatio
- getNextReport() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.ReportInterval
- getNextState() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.StateMachine.StateTransition
- getNodeAddress() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- getNodes() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterAdminConnection
- getNodes() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterStatusView
- getNodeType() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- getNumberOfDistinctClasses() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStatementGenerator
- getNumberOfDistinctProperties() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStatementGenerator
- getNumberOfStatementsPerSubject() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStatementGenerator
- getNumberOfSubjectsPerGraph() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.random.RandomStatementGenerator
- getObjectProperties() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.AbstractReasoningConnection
Returns the collection of object properties in the current KB.
- getObjectProperties() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.reasoning.ReasoningConnection
Returns the collection of object properties in the current KB.
- getObjectVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- getObjectVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- getOffset() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.search.SearchResults
Returns the offset for this slice of results.
- getOption() - Method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.HeapComponent
- getOption() - Method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.NativeComponent
- getOption() - Method in enum com.complexible.common.memory.MemoryConfiguration.StarrocksComponent
- getOption(MetaProperty<T>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.Connection
Gets the value of the specified option for the current database.
- getOptions() - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TableExporter
- getOptions() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.AbstractConnectionConfiguration
Return the current options of this configuration.
- getOptions() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.LoginConnectionConfiguration
Return the current options of this configuration.
- getOptions() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
Return the options associated with this ServiceQuery
- getOptions() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.VirtualGraph
Returns the configuration options associated with this virtual graph.
- getOptions(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.virtual.api.admin.VirtualGraphAdminConnection
Get the virtual graph options
- getOrDefault(int, T) - Method in class com.complexible.common.hppc.IntObjectBiMap
- getParent() - Method in class com.complexible.common.timer.Timer
Return the parent timer of this timer depends on.
- getParserConfig() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.RDFStreamSupplier
Return the parser options that should be used to parse the contents of the stream
- getParserConfig(Metadata) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Creates a
parser config
with the given options. - getParserOptions(Metadata) - Static method in class com.complexible.stardog.db.DatabaseOptions
Extracts the
parser options
from the metadata. - getParticipantNodes() - Method in class com.complexible.common.curator.framework.locks.NonReentrantMutex
Return a sorted list of all current nodes participating in the lock
- getPassword() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.ConnectionCredentials
- getPatch() - Method in class com.complexible.common.version.Version
- getPath() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ParsedURI
- getPathEndBindings() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutablePath
- getPathEndBindings() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.Path
Returns variable bindings for the end pattern of the path, if exists
- getPathEndVariableNames() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.IteratorAsPathQueryResult
- getPathEndVariableNames() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.PathQueryResult
- getPathEndVariableNames() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.TuplesAsPathQueryResult
- getPathStartBindings() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.ImmutablePath
- getPathStartBindings() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.Path
Returns variable bindings for the start pattern of the path, if exists
- getPathStartVariableNames() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.IteratorAsPathQueryResult
- getPathStartVariableNames() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.rdf.query.PathQueryResult
- getPathStartVariableNames() - Method in class com.complexible.common.rdf.query.TuplesAsPathQueryResult
- getPermission() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
Return the name of the Database metadata security permission that a user is required to have in order to set the value of this property.
- getPermissionManager() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Return the
for changing user & role permissions - getPermissionManager() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Return the
for changing user & role permissions - getPermissionManager() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
Return the
for changing user & role permissions - getPID() - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.OSUtil
Returns the process ID for the JVM or -1 if the process ID cannot be determined.
- getPossibleValues() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.metadata.MetaProperty
- getPredicateVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.PlanNodeBodyServiceQuery
- getPredicateVars() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
- getPreExecutionTime() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds of the pre-execution stage of this query.
- getPrefetchLimit() - Method in class com.complexible.common.dataexporter.TextTabularOutput
- getPrefix(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.PrefixMapping
Return the prefix for the namespace
- getPrefixes() - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.PrefixMapping
Return the list of prefixes currently bound in this PrefixMapping
- getPrincipalNames(File) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.util.Krb5Utils
- getProcessDescription() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.cancellation.CancellationPoint
Returns the description of the process that this cancellation point represents.
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DefaultCancellationPoint
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DelegatingCancellationPoint
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.complexible.common.cancellation.DummyCancellationPoint
- getProcessManager() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
- getProcessManager() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
- getProcessManager() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
- getProperties(String) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DefaultSensitivePropertyManager
- getProperties(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.SensitivePropertyManager
Returns the sensitive properties associated with a given group.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Returns the value of the given property
- getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.SystemUtil
- getProperty(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Gets the property value for a server configuration option.
- getProperty(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Gets the property value for a server configuration option.
- getProperty(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
Gets the property value for a server configuration option.
- getPropertyAsBoolean(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a boolean
- getPropertyAsBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.SystemUtil
- getPropertyAsBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a boolean.
- getPropertyAsDouble(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a double
- getPropertyAsDouble(String, double) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.SystemUtil
- getPropertyAsDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a double
- getPropertyAsFloat(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a float
- getPropertyAsFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a float
- getPropertyAsInt(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as an int
- getPropertyAsInt(String, int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.SystemUtil
- getPropertyAsInt(String, int) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as an int
- getPropertyAsList(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Returns the value of a property as a list.
- getPropertyAsLong(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a long
- getPropertyAsLong(String, long) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.SystemUtil
- getPropertyAsLong(String, long) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Return the value of the property as a long
- getPropertyAsMap(String) - Method in class com.complexible.common.util.EnhancedProperties
Returns the value of the property as a map.
- getPropertyAsNumber(String, Function<String, T>, T) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.SystemUtil
- getQuery() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
Returns the SPARQL query string.
- getQuery() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.StoredQuery
Returns the query string.
- getQuery() - Method in class com.stardog.stark.util.ParsedURI
- getQuery(String) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryManager
Returns info for a running query with the given ID.
- getQuery(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryManager
- getQueryManager() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.AdminConnection
Return the
for managing running queries - getQueryManager() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.DelegatingAdminConnection
Return the
for managing running queries - getQueryManager() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.KernelAdminConnection
Return the
for managing running queries - getQueryType() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
Returns the type of query which is executing
- getRandomBnodeIdPrefix() - Static method in class com.stardog.stark.io.ParserContext
Returns a new randomly generated string to be used as the prefix for bnode identifiers that will be returned by the parser.
- getRandomString(int) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Strings2
Return a string of random characters of the specified length.
- getRandomString(int, Random) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Strings2
- getReadOnly() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.api.admin.pack.ClusterNodeStatus
- getReasoningSchema() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
Return the active reasoning schema
- getRefCount() - Method in class com.complexible.common.base.AbstractAutoDisposable
Returns the current reference count.
- getRefCount() - Method in interface com.complexible.common.base.AutoDisposable
Return the current reference count for this object.
- getReference() - Method in enum com.stardog.stark.io.jsonld.JSONLDMode
- getRemoved() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.CommitResult
Returns the number of triples removed in the transaction
- getRenderedPlan() - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
Returns a string rendering of the query plan.
- getRenderedPlan(boolean) - Method in interface com.complexible.stardog.QueryInfo
- getRepository(RepositoryImplConfig) - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryFactory
- getRepositoryType() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.rdf4j.StardogRepositoryFactory
- getRequiredInputBindings() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
The set of variables which should be bound by the argument of this query (if they are to be bound at all, membership in this set does not imply they are assured vars).
- getRequiredUnboundOutputs() - Method in class com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.service.ServiceQuery
The set of variables which cannot be bound by the argument of this query.
- getResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.complexible.common.base.Resources2
Get a resource from the file path specified by the resource name and if that file does not exist, check within the class path, first in the location of the specified class, and then if not found, at the root.
- getResult() - Method in exception com.complexible.stardog.api.test.