GraphQueryResultIterator |
Iteration implementation over graph query results.
ImmutableEdge |
An immutable implementation of Edge
ImmutablePath |
Immutable implementation of Path
IOBindingSetIterator |
Helper class to adapter the Sesame push parsing for query results to a pull interface via an Iterator.
IteratorAsBooleanQueryResult |
IteratorAsGraphQueryResult |
Adapter class for using a StatementIteration as a Sesame GraphQueryResult.
IteratorAsPathQueryResult |
IteratorAsTupleQueryResult |
Adapter class for using a BindingSetIteration as a TupleQueryResult
PathsAsTupleQueryResult |
Represents a result set of a path query as tuples.
RDFValueColumn |
SPARQLUpdateDataBlockParser |
An extension of TrigParser that processes data in the format
specified in the SPARQL 1.1 grammar for Quad data (assuming no variables, as
is the case for INSERT DATA and DELETE DATA operations).
Collection of utility methods for working with SPARQL strings
TupleQueryResultIterator |
TuplesAsPathQueryResult |
A wrapper around tuples with delimiters to restore paths.