Class ArrayLiteral

    • Field Detail

      • ARRAY

        public static final IRI ARRAY
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayLiteral

        public ArrayLiteral​(long... theValues)
    • Method Detail

      • getValues

        public long[] getValues()
      • datatype

        public Datatype datatype()
        The datatype of the `Literal`. Some serializations of RDF use a "simple literal" which is a literal with no explicit datatype. That is just syntactic sugar for `xsd:string` typed literals.
        Specified by:
        datatype in interface Literal
        the Datatype
      • datatypeIRI

        public IRI datatypeIRI()
        The IRI of the Datatype of the `Literal`. Often, this is syntactic sugar for `datatype().iri()` however, in the case where it is a user defined datatype, eg Datatype.UDF this will return the specific IRI of the datatype.
        Specified by:
        datatypeIRI in interface Literal
        the datatype IRI of the lexical value
      • label

        public java.lang.String label()
        The lexical value of the literal
        Specified by:
        label in interface Literal
        the lexical value
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object theObject)
        equals in class java.lang.Object