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Learn how to query Stardog using SPARQL.

Page Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
  3. SELECT Queries
    1. Triple Patterns
    2. Basic Graph Patterns
    3. Ordering Results
    4. Slicing Results
    5. Filtering Results
    6. Binding Values
    7. Removing Duplicates
    8. Aggregation
    9. Grouping
    10. Subqueries
    11. Alternatives
    12. Optional Matches
    13. Negation
    14. Property Paths
      1. Inverse Path
      2. Sequence Path
      3. Recursive Paths
      4. Optional Paths
      5. Alternative Paths
  4. Shortest Path Queries
  5. SPARQL Query Forms
    1. ASK Queries
    2. DESCRIBE Queries
    3. CONSTRUCT Queries
  6. Update Queries


Stardog Knowledge Graph supports the SPARQL query language, a W3C standard for querying RDF graphs. In the RDF Graph Data Model tutorial we looked at the details of RDF graphs and in this tutorial we will learn how to query them.


We will use the music dataset in this tutorial and see many features of SPARQL with examples. We will begin the tutorial using the small Beatles graph and then move to the slightly larger music dataset that we created from DBPedia.

To refresh, the Beatles graph looks as follows:

Beatles Graph

We highly recommend you to try the queries on your own to better understand the concepts we cover in this tutorial. The SPARQL queries are available in our GitHub tutorial repository. Throughout the tutorial we will show you the CLI commands to execute the queries, but you can more easily run these queries in Stardog Studio:

SELECT Queries

The main query form in SPARQL is a SELECT query which, by design, looks a bit like a SQL query. A SELECT query has two main components: a list of selected variables and a WHERE clause for specifying the graph patterns to match:

SELECT <variables>

The result of a SELECT query is a table where there will be one column for each selected variable and one row for each pattern match.

Triple Patterns

The basic building block for SPARQL queries is triple patterns. A triple pattern is just like an RDF graph triple, but you can use a variable in any one of the three positions. We use triple patterns to find the matching triples in a graph and variables act like wildcards that match any node.

For example,

# 01a-albums.sparql
# dataset: beatles

SELECT ?album
   ?album rdf:type :Album .

Here we see a simple SELECT query with a single triple pattern: ?album rdf:type :Album.

Stardog stores namespaces in database metadata so we do not need to include the prefix declarations for every query.

This triple pattern will match all the triples in the graph that have rdf:type as the predicate and :Album as the object. There are three matching triples in our graph so the query result will look like this:


There are several syntactic simplifications we can do to this query:

  1. the WHERE keyword is optional for SELECT queries and can be omitted
  2. if all the variables are being selected, then * can be used instead of enumerating them explicitly
  3. just like in RDF, the keyword a can be used instead of rdf:type
  4. we can omit the trailing . for the last triple pattern

If we apply all these simplifications we get the following equivalent query, which we show on one line here to emphasize its concision:

# 01b-albums.sparql
# dataset: beatles

SELECT * { ?album a :Album }

SPARQL keywords are case-insensitive so one can use lowercase keywords like select instead of SELECT. We recommend consistency.

Basic Graph Patterns

When one or more triple patterns are used together they form what is known as a Basic Graph Pattern. Let’s add one more triple pattern to our previous query to retrieve the artist for each album:

# 02-albums-artists.sparql
# dataset: beatles

   ?album a :Album .
   ?album :artist ?artist .

The second triple pattern in this query will match the triples with :artist predicate and we will get a result table with two columns:

album artist
:Please_Please_Me :The_Beatles
:McCartney :Paul_McCartney
:Imagine :John_Lennon

Now let’s add a third triple pattern to require that the returned artists should be of the SoloArtist type:

# 03-albums-solo-artists.sparql
# dataset: beatles

   ?album a :Album .
   ?album :artist ?artist .
   ?artist a :SoloArtist .

The third pattern matches four triples in our graph (one match for each member of The Beatles), but only two of those matches are compatible with the matches of the previous two patterns so only two results will be returned:

album artist
:McCartney :Paul_McCartney
:Imagine :John_Lennon

Ordering Results

At this point we look at the larger music dataset to explore other interesting features of SPARQL.

If we run the following query against the larger music dataset we will get more than a thousand results:

# 04b-albums-dates.sparql
# dataset: music

   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date .

In this query, we used ; to separate triple patterns that share the same subject.

Your results might look different than the following table because there is no built-in ordering for query results in SPARQL:

album artist date
:A_Date_with_Elvis :Elvis_Presley “1959-07-24”^^xsd:date
:A_Momentary_Lapse_of_Reason :Pink_Floyd “1987-09-07”^^xsd:date
:Achtung_Baby :U2 “1991-11-18”^^xsd:date

If we want the results to be ordered based on a sorting condition we can add an ORDER BY:

# 05-albums-dates-sorted.sparql
# dataset: music

   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date .
ORDER BY ?date

Now albums will be returned ordered by their release dates:

album artist date
:Elvis_Presley_(album) :Elvis_Presley “1956-03-23”^^xsd:date
:Elvis_(1956_album) :Elvis_Presley “1956-10-19”^^xsd:date
:Loving_You_(album) :Elvis_Presley “1957-07-01”^^xsd:date

It is possible to have multiple sorting conditions by specifying multiple variables (or even function calls) in ORDER BY; and we can also sort the results in descending order by encapsulating the sort condition with the DESC keyword, like this: DESC(?date).

Slicing Results

When a query returns too many results we can limit the results by using the LIMIT keyword:

# 06-albums-dates-limited.sparql
# dataset: music

   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date
ORDER BY desc(?date)

In this query we changed the dates to be sorted in reverse chronological order and limited the query to return only two results:

album artist date
:Hardwired…_to_Self-Destruct :Metallica “2016-11-18”^^xsd:date
:24K_Magic_(album) :Bruno_Mars “2016-11-18”^^xsd:date

We can skip the first N results by adding an OFFSET N clause at the end of the query where N is a positive integer. A paging capability can be supported by using LIMIT and OFFSET.

Filtering Results

We can filter the results returned by a query using a FILTER expression. SPARQL supports many built-in functions for writing such expressions:

  1. comparison operators: (=, !=, <, <=, >, >=)
  2. logical operators (&&, ||, !)
  3. mathematical operators (+, -, /, *)

Plus many others. Stardog also provides an extensive number af additional functions.

If we want to find the albums released in 1970 or later we can do this with the following filter expression:

# 07a-albums-dates-filtered.sparql
# dataset: music

   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date
   FILTER (?date >= "1970-01-01"^^xsd:date)
ORDER BY ?date

All otherwise matching results not satisfying the filter condition will be excluded from the results:

album artist date
:This_Girl\’s_in_Love_with_You :Aretha_Franklin “1970-01-15”^^xsd:date
:Chicago_(album) :Chicago_(band) “1970-01-26”^^xsd:date
:Morrison_Hotel :The_Doors “1970-02-09”^^xsd:date

We can use any SPARQL function in the FILTER expressions. For example, the year function applied to a date value will return the year component as an integer value. So the following query will return the exact same results as the previous query but the filter is written in a slightly different way:

# 07b-albums-dates-filtered.sparql
# dataset: music

   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date
      FILTER (year(?date) >= 1970)
ORDER BY ?date

Binding Values

We can assign the output of a function to a variable using the BIND keyword. This might be useful if we want to reuse the function result in different parts of the query or if we want to increase readability when we have a lot of nested function calls.

We can rewrite the previous query by binding the output of the year(?date) expression to a new variable ?year first and using the variable in the filter expresion:

# 07c-albums-dates-filtered.sparql
# dataset: music

   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date
   BIND (year(?date) AS ?year)
   FILTER (?year >= 1970)
ORDER BY ?date

Removing Duplicates

Our music dataset is not complete by any means and we have about a thousand albums. Suppose we want to find out the years in which these albums were released. One attempt would be to take the previous query, remove the filter, and only select the ?year variable.

# 08a-albums-years-duplicates.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT ?year
   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date
   BIND (year(?date) AS ?year)
ORDER BY ?date

But we will quickly discover that this query will still return many and the year values will be repeated:


We can see that changing just the selected variables has no effect on the number of results returned by a query. We will still get one result for each matching pattern so the number of rows in the result table won’t change; only the number of columns will change.

In order to get rid of duplicates we need to use the DISTINCT keyword right after SELECT:

# 08b-albums-years-distinct.sparql
# dataset: music

   ?album a :Album ;
          :artist ?artist ;
          :date ?date
   BIND (year(?date) AS ?year)
ORDER BY ?year

The results won’t have duplicates anymore:



Aggregation is applying a function to a list of values rather than to a single value. Unlike regular functions, aggregate functions can only be used in SELECT expressions. Built-in aggregates provided in SPARQL are COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, GROUP_CONCAT, and SAMPLE.

We can find the earliest and the latest release dates of albums in our dataset by using the MIN and MAX aggregates:

# 09-albums-dates.minmax.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT (min(?date) as ?minDate) (max(?date) as ?maxDate)
    ?album a :Album ;
           :date ?date

We will get a single result with two columns:

minDate maxDate
“1956-03-23”^^xsd:date “2016-11-18”^^xsd:date

The WHERE clause in this query would return a table with two columns and many rows if we didn’t use the aggregate functions. The MIN (respectively, MAX) function looks at the values in the specified column of the results table and returns the single smallest (respectively, largest) value found.

We can use the COUNT function to return the number of rows in the result table. The query to find the number of albums in our dataset is this:

# 10-albums-count.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT (count(?album) as ?count)
    ?album a :Album


The previous aggregation examples worked over a single result table and returned a single row as the final result. We can also group the results based on the values of one or more variables and apply the aggregation functions to each group separately.

Suppose we want to find the number of albums released each year. We can group the albums based on their release year and use the COUNT aggregate for each group:

# 11a-albums-dates-grouped.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT ?year (count(distinct ?album) AS ?count)
    ?album a :Album ;
            :date ?date ;
    BIND (year(?date) AS ?year)
GROUP BY ?year
ORDER BY desc(?count)

We will get one result for each distinct year value:

year count
1997 28
1975 28
1976 27

You might notice that we used the DISTINCT keyword inside the count aggregate. This is because some of the albums in our date have duplicate release dates. For example, the album “A Hard Day’s Night” has both 1964-06-26 and 1964-07-10 as release dates. This is due to the imperfection of our dataset and using the DISTINCT keyword ensures we count the album only once for that year.

This is not a perfect solution since it means we’ll double count albums if their multiple release dates are in different years. It’s better to clean up the data. And we can use the aggregates to find which albums have multiple release dates:

# 11b-albums-duplicate-dates.sparql
# dataset: music
SELECT ?album (group_concat(?date) AS ?dates)
    ?album a :Album ;
            :date ?date
GROUP BY ?album
HAVING (count(?date) > 1)

The HAVING keyword we used at the end acts like an overall filter on the query results. Since the aggregates can only be used in SELECT expressions we cannot use a regular FILTER (without introducing a subquery), so the HAVING keyword provides an easy way to define such filters.


If we want to find the average number of albums released in a year we need to use an aggregation function over the results of the previous query. This can be achieved by subqueries where we simply put a SELECT query inside another one:

# 12-albums-dates-subselect.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT (avg(?count) AS ?avgCount)
      SELECT ?year (count(?album) AS ?count)
            ?album a :Album ;
                  :date ?date ;
            BIND (year(?date) AS ?year)
      GROUP BY ?year

The result of this query will be a single value:


Of course subqueries don’t have to use aggregation; it would be fine to use any kind of SELECT query as a subquery. If the outer WHERE clause contains additional patterns, then the subquery should be surrounded with {}.


In our data we have artists separated into two types: bands and solo artists. If we want to retrieve all artists along with their names, then we can use the UNION operator to combine the matches from two different patterns:

# 13-artists-union.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT ?name
    { ?artist a :SoloArtist }
    { ?artist a :Band }
    ?artist :name ?name

The results will contain artists matching the either pattern:

“David Bowie”
“Brian May”

If the same artists matched both patterns then we would get a duplicate result and would need DISTINCT to get unique results.

If we load the music schema to our database and enable reasoning in our queries (e.g. using the reasoning toggle button in Stardog Studio), then we can write a much simpler query–for ?artist a :Artist – and we would automatically get the instances of its subclasses :Band and :SoloArtist:

We will ralk about schemas and reasoning in another tutorial.

Optional Matches

The following query returns the songs and their lengths:

# 14a-songs-length.sparql
# dataset: music

    ?song a :Song .
    ?song :length ?length .

However, when we look at the results we see that this query returns 3,640 results whereas the query without the second pattern returns 3,749 songs. This means there are 109 songs in our dataset that do not have any length information.

We can use OPTIONAL blocks to match patterns that may exist for some nodes but not for others:

# 14b-songs-optional-length.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT ?song ?length {
    ?song a :Song .
        ?song :length ?length .

This query will return 3,749 results where 109 rows will not have a value for the length. If we only want to see those rows where length is missing then we can add a filter to our query:

# 14c-songs-unbound-length.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT ?song ?length {
    ?song a :Song .
        ?song :length ?length .


The last example shows a somewhat indirect way to find patterns that does not exist in the dataset by using a combination of OPTIONAL and FILTER expressions. But SPARQL provides a special kind of filter for this purpose: NOT EXISTS. The following query will return the same 109 results as the previous query:

# 14d-songs-no-length.sparql
# dataset: music

SELECT ?song {
    ?song a :Song .
        ?song :length ?length .

Any SPARQL construct can be used inside a NOT EXISTS block.

Property Paths

The triple patterns match triples in the dataset so they can only be used to find nodes that are directly connected. We can use property paths to match nodes that are connected via arbitrary-length paths. More generally a property path is a regular expression describing the possible route between two nodes in a graph. Property paths can also be used to express some graph patterns more concisely.

To explore what we can do with property paths we will start with this query that uses two ordinary triple patterns to find pairs of people who wrote songs together:

# 15a-cowriters.sparql
# dataset: music

select distinct ?artist ?cowriter
    ?song :writer ?artist .
    ?song :writer ?cowriter
    FILTER (?artist != ?cowriter)

We need DISTINCT in this query because the same pair might have cowritten multiple songs together. We need the FILTER because otherwise the query would match the songs with a single writer and bind the two variables ?artist and ?cowriter to the same person. Using a different variable does not ensure that the triple patterns match different triples in the data. This query returns each pair twice; we leave it as an exercise to the reader to come up with a different filter expression to return every pair only once.

Inverse Path

Adding the symbol ^ in front of a predicate (or a property path expression) makes it an inverse path expression. An inverse path expression simply flips the direction of the match: the subject of the triple pattern will match the object of the triple in the data and the object of the triple pattern will match the subject. So an equivalent way to write the previous query is as follows:

select distinct ?artist ?cowriter
    ?artist ^:writer ?song .
    ?song :writer ?cowriter
    FILTER (?artist != ?cowriter)

By itself an inverse property path expression is not that useful but, in combination with other property path expressions, it can be quite useful as we will see next.

Sequence Path

When the object of one triple pattern is same as the subject of another triple pattern, and we are not interested in the binding of the variable, we can combine the two patterns using a sequence path. A sequence path means the subject is connected to the object via the path of property expressions specified in the sequence. The next query returns the same results as the previous query:

# 15b-cowriters-property-path.sparql
# dataset: music

select distinct ?artist ?cowriter
    ?artist ^:writer/:writer ?cowriter
    FILTER (?artist != ?cowriter)

There can be more than two expressions in a path if necessary. We can also use constants for the subject or the object or both. The next query returns cowriters of Paul McCartney:

# 15c-cowriters-mccartney.sparql
# dataset: music

select distinct ?cowriter
    :Paul_McCartney ^:writer/:writer ?cowriter
    FILTER (?cowriter != :Paul_McCartney)
order by ?cowriter

Recursive Paths

Suppose we want to not only find cowriters of Paul McCartney but also find the cowriters of his cowriters and continue finding cowriters recursively. We can use the recursive path operator + to follow a property path one or more times.

# 15d-cowriters-recursive.sparql
# dataset: music

select distinct ?cowriter
    :Paul_McCartney (^:writer/:writer)+ ?cowriter
    FILTER (?cowriter != :Paul_McCartney)
order by ?cowriter

The other recursive operator * is used to follow a path zero or more times. Following a path zero times means we don’t traverse any edges and simply return the same node as the starting node. This makes most sense when used in a sequence path as in rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*. This property path returns the type(s) of a node and all its superclasses.

Optional Paths

In our dataset we have both the solo albums released by Paul McCartney and the albums released by The Beatles. The next query would return both kinds of album:

# 15e-songs-optional-path.sparql
# dataset: music

select ?album {
  ?album :artist/:member? :Paul_McCartney

The ? suffix means we should follow a path zero or one times. The property path expression :artist/:member? would start with an album and first find all the nodes connected via the :artist predicate and return those nodes (since we would end up on those nodes when we follow the :member edge zero times). Then if any of those nodes have a :member edge it will follow those edges and return the new nodes we reach as well.

Alternative Paths

Suppose we want to find all the songs related to Paul McCartney: songs released in either his solo albums or The Beatles’ albums along with the songs he wrote that were recorded by other artists. So we need to find three alternate paths from songs to Paul McCartney. The previous property path expression already (partially) encodes two of these paths and the third alterante can be introduced using the | path operator:

# 15f-songs-alternative-path.sparql
# dataset: music

select ?song {
  ?song (^:track/:artist/:member?)|:writer :Paul_McCartney

Shortest Path Queries

As we have just seen SPARQL property paths can be used to find pairs of nodes connected via a complex path of edges. But these property paths only return the start and end nodes of a path and not the intermediate nodes within the path.

In the Recursive Paths example we have seen how we can recursively find all the nodes connected to Paul McCartney via cowriter relationships. When we run that query we can see in the results that Kanye West is connected to Paul McCartney, but there isn’t a song they cowrote together and we can’t tell by looking at the results how they are connected. We can use path queries to get the answers.

Stardog path queries is an extension to SPARQL, and we can use it not only to find (shortest or all) paths between two nodes defined, but also tol find all the intermediate nodes on that path. The connection between nodes can be a single property or a more complex SPARQL pattern.

The path query equivalent to the property path expression in 15d-cowriters-recursive.sparql is as follows:

# 16a-cowriters-paths.sparql
# dataset: music

    start ?artist = :Paul_McCartney
    end ?cowriter
via {
    ?artist ^:writer/:writer ?cowriter
order by ?cowriter

The result of the query will be a list of paths:




The VIA clause in a path query is similar to a WHERE clause in a SELECT query but, instead of returning the matches for this pattern, a path query traverses this pattern in the graph recursively starting with the start node until reaching the end node.

The start and end nodes in a path query can be completely unrestricted to find the shortest paths between any node in the graph but such queries typically are intractable due to the very high number of such paths.

Now, if we want to see the paths between Paul McCartney and Kanye West we can run the following query:

# 16b-cowriters-paths.sparql
# dataset: music

    start ?artist = :Paul_McCartney
    end ?cowriter = :Kanye_West
via {
    ?song :writer ?artist .
    ?song :writer ?cowriter
order by ?cowriter

Note that in this version of the query we are now using an explicit variable for the song so we can also see at each step of the path what song the cowriters collaborated on. One example path returned by this query looks as follows:


Path queries are a powerful addition to SPARQL and you can find more details about how to use them in the Stardog documentation.

SPARQL Query Forms

There are SPARQL query forms other than the SELECT queries. The WHERE clause in these queries can use any of the constructs we described above but the query result will not be a table.

ASK Queries

Ask queries return a boolean result indicating if the pattern specified in the WHERE clause matched any result or not. The next query asks if there is any band credited as the writer of a song:

# 17-bands-writers-ask.sparql
# dataset: music

    ?band a :Band .
    ?song :writer ?band .

The result is simply true without any detail about which song or the band matches this pattern:

Result: true.

Since the ASK queries don’t return any bindings they can be more efficient than executing a SELECT query.


The DESCRIBE query returns an RDF graph. What triples are returned for a node is not prescribed in the SPARQL specification and is in fact system dependent. The default DESCRIBE implementation in Stardog returns all the outgoing edges of the node:

# 18a-beatles-describe.sparql
# dataset: music


DESCRIBE :The_Beatles

The resulting triples has :The_Beatles as the subject:

:The_Beatles a :Band ;
   :member :George_Harrison , :John_Lennon , :Ringo_Starr , :Paul_McCartney ;
   :name "The Beatles" ;
   :description "..." .

The DESCRIBE query is most useful when we don’t know anything about the RDF graph we are querying and want to quickly see the terms used in the triples. But of course the query SELECT * { :The_Beatles ?p ?o } would serve the same purpose as the above query.

Stardog provides a special query hint to change the DESCRIBE strategy being used. The following query returns the incoming edges too:

#pragma describe.strategy bidirectional
DESCRIBE :The_Beatles

It is possible to specify a WHERE clause in a DESCRIBE query to describe the values bound to one or more variables. The following query will describe every band with a name starting with the word “The”:

# 18b-bands-describe.sparql
# dataset: music


    ?band a :Band ;
         :name ?name
    FILTER(contains(?name, "The"))


A CONSTRUCT query matches patterns in a WHERE clause and then returns an RDF graph as a result. If the WHERE clause only contains triple patterns we can use the short-hand syntax; for example, to retrieve the bands and their members:

# 19a-bands-construct.sparql
# dataset: music


    ?band a :Band ;
          :member ?member

The result will look something like this:

:ABBA a :Band ;
   :member :Frida_Lyngstad , :Benny_Andersson , :Björn_Ulvaeus , :Agnetha_Fältskog .
:Led_Zeppelin a :Band ;
   :member :John_Paul_Jones_\(musician\) , :Robert_Plant , :Jimmy_Page , :John_Bonham .
:Linkin_Park a :Band ;
   :member :Chester_Bennington , :Mike_Shinoda , :Joe_Hahn , :Brad_Delson .

We can specify a CONSTRUCT template that will return a different set of triples than the triples we matched in the WHERE clause:

# 19b-bands-members-construct.sparql
# dataset: music


    ?member a :BandMember
    ?band a :Band ;
          :member ?member

The triples returned for this query do not exist in our graph:

:Frida_Lyngstad a :BandMember .
:Benny_Andersson a :BandMember .
:Björn_Ulvaeus a :BandMember .
:Agnetha_Fältskog a :BandMember .

CONSTRUCT queries are read-only just like the other query forms we have seen so far and do not modify the input RDF graph. If we want to modify the RDF graph we need to use SPARQL update queries that we discuss next.

Update Queries

If we want to insert triples into the database based on the results of a query we can use an INSERT query. The following query is similar to the above CONSTRUCT query but simply inserts the resulting triples into the database:

# 20-bands-members-insert.sparql
# dataset: music

    ?member a :BandMember
    ?band a :Band ;
          :member ?member

We can also use the WHERE clause results to delete triples from the database.

In our graph, we used an integer range for the :length property to specify the length of a song in seconds. This is simple and good enough in most cases but using the XML Scheme datatype xsd:dayTimeDuration is better as it avoids the ambiguity of the time unit associated with the length. So if we want to replace all :length values in our data to use duration values, we can execute the following update query that will delete the existing triples with integer values and insert new triples with duration values:

# 21-songs-length-delete.sparql
# dataset: music

    ?song :length ?seconds
    ?song :length ?duration
    ?song a :Song ;
         :length ?seconds
    BIND(?seconds * "PT1S"^^xsd:dayTimeDuration AS ?duration)