Testing Queries
This page discusses query testing capabilities provided by Stardog to perform regression testing for correctness and performance using declarative test definitions.
Page Contents
Testing the performance and correctness of software code is an indispensable part of software development process. When developing a graph-based solution, a similar capability is required for testing the performance and correctness of queries as the data models and the queries evolve over time. This kind of testing can certainly be done by using your choice of Stardog API with a software testing library. However, Stardog also provides a way to declaratively define your tests in a test definition file, automatically create test definitions from your existing queries and run these tests via CLI command and/or using the API.
Test Definitions
A test definition is an RDF file commonly serialized using the Turtle syntax. A test definition file contains a list of tests and each test is for testing a single query against a single database with configuration parameters. Typically, most of the configuration parameters are defined at the file level but each test might define its configuration parameters as shown in the following example:
As seen a single test definition is a set of properties attached to the same subject. The local name of the subject is used as the test name and each test definition should have the Test
type declaration shown in the first line of this example.
We explain what the configuration parameters mean and how they can be organized in definition files in the following sections.
Test Configuration
Each test definition file can optionally contain a configuration section at the beginning that specifies the configuration options that will be used by default. The default value are attached to a special subject named defaults
but otherwise look exactly like how they would look like when attached to regular tests.
Typically, server and database information will be shared between the tests and defined in the default configuration section. The default values will be used for all the tests unless the test overrides these configuration options.
The credentials to access the server are not specified as part of the test definitions in order to avoid exposing sensitive information in plain files. The credentials are specified while running tests and can take advantage of features like password files.
Specifying Queries
There are three different ways to specify the query for a test and only one should be used for each query.
First option is to specify a query string inline in the test definition file using the
property:Multi-line query strings can be specified using the triple-quote syntax of Turtle:
When the query string is sent to the database it will use the stored namespaces from the database. The query string may include additional prefix declarations too. But the prefix declarations defined in the test file will not be applied to the query.
The second option is to specify a path to a query using the
property:The property value is a path for the query file. If a relative path is specified then it will be resolved using the path of the test definition file. That is, in the above example
should exist in the same directory as the definition file. Paths may point to subdirectories or parent directories as needed. -
The third option is to specify the name of a stored query using the
property:The stored query with the given name should exist in the server and should be executable against the database.
Correctness Testing
There are two different ways to check the correctness of a query.
The first way is to save the expected query results into a file and specify the file path in the test definition using the
property:The file path is again relative to the test definition file similar to
explained above. The file format will be selected based on the extension of the file name. The extensions.srx
can be used if the query results are in the SPARQL/XML format and the extensions.srj
can be used if the query results are in the SPARQL/JSON format. The query results should not contain any bnodes and very large result sets, e.g. more than million bindings, should be avoided. -
The second option is to specify the number of expected results using the
property:This option is not as reliable because a query may return the same number of results but the contents of the query results might not be same. But in some cases such as the very large result set use case mentioned above this would be a reasonable option.
The result count for queries are described as follows:
: The number of bindings, i.e. rows, returnedCONSTRUCT
: The number of unique triples returnedASK
: Count is 1 if the query returnstrue
and 0 iffalse
: The number of paths returned
Update queries (COPY
, …) do not return any results; they update the database. The resultCount
or resultFile
values specified for update queries are simply ignored. since an update query can never fail in a test by definition. The correctness of update queries can be checked by adding a read query after the update query in the test definitions. The tests defined in a file are executed in the order they have been defined in the file so update and read queries can be organized in a way to allow this.
Performance Testing
Testing the performance of a query is done by running the query multiple times (preferably after a number of warmup runs) and comparing the average execution time with the expected query answering time. Expected query time is specified in milliseconds using the expectedTime
It is expected that the query execution times fluctuate slightly between runs so a slight difference compared to the expected time does not necessarily indicate a slowdown. For this reason, there is a notion of a “failure threshold” that is take into account before a test is considered to fail. Threshold is expressed as a percentage point (integer value) and the default failure threshold value is 10
. For example, if the expectedTime
for a test is 100ms as in the above example then the test will fail if average query execution is more than 110ms. The percentage can be set to a value higher than 100 if the query execution time is known to fluctuate highly especially for queries that complete very quickly.
The default warmups are 0 and the default number of runs 1 which is geared towards correctness testing more than performance testing. You should increase these values if you will do performance testing. By default, auto test creator uses 3 warmups and 2 runs but based on query characteristics more warmups or runs might be needed. Running the queries multiple times and observing query execution times is the most reliable way to determine optimal number of warmups and runs.
By default, update queries are executed only once regardless of the warmups
and runs
setting. It is typically not meaningful to run an update query multiple times since the first execution applies the changes and subsequent executions have no effect. But in some cases it might make sense to run update queries multiple queries
Test Modules
Test definitions can be grouped in different files and a test definition file can be included in another one using the include
If a test file defines defaults
then those defaults will be applied to the included test file and overridden by any defaults
defined in the included files. Included test files will be run in the order they have been defined in the file. A test file can contain both include
statements and test definitions. Again execution ordering will follow the definition order.
Test Definition Vocabulary
The RDF vocabulary used for test definition is defined in the namespace tag:stardog:api:test:
but there is no need to declare this namespace in the test definition file because the test reader utility uses this default namespace while parsing the test definition files.
There is only a single class Test
defined in the vocabulary and all the properties except for include
are attached to test instances. The special test defaults
is used to define default properties that will apply to all the tests as explained above.
Property | Value | Description |
server | string | Stardog server URL for running the test |
database | string | Database against which the test query will be executed |
reasoning | string/boolean | Either a boolean value to turn on/off reasoning with default schema, or a reasoning schema name to use |
queryFile | string | Path to the file that contains the SPARQL query that will be tested |
queryString | string | SPARQL query string that wil lbe tested |
queryStored | string | Name of the store query that will be tested |
resultFile | string | Path to the file that contains the expected results of the query |
resultCount | integer | Number of results the query is expected to return |
resultOrdered | boolean | If the results expected results should be checked in the given order |
expectedTime | integer | Expected query answering time in milliseconds |
failureThreshold | integer | Percentage points the average query execution may vary from expected time |
warmups | integer | Number of times query will be executed before computing the average execution time |
runs | integer | Number of times the query will be executed to compute the average execution time |
ignore | boolean | If true the test will be ignored and skipped |
Running Tests
Tests can be run with the following command:
The command will print progress information as test are rerunning and print a summary of test results:
As shown in the output above there are four possible outcomes for a test:
: The results returned by the query did not match expected resultsFAILED_TIMING
: The average execution timing exceeded expected query time more than the threshold percentageFAILED_ERROR
: An error occurred during the execution of a test
The test run
command by default uses the admin/admin credentials to connect to the server specified in the test definition file. A different username and password can be provided just like any other CLI command:
The test run command provides additional options, e.g. to print query plans. Please check out the help page for a complete list of options supported.
Auto Test Creation
If you have a set of SPARQL queries saved in files then you can use the stardog test create
command to automatically create a test definition using the following command:
The command will recursively traverse the directory, find the query files matching the provided glob expression (by default files with extension .sparql
or .rq
), execute each query against the provided database and generate one test definition file for each directory. The name of the test definition file will be same as the directory name. The test file can be renamed as long as it is not used in an include
statement. Test definition file will contain one test for each query file found. By default, the command runs each query 3 times as a warmup and then runs the query times to compute the expected time. The results for each query is saved in a file in the same directory as the query file.
Here is another example creating a test file for the SPARQL queries from the Stardog tutorials against the publicly accessible Stardog Express server:
Note that, we are specifying the server URL as part of the connection string with the database name. We have also changed the credentials used to connect to the server since the default admin/admin credentials are not allowed for Stardog Express. Update queries are not allowed against Stardog express. Stardog tutorial contains two update queries (20-bands-members-insert.sparql
and 21-songs-length-delete.sparql
) so we provided a glob expression that tells the command to only include SPARQL files that start with the character 0
or 1
effectively excluding the update queries. Finally, the --only-counts
tell the command to not save query results in files and instead use the resultCount
property to only record expected number of results.
If we want to create a test file that only checks correctness and not performance we can use the --no-timings
option and run each query only once without the warmups: