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stardog-admin virtual add


Registers a new virtual graph.


stardog-admin [ --krb5 ] [ --krb5-disable-rdns ] [ --server <server url> ] virtual add [ {-d | --database} <db> ] [ {-f | --format} <mappings format> ] [ {-n | --name} <virtual graph name> ] [ {-o | --overwrite} ] [ {-p | --passwd} <password> ] [ {-P | --ask-password} ] [ --run-as <username> ] [ {-s | --data-source} <data source> ] [ --token <token> ] [ {-u | --username} <username> ] [ {-v | --verbose} ] [--] [ <[options]> <[mappings]>... ]


Name, shorthand Description
-d <db>, --database <db> The database the virtual graph will be associated with. By default, ‘*’ will be used which means the virtual graph can be accessed from any database.
-f <mappings format>, --format <mappings format> Format of the mappings; one of [R2RML, SMS]. Use this command-line option instead of setting the mappings.syntax option in the options file.
--krb5 Use the Kerberos environment.
--krb5-disable-rdns Disable reverse DNS lookup for Kerberos clients.
-n <virtual graph name>, --name <virtual graph name> Optional override of the virtual graph name
-o, --overwrite If the virtual graph being added already exists, overwrite the existing copy with the new version
-p <password>, --passwd <password> Password.
-P, --ask-password Prompt for password.
--run-as <username> User to impersonate when running the command
-s <data source>, --data-source <data source> The data source for this virtual graph. Data sources can be added with stardog-admin data-source commands, and shared between virtual graphs.
--server <server url> URL of Stardog Server. If this option isn’t specified, it will be read from JVM argument ‘stardog.default.cli.server’. If the JVM arg isn’t set, the default value ‘http://localhost:5820’ is used. If server URL has no explicit port value, the default port value ‘5820’ is used. Example: ‘stardog-admin –server server stop’
--token <token> Stardog JWT token
-u <username>, --username <username> User name.
-v, --verbose Flag that can cause more detailed information to be printed such as errors and status. Exact output depends upon the command and options used.
-- This option can be used to separate command-line options from the list of argument(s). (Useful when an argument might be mistaken for a command-line option)
<[options]> <[mappings]> The configuration file for the virtual graph and optionally a mappings file. If a –data-source option is not provided then the options argument is required. If the –name option is not provided, the name of the configuration file without the extension will be the name of the virtual graph.


Register a new virtual graph named ‘myGraph’ with automatically generated (aka direct) mappings

    $ stardog-admin virtual add

Register a new virtual graph with the mappings written in Stardog mappings syntax

    $ stardog-admin virtual add myGraph.sms

Register a new virtual graph using a registered data source

    $ stardog-admin virtual add --format r2rml --data-source myDataSource myGraph.ttl

Register a new virtual graph using a registered data source, omitting the options file

    $ stardog-admin virtual add --format sms --name myGraph --data-source myDataSource myGraph.sms

Update an already registered virtual graph with the given mappings

    $ stardog-admin virtual add --overwrite myGraph.sms