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stardog-admin server start


Starts the Stardog Server.


stardog-admin server start [ --bind <network interface> ] [ --daemon ] [ --disable-security ] [ --enable-ssl ] [ --force-join ] [ --foreground ] [ --home <home> ] [ --insecure-geo-replica ] [ --no-cors ] [ --port <port> ] [ --require-ssl ] [ --safe ] [ --ssl-cert-required ] [ --ssl-port <ssl-port> ] [ --upgrade ] [ {-v | --verbose} ]


Name, shorthand Description
--bind <network interface> Specify the address of the network interface the Stardog server should bind to, the default is Port should be specified separately with the –port option.
--daemon Flag to start this application in the background without waiting for the server to start listening.
--disable-security Disable security flag. If this flag is set, security for the server is completely disabled.
--enable-ssl Enable SSL for the server; server will automatically enable SSL on a per-connection basis to support secure & unsecured clients.
--force-join Cluster only: Forcibly join an empty cluster and drop any additional databases on this node.
--foreground Flag to start this application in the foreground.
--home <home> Stardog home directory location.
--insecure-geo-replica Geo replicated nodes only: Connect to Stardog via http instead of https (not recommended).
--no-cors No CORS support flag. If this flag is set, CORS support in the HTTP server will be disabled.
--port <port> Specify the port the server will bind to
--require-ssl Require SSL for the server; client connections which do not use SSL will be immediately closed.
--safe Flag to start this application in the safe mode.
--ssl-cert-required Server requires clients to use a valid certificate when connecting via SSL; automatically enables SSL and requires its usage.
--ssl-port <ssl-port> Specify the port the server will bind for SSL. Default is –port for –require-ssl, [–port + 1] for –enable-ssl
--upgrade Automatically upgrade any indexes which use an obsolete format. Upgrades are generally one-directional without a possibility to downgrade, thus it is advised to make a server backup first.
-v, --verbose Flag that can cause more detailed information to be printed such as errors and status. Exact output depends upon the command and options used.


By default, the HTTP server listens on A different port for the server can be specified with the –port option and a different bind location using –bind.


Start a Stardog server with the default options:

    $ stardog-admin server start

Start a Stardog server with security disabled:

    $ stardog-admin server start --disable-security

Run a Stardog server on localhost only with a different port

    $ stardog-admin server start --bind --port 5804

Start a Stardog server which requires SSL connections from clients

    $ stardog-admin server start --require-ssl