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Using your BI Server with Stardog Cloud

Use your BI Server with Stardog Cloud.

Stardog Free endpoints do not support connections from a BI server. If you would like to connect to your Stardog Knowledge Graph endpoint from your BI server, consider upgrading to Stardog Essentials or Stardog Enterprise.


For Stardog Essentials and Enterprise customers, the BI endpoint is enabled on port 5806. The endpoint for your BI server is your normal endpoint with -bi-server added after the host name. In other words, if your normal Stardog endpoint is, your BI server’s endpoint will be

IP Whitelisting

In order to connect to your BI server, your IP address must be whitelisted in the Stardog Cloud firewall. We highly recommend connecting to your server through a company VPN (or some other mechanism for making your IP address predictable) so that the whitelist does not have to change frequently. Otherwise, expect delays in your projects as you wait for the whitelist to be updated.

You can request your IP to be whitelisted by opening a support ticket. Please include your own IP, plus the IPs of any of your team members. If you’re connecting from multiple clients, e.g. a desktop client and Databricks in Azure, please include the IPs of all clients you might connect from.

Once your IP is whitelisted, go to your BI client and enter your BI server’s endpoint and the username/password for your Stardog user. Note these are the credentials for a Stardog user you would see in Studio, not the credentials you use to log into

If you sign in to Stardog Cloud using SSO, you’ll need to create a new user whose only purpose is accessing Stardog through the BI endpoint. Best practices for doing this can be found here.