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Managing Users and Roles

This page discusses how to manage users, roles, and permissions in Stardog. See the section on Stardog’s Security Model to learn more about how security works in Stardog with respect to authentication and authorization.

Page Contents
  1. Setting Password Constraints
  2. Create a Role
  3. Grant Permissions to a Role
  4. Assign a Role to a User
  5. Create a User
  6. Grant Explicit Permissions to a User
  7. List a User and Role’s Permissions
  8. Enable/Disable User
  9. Change a User’s Password
  10. Delete a User
  11. Remove a Role from a User
  12. Delete a Role
  13. Using a Password File
    1. Password File Format

Setting Password Constraints

To setup the constraints used to validate passwords when adding new users, configure the following settings in the configuration file:

Property Description Default
password.length.min Sets the password policy for the minimum length of user passwords, the value can’t be lower than password.length.min or greater than password.length.max. 4
password.length.max Sets the password policy for the maximum length of user passwords. 1024.
password.regex Sets the password policy of accepted chars in user passwords, via a Java regular expression. [\w@#$%!&]+

Example to set the minimum password length to 8 characters:


Create a Role

The following examples show how to create a role in Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

  1. Navigate to the “Security” ( ) section in Studio.

  2. Select the button in the “ROLES” pane:

  3. Enter a name for the new role:


  1. Create the role using the role add Stardog Admin CLI command:

     $ stardog-admin role add myRole
     Successfully added role myRole.

Grant Permissions to a Role

The following examples show how to grant permissions to a role via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

  1. Navigate to the “Security” ( ) section of Studio.

  2. Select the role in the “ROLES” pane you wish to add permissions to.

  3. Select the “Add Permission” button in the top right of the window.

  4. Grant a permission to the role. Remember, any action can be granted over any resource. See Actions and Resources for a description of all actions and resources. Below we grant the myRole role READ access over the the database myDatabase which has a resource type of db.

    When adding permissions via Studio, you can omit the resource type prefix when entering the resource name/identifier. This is not the case when we grant permissions via the CLI.


  1. Grant permissions to the role myRole such that it has READ access over myDatabase using the role grant Stardog Admin CLI command.

     $ stardog-admin role grant -n myRole -a read -o db:myDatabase
     Successfully granted the permission.
    • Note how the target resource (-o argument) is specified db:myDatabase. A particular resource is denoted by resource_type_prefix:name. All resource type prefixes are documented in Resources. When adding permissions via the CLI, resources must be specified like this.

Assign a Role to a User

The following examples show how to assign a role to a Stardog user via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

  1. Navigate to the “Security” ( ) section of Studio.

  2. To assign a role to an existing user, first select the user you wish to assign the role to in the “USERS” pane, and select the “Assign Role” button in the top right window:

  3. Select the role you’d like to assign to the user:


  1. Suppose we had a Stardog user named bob - we could assign him the role myRole using the user addrole Stardog Admin CLI command:

     $ stardog-admin user addrole --role myRole bob
     Role myRole has been successfully assigned to user bob.

Create a User

In the following examples, we show how to create users in Stardog via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

  1. Navigate to the “Security” ( ) section of Studio.

  2. Select the button in the “USERS” pane:

  3. Enter a username and password for the the new user and click “Add”.

    The default password policy can be modified. See Setting Password Constraints for more information.


  1. Create the new user with the user add Stardog Admin CLI command:

     $ stardog-admin user add bob
     New password for user bob:
     Confirm new password for user bob:
     Successfully created user bob.

Grant Explicit Permissions to a User

In the following examples, we show how to grant explicit permissions to Stardog users via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

There is nothing inherently insecure about setting explicit permissions for individual users, however we highly recommend managing user permissions by assigning users to roles such that you can easily update user permissions in batches.

Stardog Studio

  1. To add permissions to the newly created user, select a user in the “USERS” pane, and then select the “Add Explicit Permission” button.

  2. Grant a permission to the user. Remember, any action can be granted over any resource. See Actions and Resources for a description of all actions and resources. Below we grant the user bob WRITE access over the the database myDatabase which has a resource type of db. When we add permissions via Studio, we can omit the resource type prefix when entering the resource name/identifier. This is not the case when we grant permissions via the CLI.


  1. Grant permissions to the user bob such that it has WRITE access over myDatabase using the user grant Stardog Admin CLI command:

     $ stardog-admin user grant -a write -o "db:myDatabase" bob
     Successfully granted the permission.
    • Note how the target resource (-o argument) is specified db:myDatabase. A particular resource is denoted by resource_type_prefix:name. All resource type prefixes are documented in Resources. When adding permissions via the CLI, resources must be specified like this.

List a User and Role’s Permissions

You can use easily view a user’s permissions via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

To see a user’s permissions in Stardog Studio, navigate to the “Security” ( ) section of Studio and select a user to inspect their permissions.

We see that user bob is assigned the role myRole from this view. We can navigate to the myRole role to inspect the permissions assigned to this role to obtain bob’s effective permissions.


From the CLI, use the user permission Stardog Admin CLI command like so to view a user’s effective permissions:

$ stardog-admin user permission bob
| Resource Type | Resource Name | Permissions | Source |
| db            | myDatabase    | --R----     | myRole |
| user          | bob           | --RW---     | [bob]  |

You can see from this view that the user bob is able to read from the database myDatabase because he is assigned to the role myRole. myRole is the source of this permission.

You can view the permissions granted to a role by using the role permission Stardog Admin CLI command.

$ stardog-admin role permission myRole
| Resource Type | Resource Name | Permissions |
| db            | myDatabase    | --R----     |

Enable/Disable User

The following examples show how to enable and disable users via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

To enable or disable a user in Stardog Studio, select the user you wish you wish to enable/disable in the “USERS” pane within the “Security” ( ) section. At the top right of the window, select the ••• button and enable/disable the user.


To enable or disable a user in Stardog from the CLI use the user enable and user disable Stardog Admin CLI commands respectively.

$ stardog-admin user disable bob
User bob has been successfully disabled.
$ stardog-admin user enable bob
User bob has been successfully enabled.

Change a User’s Password

The following examples show how to change a user’s password via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

To change a user’s password in Stardog Studio, select the user of interest in the “USERS” pane within the “Security” ( ) section. At the top right of the window, select the ••• button and select “Change Password.


To change a user’s password in Stardog from the CLI use the user passwd Stardog Admin CLI command.

$ stardog-admin user passwd bob
New password for user bob:
Confirm new password for user bob:
Password changed successfully for user bob.

Delete a User

The following examples show how to delete a user via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

To delete a user in Stardog Studio, select the user you wish you wish to delete in the “USERS” pane within the “Security” ( ) tab. At the top right of the window, select the ••• button and select “Delete User”.


To delete a user from the CLI use the user remove Stardog Admin CLI command.

$ stardog-admin user remove bob
Successfully dropped user bob.

Remove a Role from a User

The following examples show how to remove a role from a Stardog user via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

Stardog Studio

To remove a role from a user in Stardog Studio, select the user of interest in the “USERS” pane within the “Security” ( ) section. Select the X on the role you wish to remove from the user.


To remove a role from a user from the CLI, use the user removerole Stardog Admin CLI command.

$ stardog-admin user removerole --role myRole bob
Role myRole has been successfully unassigned from user bob.

Delete a Role

The following examples show how to delete a role via Stardog Studio and the CLI.

If a role is currently assigned to a user, you must remove the role from the user before deleting it.

Stardog Studio

To delete a role in Stardog Studio, select the role you wish you wish to delete in the “ROLES” pane within the “Security” ( ) section. At the top right of the window, select the ••• button and select “Delete Role”.


To delete a role from the CLI use the role remove Stardog Admin CLI command.

$ stardog-admin role remove myRole
Successfully dropped role myRole.

Using a Password File

To avoid putting passwords into scripts or environment variables, you can put them into a suitably secured password file. If no credentials are passed explicitly in CLI invocations, or you do not ask Stardog to prompt you for credentials interactively, then it will look for credentials in a password file.

  • On a Unix system, Stardog will look for a file called .sdpass in the home directory of the user Stardog is running as;
  • On a Windows system, it will look for sdpass.conf in Application Data\stardog in the home directory of the user Stardog is running as.

If the file is not found in these locations, Stardog will look in the location provided by the stardog.passwd.file system property.

Password File Format

The format of the password file is as follows:

  1. Any line that starts with a # is ignored
  2. Each line contains a single password in the format:

  3. Wildcards, *, are permitted for any field but the password field; colons and backslashes in fields are escaped with \.

For example:

#this is my password file; there are no others like it and this one is mine anyway...

Of course you should secure this file carefully, making sure that only the user that Stardog runs as can read it.