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stardog-admin cluster generate


Creates a set of files with the minimal configuration for deploying a Stardog cluster. Make sure that the hostnames or IP addresses, and ports are accessible between the nodes involved in the cluster. Keep in mind that there is a single ‘’ since they are same contents for all nodes, but there is a ‘’ file for each node.


stardog-admin cluster generate [ {-d | --output-dir} <path> ] [ {-v | --verbose} ] [ --zk-data-dir <path> ] [ --zk-election-port <leader election port> ] [ --zk-leader-port <leader port> ] [ --zk-port <client port> ] [--] <nodes>...


Name, shorthand Description
-d <path>, --output-dir <path> The directory where the config files are going to be generated. If nothing is specified they will be generated to the current directory.
-v, --verbose Flag that can cause more detailed information to be printed such as errors and status. Exact output depends upon the command and options used.
--zk-data-dir <path> ZooKeeper’s data directory
--zk-election-port <leader election port> The port where ZooKeeper nodes are going to connect for electing a ZooKeeper leader node.
--zk-leader-port <leader port> The port where ZooKeeper nodes are going to connect to the ZooKeeper leader node.
--zk-port <client port> The port where ZooKeeper is going to serving clients’ requests.
-- This option can be used to separate command-line options from the list of argument(s). (Useful when an argument might be mistaken for a command-line option)
<nodes> The list of hostnames (or IP addresses) of the nodes in the cluster.


Generating config files for three nodes:

    $ stardog-admin cluster generate --output-dir /home/stardog