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This page discusses some tips to troubleshoot issues with Virtual Graphs.

Page Contents
  1. Overview
  2. Enable Debug Logging
  3. Metadata Inspection Tool


The most common problem with virtual graphs is configuring the mappings correctly. Each database has different casing behavior, quoting characters, etc. The following features can be helpful when troubleshooting these issues.

Enable Debug Logging

Stardog uses log4j2 for logging. You can enable debug logging at the virtual graph level by adding this line to the Loggers section of your log4j2.xml file:

<Logger name="com.complexible.stardog.virtual" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
    <AppenderRef ref="stardogAppender"/>

This will increase the logging to the stardog.log file (but not to the console).

See our section on Logging for more information on how to configure your log4j2.xml file.

Metadata Inspection Tool

You can use the metadata inspection tool to retrive the schema and column names as they appear to Stardog when connecting using the the virtual graph connection properties (driver name, connection string, credentials, etc.). The inspection tool is accessed using the command-line interface (CLI). The documentation is accessed using the help command:

$ stardog-admin help source_metadata

Alternatively, see the virtual source_metadata manual page in the Stardog Admin CLI Reference Manual