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This page describes factors that affect Virtual Graph query performance.

Page Contents
  1. Overview
  2. Unique Keys
  3. Denormalized Data
  4. Map rdf:type Conservatively
  5. Unique Predicates
    1. Query rdf:type Liberally
  6. Mutually Exclusive Templates
  7. Query Inputs and Outputs
  8. SQL Functions and Query Outputs
    1. Datasets and Local Graphs
    2. Datasets and Virtual Graphs
    3. Unique Predicates, Revisited
    4. Areas for Improvement
  10. Federations of Virtual Graphs
    1. Cardinality Estimation for Virtual Graphs
    2. Mapping Templates


There are many choices to make when setting up a data source and virtual graph. Many of these choices can affect how a query over that virtual graph will perform. This page describes how data source options and virtual graph mappings can affect the efficiency of those queries.

In almost all cases, the goal will be to minimize the number of joins and unions in the query plan. An introduction to query plans can be found here. The examples in this section can be found in the stardog-examples GitHub repository.

Unique Keys

Stardog uses information on unique columns from table metadata to reduce the number of joins in the queries it generates. To illustrate the significance of unique columns in a table, consider the following table and virtual graph mapping:

CREATE TABLE Bands(id INTEGER, -- note no primary key
                   name VARCHAR(20),
                   country VARCHAR(20),
                   year_formed int);

INSERT INTO Bands VALUES(1, 'Aerosmith', 'USA', 1970);
INSERT INTO Bands VALUES(1, 'Errorsmith', 'USA', 2022);
PREFIX : <urn:>

MAPPING :uniques
TO {
  ?band a :Band ;
    rdfs:label ?name ;
    :country ?country ;
    :yearFormed ?year_formed .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:band:{id}") AS ?band)

This leads to a graph with a single node and two values for each of two properties; rdfs:label and :yearFormed:

Single node mapped from two rows

Because of the way this node is mapped, the association between the label and year that existed in the table is lost. (See Mapping Denormalized Data for a mapping that retains the relationship.) A query that matches both the label and year must return the cross product of the two solutions for the two triple patterns:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://uniques> {
    ?s rdfs:label ?label ;
       :yearFormed ?yearFormed .
|   s    |    label     | yearFormed |
| band:1 | "Aerosmith"  | "1970"     |
| band:1 | "Aerosmith"  | "2022"     |
| band:1 | "Errorsmith" | "1970"     |
| band:1 | "Errorsmith" | "2022"     |

In keeping with Stardog’s principle to “move the compute to the data”, the join is pushed down to the SQL:

SELECT "Bands"."id", "Bands"."name", "Bands0"."year_formed" AS "year_formed0"
FROM "Bands"
INNER JOIN "Bands" AS "Bands0"
ON "Bands"."id" = "Bands0"."id"

This join is necessary to ensure correct results whenever the join variable (?s in the last example) is bound to a TEMPLATE that’s built from a set of columns that are not known to be unique in the backing table. In this example the TEMPLATE is built from the single column id:

BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:band:{id}") AS ?band)

Suppose our table did not contain multiple rows for a given id:

DELETE FROM Bands WHERE id=1 AND year_formed=2022

The query would return a single row, yet the plan continues to contain the join:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://uniques> {
    ?s rdfs:label ?label ;
       :yearFormed ?yearFormed .
From <virtual://uniques>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://uniques> [#1215] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0], year_formed=[$3], name0=[$5])
+─      LogicalJoin(condition=[AND(=($0, $4), IS NOT NULL($3), IS NOT NULL($5))], joinType=[inner])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Bands]])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Bands]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `Bands`.`id`, `Bands`.`year_formed`, `Bands0`.`name` AS `name0`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Bands`
+─    INNER JOIN `examples`.`Bands` AS `Bands0` ON `Bands`.`id` = `Bands0`.`id` AND `Bands`.`year_formed` IS NOT NULL AND `Bands0`.`name` IS NOT NULL
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:band:{id/0})
+─    ?label <- COLUMN($2)^^xsd:string
+─    ?yearFormed <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string
|   s    |    label    | yearFormed |
| band:1 | "Aerosmith" | "1970"     |

If the id column is unique, then that join is no longer necessary. Stardog examines the metadata of the backing table and recognizes any primary or unique keys that are defined as constraints in the table’s DDL. However, many data sources, in particular big data architectures such as Databricks, Hive, MongoDB, and Athena, do not support these constraints. For such platforms, we can indicate column uniqueness (even if not enforced by the database) with the unique.key.sets data source configuration option, leading to a SQL query with no join:

SELECT `id`, `name`, `year_formed`
FROM `listeners`.`Bands`
WHERE `year_formed` IS NOT NULL

The unique.key.sets property can be used with all database types, not just those that do not support key constraints. For databases that have key constraints defined, Stardog will combine the database constraints and the keys set in the unique.ket.sets property.

Supplement a table’s DDL-defined constraints with the unique.key.sets property for any sets of fields that comprise a unique key.

Denormalized Data

Another potential cause of inefficient queries is mapping to denormalized tables. In the last example the table was mapped in a way that lost the association between the band name and its year of release. Now we’ll consider an example where we’ll seek to retain such a relationship.

We’ll use this table:

                   title     VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                   year      VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                   actor_id  INTEGER     NOT NULL,
                   name      VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                   char_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                   PRIMARY KEY (movie_id, actor_id));

INSERT INTO Roles VALUES(1, 'The Princess Bride', 1987, 1, 'Robin Wright',      'Buttercup');
INSERT INTO Roles VALUES(2, 'Unbreakable',        2000, 1, 'Robin Wright Penn', 'Audrey Dunn');

This purpose of the Roles table in this example is to link Movies and Actors. In a normalized database we expect the name of an actor to be a column of an Actors table, however, in this example, the actor’s name is in the Roles table. An inspection of the data reveals that, unlike the result of a join of two normalized Movies and Actors tables, the actor’s name is not always the same. So while this table is denormalized in the sense that title and year could have come from a normalized Movie table, we would not see this variation in the actor’s name in denormalized table. We can think of the name field as representing a creditedAs relationship – the name the actor had at the time the movie was released.

This mapping that treats the Roles table as a source of truth for :Actor nodes can lead to inefficient query plans:

PREFIX : <urn:>

MAPPING :denormalized1
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    rdfs:label ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?year"^^xsd:integer ;
    :actor ?actor .

  ?actor a :Actor ;
    rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:movie:{movie_id}") AS ?movie)
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{actor_id}") AS ?actor)

With such a mapping, what should we expect from a simple query for an actor’s name?

SELECT * FROM <virtual://denormalized1> {
    ?s a :Actor ;
       rdfs:label ?name .
|      s      |        name         |
| urn:actor:1 | "Robin Wright"      |
| urn:actor:1 | "Robin Wright Penn" |
| urn:actor:1 | "Robin Wright"      |
| urn:actor:1 | "Robin Wright Penn" |
From <virtual://denormalized1>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://denormalized1> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(actor_id=[$3], name=[$4])
+─      LogicalJoin(condition=[=($3, $9)], joinType=[inner])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `Roles`.`actor_id`, `Roles`.`name`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Roles`
+─    INNER JOIN `examples`.`Roles` AS `Roles0` ON `Roles`.`actor_id` = `Roles0`.`actor_id`
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{actor_id/0})
+─    ?name <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string

This plan and its results are doubly bad. There is a join because we’re querying for information on actors from a table where actor_id is not unique. Further, the actor has different names for different roles.

In this scenario, we should recognize that the Actor name does not belong to the actor but rather to the relationship between the actor and the movie. For this example we’ll model that by promoting the actor/movie relationship to its own Role node, though a valid alternative would be to map the actor name as an edge property. The mapping looks like this:

PREFIX : <urn:>
MAPPING :denormalized2
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    rdfs:label ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?year"^^xsd:integer .

  ?role a :Role ;
    :movie ?movie ;
    :character ?char_name ;
    :actor ?actor ;
    :creditedAs ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:role:{movie_id}_{actor_id}") AS ?role)
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:movie:{movie_id}") AS ?movie)
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{actor_id}") AS ?actor)

The query becomes:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://denormalized2> {
    [] a :Role ;
        :actor ?actor ;
        :creditedAs ?name .
From <virtual://denormalized2>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://denormalized2> [#2] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(actor_id=[$3], name=[$4])
+─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `actor_id`, `name`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Roles`
+─ Vars=
+─    ?actor <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{actor_id/0})
+─    ?name <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string

The join is eliminated because we’re querying the role (which is mapped to the unique movie_id, actor_id pair of fields).

The query is more efficient but it still returns two names for the same actor:

|    actor    |        name         |
| urn:actor:1 | "Robin Wright"      |
| urn:actor:1 | "Robin Wright Penn" |

Ideally there is another Actors table that contains the actor’s preferred name. Unfortunately, we’re often in a position where all we have access to is denormalized data in a lake or warehouse despite the data existing in normalized form elsewhere in the enterprise. This needs to change. If possible include the normalized tables in the lake or warehouse as well.

When you have no alternative you may be tempted to create a mapping that uses a SQL query to renormalize the table:

MAPPING :antipattern
  SELECT t1.actor_id AS id, name
  FROM Roles AS t1
  JOIN (
    -- year is a reserved word in Stardog's parser so quoting
    SELECT actor_id, max("year") AS maxyear
    FROM Roles
    GROUP BY actor_id) AS t2
  ON t1.actor_id = t2.actor_id AND t1."year" = t2.maxyear
TO {
  ?actor a :Actor ;
    rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{id}") AS ?actor)

This works in a pinch, but it leads to inefficient plans:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://denormalized2> {
    ?s a :Actor ;
       rdfs:label ?name .
From <virtual://denormalized2>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://denormalized2> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0], name=[$1])
+─      LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $2)], joinType=[inner])
+─        LogicalProject(id=[$3], name=[$4])
+─          LogicalJoin(condition=[AND(=($3, $6), =($2, $7))], joinType=[inner])
+─            JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
+─            LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], maxyear=[MAX($1)])
+─              LogicalProject(actor_id=[$3], year=[$2])
+─                JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
+─        LogicalProject(id=[$3], name=[$4])
+─          LogicalJoin(condition=[AND(=($3, $6), =($2, $7))], joinType=[inner])
+─            JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
+─            LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], maxyear=[MAX($1)])
+─              LogicalProject(actor_id=[$3], year=[$2])
+─                JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `t1`.`id`, `t1`.`name`
+─    FROM (SELECT `Roles`.`actor_id` AS `id`, `Roles`.`name`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Roles`
+─    INNER JOIN (SELECT `actor_id`, MAX(`year`) AS `maxyear`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Roles` AS `Roles0`
+─    GROUP BY `actor_id`) AS `t0` ON `Roles`.`actor_id` = `t0`.`actor_id` AND `Roles`.`year` = `t0`.`maxyear`) AS `t1`
+─    INNER JOIN (SELECT `Roles1`.`actor_id` AS `id`, `Roles1`.`name`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Roles` AS `Roles1`
+─    INNER JOIN (SELECT `actor_id`, MAX(`year`) AS `maxyear`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Roles` AS `Roles2`
+─    GROUP BY `actor_id`) AS `t3` ON `Roles1`.`actor_id` = `t3`.`actor_id` AND `Roles1`.`year` = `t3`.`maxyear`) AS `t4` ON `t1`.`id` = `t4`.`id`
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})
+─    ?name <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string
|      s      |        name         |
| urn:actor:1 | "Robin Wright Penn" |

If you have mappings like this, consider materializing the results to a Stardog database or creating a cache for the virtual graph.

When mapping to a denormalized table, create a node mapped to a template built with the keys of the row and treat the non-key columns as properties of that node. Resist the urge to treat denormalized tables as an authoritative source of nodes with IRIs built from non-key fields.

See this blog post for a more detailed discussion of mapping denormalized data.

Map rdf:type Conservatively

Notice in the last example that there was no mapping for rdf:type :Actor. This is because of an assumption that there is another mapping to a normalized Actors table:

                    name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id));

INSERT INTO Actors VALUES(1, 'Robin Wright');
INSERT INTO Actors VALUES(2, 'Tom Hanks');

First, let’s create a mappings file where the ?actor a :Actor triple pattern is defined in both the Roles and Actors mappings:

PREFIX : <urn:>

MAPPING :actor1_actors
  SELECT * FROM Actors
TO {
  ?actor a :Actor ;
    rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{id}") AS ?actor)


MAPPING :actors1_roles
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    rdfs:label ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?year"^^xsd:integer .

  ?role a :Role ;
    :movie ?movie ;
    :character ?char_name ;
    :actor ?actor ;
    :creditedAs ?name .

  # Do we really want the Roles table to be an authoritative source for Actors?
  ?actor a :Actor
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:role:{movie_id}_{actor_id}") AS ?role)
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:movie:{movie_id}") AS ?movie)
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{actor_id}") AS ?actor)

Do we get the expected result from a simple get-all-Actors query?

SELECT * FROM <virtual://actors1> {
    ?s a :Actor
|      s      |
| urn:actor:1 |
| urn:actor:2 |
| urn:actor:1 |
| urn:actor:1 |

Let’s look at the plan:

From <virtual://actors1>
Projection(?s) [#3]
`─ Union [#3]
   +─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://actors1> [#1] {
   │  +─ RelNode=
   │  +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
   │  +─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
   │  +─ Query=
   │  +─    SELECT `id`
   │  +─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
   │  +─ Vars=
   │  +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})
   │  }
   `─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://actors1> [#2] {
      +─ RelNode=
      +─    LogicalProject(actor_id=[$3])
      +─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Roles]])
      +─ Query=
      +─    SELECT `actor_id`
      +─    FROM `examples`.`Roles`
      +─ Vars=
      +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{actor_id/0})

The plan indicates a UNION of two virtual graphs. The first returns the actors defined by the Actors table and the second returns the actors referenced in the Movies table.

Is this correct? To answer we need to think in terms of meaning, authority, and redundancy. In our model, what is the source of truth for who is an Actor? If an actor appears in the Movies table but not in the Actors table, is it still an Actor? If the answer is ‘no’ then we should not include the ?actor rdf:type :Actor triple pattern in the mapping. Removing it eliminates the duplicate results and simplifies the query plan:

|      s      |
| urn:actor:1 |
| urn:actor:2 |
From <virtual://actors2>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://actors2> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
+─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `id`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})

Reserve rdf:type in mappings for those sources that represent the authoritative source of truth on what IRIs are what type.

Unique Predicates

In the last example we explored a case where we were able to eliminate a UNION with careful mapping. This and the following example illustrate other cases where avoidable UNIONS can be introduced. If we’re not careful, these various causes can combine with each other leading to a combinatorial explosion of UNIONS.

A common predicate (the middle term of an RDF triple) is rdfs:label. It’s handy because client applications like Stardog Explorer have built-in knowledge of this predicate, so we dutifully include a mapping to rdfs:label for every node we map.

The drawback to a common predicate is it is no longer selective. If all nodes have the same predicate, a query that attempts to match nodes with a particular value for that predicate will need to check all possible node types for that value.

Consider these tables and mapping:

                    title VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                    year  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id));

INSERT INTO Movies VALUES(1, 'The Princess Bride', 1987);
INSERT INTO Movies VALUES(2, 'Unbreakable',        2000);
INSERT INTO Movies VALUES(3, 'Forest Gump',        1994);

                    name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id));

INSERT INTO Actors VALUES(1, 'Robin Wright');
INSERT INTO Actors VALUES(2, 'Tom Hanks');
PREFIX : <urn:>
MAPPING :predicates-actors
  SELECT * FROM Actors
TO {
  ?actor a :Actor ;
    :name ?name ;
    rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{id}") AS ?actor)


MAPPING :predicates-movies
  SELECT * FROM Movies
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    :title ?title ;
    rdfs:label ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?year"^^xsd:integer .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:movie:{id}") AS ?movie)

A query to find the node with the rdfs:label “Tom Hanks” has to search both Actors and Movies.

    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks"
Projection(?s) [#2]
`─ Union [#2]
   +─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
   │  +─ RelNode=
   │  +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
   │  +─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
   │  +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
   │  +─ Query=
   │  +─    SELECT `id`
   │  +─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
   │  +─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
   │  +─ Vars=
   │  +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})
   │  }
   `─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
      +─ RelNode=
      +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
      +─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
      +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
      +─ Query=
      +─    SELECT `id`
      +─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
      +─    WHERE `title` = 'Tom Hanks'
      +─ Vars=
      +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:movie:{id/0})

A query on the more selective :name predicate needs to search only the Actors table:

    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s :name "Tom Hanks"
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
+─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `id`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})

When writing queries, favor selective predicates over common predicates.

Query rdf:type Liberally

If a more selective predicate is not available, adding constraints to the query can also make it more efficient. The following query adds the constraint that the result must be an :Actor, which eliminates the UNION from the plan as well:

    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s a :Actor ;
           rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
+─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `id`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})

In addition to using selective predicates, adding triple patterns with constant properties can make a query more selective.

Mutually Exclusive Templates

In the last example we had a query that scanned two tables because it was matching a predicate that appeared in the mappings for both tables. We resolved it by matching on a more selective predicate, but we also saw that we could change the query to include a triple pattern to select the nodes of type :Actor. Recall the query:

    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s a :Actor .
        ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
+─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `id`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})

This worked because Stardog was able to rule out the Movies table because its id field is mapped to an IRI with an urn:movie: prefix while the ?s a :Actor triple pattern matched only IRIs that have an urn:actor: prefix. Since no IRI can begin with both strings, Stardog eliminated the UNION to the Actors table.

If the :Actor and :Movie IRIs were mapped to templates with a common prefix, things would be different:

PREFIX : <urn:>
MAPPING :templates-actors
  SELECT * FROM Actors
TO {
  ?actor a :Actor ;
    :name ?name ;
    rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:node:{id}") AS ?actor)


MAPPING :templates-movies
  SELECT * FROM Movies
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    :title ?title ;
    rdfs:label ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?year"^^xsd:integer .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:node:{id}") AS ?movie)
    GRAPH <virtual://templates> {
        ?s a :Actor .
        ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
Projection(?s) [#2]
`─ Union [#2]
   +─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://templates> [#1] {
   │  +─ RelNode=
   │  +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
   │  +─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
   │  +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
   │  +─ Query=
   │  +─    SELECT `id`
   │  +─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
   │  +─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
   │  +─ Vars=
   │  +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:node:{id/0})
   │  }
   `─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://templates> [#1] {
      +─ RelNode=
      +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
      +─      LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $2)], joinType=[inner])
      +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
      +─        LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
      +─          JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
      +─ Query=
      +─    SELECT `Actors`.`id`
      +─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
      +─    INNER JOIN (SELECT *
      +─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
      +─    WHERE `title` = 'Tom Hanks') AS `t` ON `Actors`.`id` = `t`.`id`
      +─ Vars=
      +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:node:{id/0})

For two mappings to be mutually exclusive they must contain conflicting text in either their prefix or suffix. A template urn:{big} could match urn:actor:{small}:imdb if say, big contained actor:1:imdb and small contained 1. In a simple query Stardog will refuse to match these as a performance optimization, but in the case of service joins, where we join data from two different virtual graphs, or in cases where we join local (materialized) data with virtual data, Stardog cannot avoid attempting that match.

If two tables should not create the same IRI, do not rely on the mapped columns having non-overlapping values. Create mutually exclusive templates so that Stardog can know that these IRIs are guaranteed not to match.

Query Inputs and Outputs

In the Unique Predicates section we explored how querying for nodes with an unselective predicate such as rdfs:label can lead to poor performance. However, we also have a requirement to have an rdfs:label mapping for client tools like Stardog Explorer. How do we satisfy both needs? The key is to think in terms of virtual graph inputs and outputs.

Going back to the tables and mappings from the Unique Predicates section:

                    title VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                    year  VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id));

INSERT INTO Movies VALUES(1, 'The Princess Bride', 1987);
INSERT INTO Movies VALUES(2, 'Unbreakable',        2000);
INSERT INTO Movies VALUES(3, 'Forest Gump',        1994);

                    name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id));

INSERT INTO Actors VALUES(1, 'Robin Wright');
INSERT INTO Actors VALUES(2, 'Tom Hanks');
PREFIX : <urn:>
MAPPING :predicates-actors
  SELECT * FROM Actors
TO {
  ?actor a :Actor ;
    :name ?name ;
    rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{id}") AS ?actor)


MAPPING :predicates-movies
  SELECT * FROM Movies
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    :title ?title ;
    rdfs:label ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?year"^^xsd:integer .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:movie:{id}") AS ?movie)

Recall the query from that section:

    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks"

For this query the plan was:

Projection(?s) [#2]
`─ Union [#2]
   +─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
   │  +─ RelNode=
   │  +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
   │  +─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
   │  +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
   │  +─ Query=
   │  +─    SELECT `id`
   │  +─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
   │  +─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
   │  +─ Vars=
   │  +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})
   │  }
   `─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
      +─ RelNode=
      +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
      +─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
      +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
      +─ Query=
      +─    SELECT `id`
      +─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
      +─    WHERE `title` = 'Tom Hanks'
      +─ Vars=
      +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:movie:{id/0})

There is one SQL query for each mapping of the rdfs:label predicate (those mappings are the triple patterns ?movie rdfs:label ?title and ?actor rdfs:label ?name). For each of those triple patterns the constant Tom Hanks was bound to the object of the triple pattern while the subject was bound to the variable ?s.

In this example, the constant Tom Hanks is an input and the variable ?s is an output. Stardog must look in every table that maps the object of an rdfs:label triple pattern to a variable and constrain that variable to the constant:

FROM `examples`.`Actors`
WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'


FROM `examples`.`Movies`
WHERE `title` = 'Tom Hanks'

This can be inefficient if we only want actors, so in the prior example we queried on the more selective :name instead of the more general rdfs:label:

    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s :name "Tom Hanks"

If we need rdfs:label we bind its object to a variable while binding the object of :name to a constant:

    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s :name "Tom Hanks" ;
            rdfs:label ?label .

Because we’re looking up the subject ?s by :name we avoid the UNION in the plan:

VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
+─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT *
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})
+─    ?label <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string

When writing queries, whenever possible, bind constants to selective or unique properties (making then inputs to the virtual graph) and variables to properties that are common to many node types (making those variables outputs).

SQL Functions and Query Outputs

Suppose we would like to compose an rdfs:label by combining multiple fields. It is common for movies to be remade and released with the same title. A nice way to tell them apart would be to include the year of release in the label. Such a field can be created using an expression in the SQL query:

Remakes table:

                     title        VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
                     release_year INTEGER     NOT NULL,
                     PRIMARY KEY (id),
                     KEY (title, release_year));

INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(1, '3:10 to Yuma', 1957);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(2, '3:10 to Yuma', 2007);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(3, 'A Star Is Born', 1937);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(4, 'A Star Is Born', 1976);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(5, 'A Star Is Born', 2018);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(6, 'Ocean''s Eleven', 1960);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(7, 'Ocean''s Eleven', 2001);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(8, 'True Grit', 1969);
INSERT INTO Remakes VALUES(9, 'True Grit', 2010);


PREFIX : <urn:>
MAPPING :remakes
  -- Mixing * and specific fields is non-standard SQL but the Stardog SQL parser supports it
  SELECT *, title || ' (' || release_year || ')' AS label FROM Remakes
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    :title ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?release_year"^^xsd:integer ;
    rdfs:label ?label .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:movie:{id}") AS ?movie)

The index (key) on the title and release_year fields is included to illustrate the efficiency of three different queries. The first query selects the node of interest by its IRI and is the most efficient:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://remakes> {
        :title ?title ;
        :releaseYear ?year ;
        rdfs:label ?label .

The plan for this is:

From <virtual://remakes>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://remakes> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(title=[$1], release_year=[$2], label=[||(||(||($1, ' ('), CAST($2):VARCHAR NOT NULL), ')')])
+─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($0, 5)])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Remakes]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `title`, `release_year`, CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(`title`, ' ('), CAST(`release_year` AS CHAR)), ')') AS `label`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Remakes`
+─    WHERE `id` = 5
+─ Vars=
+─    ?title <- COLUMN($0)^^xsd:string
+─    ?year <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:integer
+─    ?label <- COLUMN($2)^^xsd:string

Note that the expression for creating the label field is in the projection (select clause) but not the filter (where clause). The ?label variable is serving as an output variable in this query.

Since the id field is a primary key, the backing database should execute this as efficiently as possible. This is the query plan from MySQL:

Query plan when searching by primary key

Whether selecting on other fields is efficient depends on how those fields are mapped and indexed by the backing database. This second query selects by title and year and is efficient because these fields are defined as a secondary key, which is equivalent to creating an index on these fields.

SELECT * FROM <virtual://remakes> {
    ?movie a :Movie ;
        :title "A Star is Born" ;
        :releaseYear 2018 ;
        rdfs:label ?label .

The plan is little changed, with the filter on id replaced with a filter on title and release_year. ($0, $1, and $2 are zero-based column numbers for the Remakes table).

From <virtual://remakes>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://remakes> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0], label=[||(||(||($1, ' ('), CAST($2):VARCHAR NOT NULL), ')')])
+─      LogicalFilter(condition=[AND(=($1, 'A Star is Born'), =($2, 2018))])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Remakes]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `id`, CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(`title`, ' ('), CAST(`release_year` AS CHAR)), ')') AS `label`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Remakes`
+─    WHERE `title` = 'A Star is Born' AND `release_year` = 2018
+─ Vars=
+─    ?movie <- TEMPLATE(urn:movie:{id/0})
+─    ?label <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string

Whether this SQL query is efficient depends on whether there is an index on the backing table for one or more of the fields in the filter. In this case there is so the database will perform an index scan. If the fields were not indexed the database would be forced to fallback to a table scan.

Query plan when searching by a secondary key

The final query selects on rdfs:label, which is mapped to an expression:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://remakes> {
    ?movie a :Movie ;
        :title ?title ;
        :releaseYear ?year ;
        rdfs:label "A Star Is Born (2018)" .
From <virtual://remakes>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://remakes> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalFilter(condition=[=(||(||(||($1, ' ('), CAST($2):VARCHAR NOT NULL), ')'), 'A Star Is Born (2018)')])
+─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Remakes]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT *
+─    FROM `examples`.`Remakes`
+─    WHERE CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(`title`, ' ('), CAST(`release_year` AS CHAR)), ')') = 'A Star Is Born (2018)'
+─ Vars=
+─    ?movie <- TEMPLATE(urn:movie:{id/0})
+─    ?title <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string
+─    ?year <- COLUMN($2)^^xsd:integer

Notice in this plan the expression has moved from the projection to the filter, reflecting the fact that the ?label mapping variable is serving as an input in this query.

This is inefficient. The backing database must evaluate the expression for each row of the Remakes table and compare the result to the string constant.

Query plan when searching by the result of an expression

Use expressions in SQL queries judiciously and in cases where they are required, avoid queries that match on their output.


As we explored in the last example, similar queries against the same virtual graph can perform very differently. In this final section we look at the effect of using FROM versus FROM NAMED.

Datasets and Local Graphs

Before considering virtual graphs, compare these two SPARQL queries that vary only by their dataset.

Start with these graphs:

    GRAPH :g1 {
        :a :knows :b, :d .
        :b :knows :c .
    GRAPH :g2 {
        :d :knows :c .

Both of the following queries will search for a mutual acquaintance of :a and :c. The first queries the RDF merge of graphs :g1 and :g2:

SELECT * FROM :g1 FROM :g2 {
    :a :knows ?mutual .
    ?mutual :knows :c .

This identifies both nodes :b and :d:

| mutual |
| :b     |
| :d     |

This second queries the same two graphs separately:

    GRAPH ?g {
        :a :knows ?mutual .
        ?mutual :knows :c .

It finds the mutual friend :b in graph :g1 but not node :d:

|   g   | mutual |
| :g1   | :b     |

The distinction here is that finding node :d required satisfying the :a :knows ?mutual triple pattern in graph :g1 and the ?mutual :knows :c triple pattern in graph :g2. The FROM NAMED query doesn’t allow that. (What would be the value of ?g for such a solution?)

Datasets and Virtual Graphs

The FROM clause creates a merged graph allowing us to query multiple virtual graphs as through they were one graph. While powerful, this can be quite expensive when used with virtual graphs. If graphs :g1 and :g2 were virtual graphs over distinct data sources (maybe one being Databricks and the other Oracle), Stardog needs to account for four possibilities – both triple patterns satisfied by :g1, both by :g2, the first by :g1, second by :g2, and the first by :g2, second by :g1.

For the following virtual graph example we’ll continue to use the Actors and Movies tables that we defined in the Unique Predicates section and we’ll create a separate virtual graph for each one.

Mapping 1:

PREFIX : <urn:>
MAPPING :datasets1
  SELECT * FROM Actors
TO {
  ?actor a :Actor ;
    :name ?name ;
    rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:node:{id}") AS ?actor)

Mapping 2:

PREFIX : <urn:>
MAPPING :datasets2
  SELECT * FROM Movies
TO {
  ?movie a :Movie ;
    :title ?title ;
    rdfs:label ?title ;
    :releaseYear "?year"^^xsd:integer .
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:node:{id}") AS ?movie)

This query can only be satisfied by the first virtual graph, dataset1:

    GRAPH <virtual://datasets1> {
        ?s a :Actor .
        ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://datasets1> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
+─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `id`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:node:{id/0})
|     s      |
| urn:node:2 |

The plan for the same query over dataset2 is empty:

    GRAPH <virtual://datasets2> {
        ?s a :Actor .
        ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
Empty [#1]
|   s   |

A query over both virtual graphs that uses the FROM NAMED clause will be just as selective as the query against just the one virtual graph:

SELECT * FROM NAMED <virtual://datasets1> FROM NAMED <virtual://datasets2> {
    GRAPH ?g {
        ?s a :Actor .
        ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
From named <virtual://datasets1>
From named <virtual://datasets2>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://datasets1> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
+─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `id`
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
+─ Vars=
+─    ?g <- CONSTANT(virtual://datasets1)
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:node:{id/0})
|          g          |     s      |
| virtual://datasets1 | urn:node:2 |

The plan becomes more complex when both virtual graphs are included in the default dataset:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://datasets1> FROM <virtual://datasets2> {
    ?s a :Actor .
    ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
From <virtual://datasets1>
From <virtual://datasets2>
Projection(?s) [#2]
`─ ServiceJoin [#2]
   +─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://datasets1> [#2] {
   │  +─ RelNode=
   │  +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
   │  +─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
   │  +─ Query=
   │  +─    SELECT `id`
   │  +─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
   │  +─ Vars=
   │  +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:node:{id/0})
   │  }
   `─ Union [#2]
      +─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://datasets1> [#1] {
      │  +─ RelNode=
      │  +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
      │  +─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
      │  +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
      │  +─ Query=
      │  +─    SELECT `id`
      │  +─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
      │  +─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks'
      │  +─ Vars=
      │  +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:node:{id/0})
      │  }
      `─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://datasets2> [#1] {
         +─ RelNode=
         +─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
         +─      LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
         +─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
         +─ Query=
         +─    SELECT `id`
         +─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
         +─    WHERE `title` = 'Tom Hanks'
         +─ Vars=
         +─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:node:{id/0})
|     s      |
| urn:node:2 |

Unique Predicates, Revisited

In the section, Query rdf:type Liberally, adding the rdf:type triple pattern to the query was sufficient to eliminate the Movies table from the plan, yet this query includes the :Actor constraint and yet the plan queries the Movies table. The reason is because of the RDF merge of the graphs that occurs when querying the default dataset, as described at the beginning of this section.

There is no rule that says an IRI cannot be both an :Actor and a :Movie. In fact, with these mappings, :node:2 is both an :Actor and a :Movie:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://datasets1> FROM <virtual://datasets2> {
    :node:2 a ?type .
|  type  |
| :Actor |
| :Movie |

Was this intended? Reviewing the mappings, there are these two templates:

  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:node:{id}") AS ?actor)
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:node:{id}") AS ?movie)

All that is required for an IRI to be both an :Actor and a :Movie is for the Actors and Movies to have a common value for the id field. To distinguish them, we need to make the templates incompatible:

Excerpts from the revised mapping 1 and mapping 2:

  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:actor:{id}") AS ?actor)
  BIND(TEMPLATE("urn:movie:{id}") AS ?movie)

Once again, adding the rdf:type constraint simplifies the query:

SELECT * FROM <virtual://datasets1> FROM <virtual://datasets2> {
    ?s a :Actor .
    ?s rdfs:label "Tom Hanks" .
From <virtual://datasets1>
From <virtual://datasets2>
VirtualGraphSql<virtual://datasets1> [#1] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalProject(id=[$0])
+─      LogicalJoin(condition=[=($0, $2)], joinType=[inner])
+─        LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 'Tom Hanks')])
+─          JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─        JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Actors]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT `t`.`id`
+─    FROM (SELECT *
+─    FROM `examples`.`Actors`
+─    WHERE `name` = 'Tom Hanks') AS `t`
+─    INNER JOIN `examples`.`Actors` AS `Actors0` ON `t`.`id` = `Actors0`.`id`
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:actor:{id/0})

Areas for Improvement

This brings us to an area where Stardog can improve.

The last query plan has a join on =($0, $2) which is a self-join on the column. is a primary key, so this join should be eliminated, as describe in the Unique Keys section but it is not yet supported in this Virtual Transparency context. If the unique key was defined as a database constraint (rather than via the unique.key.sets data source option), then it’s possible the backing database will eliminate this join on its own, depending on its capabilities.

This shortcoming occurs only when querying over the default dataset, so extra care is warranted when working with these types of queries.

Federations of Virtual Graphs

Virtual Graphs are often queried in conjunction with data residing in local databases or even in other Virtual Graphs. While the previous optimizations focus on querying a single Virtual Graph, we now want to discuss ways to improve query performance for multiple Virtual Graphs and local databases.

Cardinality Estimation for Virtual Graphs

Accurate cardinality estimations are essential for the Stardog query optimizer to determine efficient join orders and select appropriate physical operators. Yet, cardinality estimations for Virtual Graphs are challenging due to the large variety of (SQL) dialects and the dependence on the statistics available at the data source. As a result, it is not always possible to estimate the cardinality of Virtual Graph patterns accurately. Stardog provides features to improve and fine-tune cardinality estimations for Virtual Graphs in these types of situations.


The Stardog query optimizer provides a prefetching feature for Virtual Graphs. With this feature enabled, Stardog will prefetch a subset of the data from the Virtual Graphs before executing a query plan. This helps to avoid sub-optimal query plans caused by gross underestimations of the number of solutions produced by Virtual Graphs.

Prefetching for Virtual Graphs can be enabled using the service.prefetch.threshold database configuration. The threshold value defines the maximum estimated cardinality for a Virtual Graph pattern below which data will be prefetched. For example, if we set service.prefetch.threshold = 1000, Stardog will prefetch data for all Virtual Graph patterns whose cardinality is estimated below 1000. By default, Stardog will prefetch at most 10000 solution mappings from the Virtual Graph. If this limit is not reached, the retrieved solutions mappings are materialized and kept for query execution. The cardinality of the corresponding Virtual Graph pattern is set to the number of prefetched solutions. If the prefetching limit is exceeded, the prefetching process is stopped and the cardinality of the Virtual Graph pattern is updated accordingly. The default prefetch limit value can be overridden using the service.prefetch.limit query hint in the preamble of the query.

As a simple example, consider the tables and the mapping about actors and movies. Let’s take a look at a query that retrieves the titles of all movies.

SELECT ?title {
    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s :title ?title .

The corresponding query plan looks as follows:

VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#3] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalSort(fetch=[1000])
+─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT *
+─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
+─    LIMIT 1000
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:movie:{id/0})
+─    ?name <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string
} [#3]

Executing the query returns the following results:

|        title         |
| "The Princess Bride" |
| "Unbreakable"        |
| "Forest Gump"        |

We can see that the Virtual Graph pattern is estimated to return [#3] solution mappings and the query actually return 3 results. Next, to see how prefetching works, we set the database configuration service.prefetch.threshold = 1000. For Virtual Graph patterns which have a cardinality estimation lower than 1000, Stardog will prefetch up to 10000 solution mappings to determine whether the pattern is actually as selective as estimated. Let’s inspect the query plan again after updating the database configuration, we get the following plan:

VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#3] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalSort(fetch=[1000])
+─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT *
+─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
+─    LIMIT 1000
+─ Vars=
+─    ?s <- TEMPLATE(urn:movie:{id/0})
+─    ?name <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string
} [#3], materialized

Note the additional materialized after the cardinality estimation value [#3] for the Virtual Graph pattern. This indicates that the solution mappings from the Virtual Graph have been prefetched and materialized during query planning. Prefetching is triggered in this example because the cardinality estimation of 3 is below the service.prefetch.threshold value and because the Virtual Graph pattern returns 3 solution mappings, its cardinality estimation is set accordingly.

The query plan cache might interfere with the query plans returned after updating the service.prefetch.threshold configuration. In this case, the database can be set offline and then online again. Alternatively, by adding the #pragma plan.cache off query hint the plan cache can be bypassed.

Setting service.prefetch.threshold = 2147483647 enforces prefetching for all Virtual Graph patterns, regardless of the cardinality estimation.

Finally, let’s assume, we want to prefetch fewer than 10000 solution mappings. We can do so by adding the service.prefetch.limit hint:

#pragma service.prefetch.limit 2
SELECT ?title {
    GRAPH <virtual://predicates> {
        ?s :title ?title .

In the query above, we indicate that at most 2 solution mappings should be prefetched. Let’s take a look at the query plan:

#pragma service.prefetch.limit=2
`─ VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#2.0K] {
   +─ RelNode=
   +─    LogicalSort(fetch=[1000])
   +─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
   +─ Query=
   +─    SELECT *
   +─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
   +─    LIMIT 1000
   +─ Vars=
   +─    ?title <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string
   } [#2.0K]

In contrast to the previous plans, we now see that the cardinality for the Virtual Graph pattern has been set to [#2.0K]. This is expected: the Virtual Graph pattern produces 3 solution mappings (as we have seen before) and therefore, we expect the prefetching to be canceled and the cardinality of the pattern to be set to a high value.

The service.prefetch.limit hint only applies to prefetching during query optimization but does not limit the number of results when executing the query.

In summary, the prefetching feature can help the Stardog optimizer determine whether Virtual Graphs patterns are as selective as they are estimated. The service.prefetch.threshold value specifies for which patterns data should be prefetched and with the service.prefetch.limit query hint, the number of solutions mappings that are prefetched can be specified. Therefore, the feature can be beneficial in case the cardinalities for certain Virtual Graphs are consistently underestimated which negatively affects the join order in the resulting query plans.

Query Hints

In addition, the cardinality query hint feature allows users to explicitly set the cardinality of Virtual Graph patterns to the Stardog optimizer. For example, we can use the hint to indicate that there are 123 movie titles in the Virtual Graph:

SELECT ?title {
    GRAPH <virtual://movies> {
        #pragma cardinality 123
        ?s :title ?title .

This results in the following query plan.

VirtualGraphSql<virtual://predicates> [#123] {
+─ RelNode=
+─    LogicalSort(fetch=[1000])
+─      JdbcTableScan(table=[[examples, Movies]])
+─ Query=
+─    SELECT *
+─    FROM `examples`.`Movies`
+─    LIMIT 1000
+─ Vars=
+─    ?title <- COLUMN($1)^^xsd:string
} [#123]

Mapping Templates

In addition to cardinality estimations, determining the minimum set of sources that contribute to the final results of a query is an important task. Mapping templates can support this task and improve the performance in the presence of Virtual Graphs. In environments where local databases are queried in conjunction with Virtual Graphs using Virtual Transparency, this can be achieved by setting the database configurations for local.iri.template. This configuration allows for specifying a set of IRI templates that define the form of IRIs for subjects in a database that are present (includes) or which are not present (excludes). Hence, it can help to obtain more efficient query decompositions that reduce the number of Virtual Graphs and local databases that need to be queried when Virtual Transparency is enabled.