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Stardog’s security model is based on standard role-based access control: users have permissions over resources during sessions; permissions can be grouped into roles; and roles can be assigned to users. Read more about permissions in Stardog.

The table below contains the CLI commands to administer users in Stardog. Select any of the commands to view their manual page.

Command Description
user add Adds a new user.
user addrole Assigns a role to a user.
user disable Disables a user so that the username can no longer be used to login.
user enable Enables a user so that the username can be used for login.
user grant Grants a user permission to perform a specific action against a resource within Stardog.
user list Lists all users.
user passwd Changes user password.
user permission List a user’s permissions
user remove Removes a user.
user removerole Removes a role from a user.
user revoke Revoke a permission held by a user.